
  • 网络non-listed public company;unlisted public company
  1. 议代理非上市公众公司股份转让行为

    On Agent Behavior of Share Transfer in Non-listed Public Company

  2. 而另一方面,民间澎湃的投资热情和非上市公众公司股东转让股权的现实需要都急需一个满足的渠道。

    On the other hand , private investment surging enthusiasm and non-listed public company shareholders transferring their ownership in urgent need a channel .

  3. 特别在当前全国性OTC市场(非上市公众公司股权交易市场)的建设已成为国家资本市场下一步发展目标的背景下,准入制度的探索就更具有现实意义。

    Specially under the background that the construction of National OTC Market ( Non-listed companies ' stock exchange market ) has become the next development target of national capital market , the study on access system has the more practical significance .

  4. 第二部分首先指出了我国公司股票场外IPO和非上市公众公司新股发行信息披露标准的缺失,然后集中评述了我国代办股份转让系统这一主要场外交易市场的持续披露规则。

    Part two argues that there lacks a disclosure standard for the IPO of unlisted securities and Secondary Public Offerings by unlisted public companies , then gives comments on the continuous disclosure regime of the Stock Transfer Agent System , which is the principle OTC market in China .

  5. 第一章主要对非上市公众公司及信息披露的相关概念进行解析。

    Part one analyzes the concept of unlisted public company .

  6. 非上市公众公司信息披露制度及其完善

    A Study on the Chinese Securities ' Disclosure Regime for Unlisted Public Companies and Its Improvement

  7. 完善的信息披露制度是证券场外交易市场与非上市公众公司发展的基本前提。

    The advanced disclosure regime is the foundation for the development of the OTC markets and the unlisted public companies .

  8. 而随着上海国际金融中心的建设,上海非上市公众公司股份转让市场的建立也被纳入了日程。

    With the construction of Shanghai international hub , the establishment of the non-listed companies stock transfer market has also been put into agenda .

  9. 2008年3月17日,国务院批准在天津滨海新区设立非上市公众公司股权交易市场。

    On March 17 , 2008 , the State Council approved the establishment of non-listed public company equity market in Tianjin Binhai New Area .

  10. 目前,全国各地也纷纷在做相关的尝试,2008年3月17日,国务院批准在天津滨海新区设立非上市公众公司股权交易市场。

    Many cities of China are all making the relevant efforts . On March 17th , 2008 , State Council approved to establish OTC market in Tianjin Binhai New Area .

  11. 非上市公众公司是指那些向不特定公众公开发行股票,或者股东超过200人,且股票未在证券交易所挂牌公开交易的股份有限公司。

    Non-listed public companies are those limited companies which openly offer stock to non-specific public or have more than 200 shareholders , and the stock is not publicly traded at the Stock Exchange .

  12. 本章从经济学和法学角度探究了我国非上市公众公司股票交易市场法律监管制度产生和构建所依赖的经济学和法学理论基础。

    The chapter explores construction of the legal and regulatory system of non-listed public companies ' Stock market which depends on the theory of economics and legal from the perspective of economics and law .

  13. 非上市公众公司股权交易市场是我国多层次资本市场的重要组成部分,其交易制度的设计在整个市场的制度体系中占据重要地位。

    Non-listed public company equity trading market is an important part of the multi-level capital market in China . The design of its trading system plays an important role in the entire market system .

  14. 非上市公众公司股权转让制度的理论基础是这类公司在法律上的资合性以及公众性、经济学关于公司契约的不完全性以及安全、效率和公平价值的协调统一性。

    The theoretical basis of the definition of non-listed public corporation and improving non-listed public company share transfer system is capital joining of such corporations in law and incompleteness of contract as well as the harmony of security 、 efficiency and justice in economics .

  15. 通过第四章监管不足的分析,借鉴第三章海外先进立法经验,就完善我国非上市公众公司股票交易市场法律监管制度提出对策。

    By the analysis of inadequate supervision in chapter IV , drawing on advanced foreign legislative experience in chapter III , and then try our best to improve the shortcomings and deficiencies of stock market and regulatory system about non-listed public companies in China .