
jì shù mì jí xínɡ qǐ yè
  • technology-intensive enterprise
  1. 在开放式创新环境下,技术密集型企业的能力将沿着仿制能力-创造性模仿能力-自主创新能力-协同创新能力的轨迹演化发展。

    Under the open innovation environment , the technology-intensive enterprise capability will be along with the evolution of " imitation capability , creative imitation capability , independent innovation , cooperative innovation capability " .

  2. 另外,当今我国各行业中有涉及局部EAP或者已经展开整套EAP项目的多为知识和技术密集型企业,对于零售行业展开压力情况调查与EAP需求调查基本空白。

    It enriches the localization research of EAP inland . In addition , most of the corporations which carried complete or partial EAP in China are intelligence or technology intensive industry , as for retail industry is basic blank .

  3. 技术密集型企业被认为是最适合开放式创新的企业。

    Technology-intensive enterprises are considered the most suitable for open innovation .

  4. 发展劳动密集型企业与发展资本、技术密集型企业辩证结合;

    The development of labor-intensive enterprises with that of capital-intensive and technology-intensive enterprises ;

  5. 油田企业是技术密集型企业,需要大量的专业技术人才。

    As petroleum enterprises are technology-intensive , large numbers of professional and technical talents are needed .

  6. 已经完成体制改革的科研院所(以下简称转制科研院所)属于技术密集型企业,技术创新是其核心竞争力。

    System-transformed scientific research institution is a technology-oriented enterprise ; technology innovation is its core competence .

  7. 其中尤其以汽车生产相关行业为代表地大量生产型技术密集型企业在精益生产方式的指导下,更是得到了长足的进步。

    Especially for some technology-intensive industry represented by automotive industry , the improvement is rapid directed by Lean Production .

  8. 随着我国经济结构的变化调整,技术密集型企业近些年来以其技术含量高,产品利润大的特点得到了快速地发展。

    With the change of economic structure in our country , technology-intensive industry developed quickly because of its high-tech and high profit .

  9. 石油企业是资金密集、技术密集型企业,这个特点决定了技术创新在石油工业发展中的重要作用。

    Oil industry is a capitally and technologically intensive enterprise . The characteristic determines the important role the technical innovation plays in the development of oil industry .

  10. 这只新基金的目标领域之一将是汽车、环境、清洁能源以及航空领域的技术密集型企业。

    One target area for the new fund will be technology-intensive companies in the auto industry , the environmental and clean energy sector , and in aerospace .

  11. 电网企业是典型的技术密集型企业,科技进步和技术创新对电网安全稳定和经济运行具有特别重要的作用。

    The Power Grid enterprises are typical knowledge intensive enterprises , and science progress and technology innovation are crucial to the safety and economic operation of power grids .

  12. 本文不但探究了开放式创新模式对技术密集型企业创新能力的影响,还分析了这种影响是如何产生,以及开放式创新模式下技术密集型企业创新能力演化的轨迹。

    This dissertation not only explored the open innovation model for technology intensive enterprise innovation ability , also analyzed the impact of this is how to produce , as well as the evolution of technology-intensive enterprises innovation capability .

  13. 这一点可以从近几十年来世界500强企业的名单反映出来,劳动密集型和资本密集型企业都风光不再,而技术密集型企业则大量涌现,成为经济全球化时代叱咤风云的知名企业。

    This can be reflected in the list of the world TOP 500 enterprises recent years . Labor-intensive and capital-intensive enterprises have passed their prime , while technology-intensive enterprises are in large numbers in the list and become the dominant force in the era of economic globalization .

  14. 火力发电企业是资产密集、设备密集和技术密集型企业,随着我国电力市场化改革的进程,发电企业从传统的计划管理模式已经向市场经营模式进行了转变。

    Thermal power business enterprises are high property intensive , equipments intensive and technique intensive , along with the progressing of electric power market reformation in our country , the thermal power business enterprises have already proceeded the change from the traditional planning management to the market .

  15. 通信企业作为资金密集型和技术密集型的企业,所实施的许多项目都是复杂、艰巨的系统工程,涉及到计划、范围、进度、质量、投资和采购等多方面的管理工作。

    As a fund concentrated and technique concentrated enterprise , many projects carried out by communication enterprise are complex and arduous system engineering , including several facets management such as plan , range , schedule , quality , investment and stock .

  16. 作为典型的技术密集型产业,企业技术升级能力的重要性在装备制造业发展中日益凸显。

    As the typical industry of technological concentrating ; technological innovation capability becomes more and more important in the equipment manufacturing .

  17. 中铁电气化局集团有限公司(以下简称中铁电气化局)是以铁路工程建设为主的大型技术密集型综合集团企业。

    The China Railway Electrification Bureau Group ( CREG ) Co. , Ltd is a large-sized technology-intensive Integrated business enterprise with railway construction as its main business .

  18. 当前是全球化和高科技化的信息时代,作为技术密集型的IT企业,是以创新为核心的知识型企业,员工所掌握的高端知识和技能,及高的工作效率是企业保持竞争力的关键因素。

    In the current globalization and high-tech information age , the technology - intensive IT enterprises are knowledge-based enterprises based on innovation . Employees have the knowledge and skills of the high-end and high efficiency is the key factor to remain competition in the world .

  19. 摘要作为资本技术密集型的中国电信企业,在应对全球化的挑战时,人力资源应为重中之重。

    With the intensive capital and technology , the Chinese telecom enterprise must take the human resource as the most important issue when facing the global challenges .

  20. 而通信运营企业作为技术密集和资产密集型企业,其项目及投资决策的正确性、决策依据的可靠性、决策过程的科学性直接关系到企业的生存和发展。

    As technology-intensive and asset-intensive enterprises , the correctness of projects and investment decisions , the reliability of the basis for decision-making and the scientific of the decision-making process of communications enterprises are directly related to the survival and development of the enterprise .

  21. 从文献信息服务、检索咨询服务、战略情报研究服务三个层次分析了汽车企业情报信息服务工作的内涵,阐述了知识经济时代,作为技术密集型产业的汽车企业情报信息工作的重要性。

    Based on the analysis of three levels of information and intelligence services in auto company such as information resources supplying , retrieving & consulting service and strategy intelligence , the importance of information services and research for auto industry in knowledge economy times is described .

  22. 多技术的融合也要求技术密集型企业利用外部资源,实行开放式创新。

    Multi-technology integration also requires technology-intensive enterprises using external resources and implementing open innovation .

  23. 以高新技术企业为代表的知识、技术密集型企业,人力资本日益成为企业最重要的资产和财富增长的源泉。

    In knowledge-compression enterprises represented by High-tech enterprises , human capital is increasingly becoming the most important asset and most important source of increasing wealth .

  24. 希望意大利企业发挥技术先进的优势,到这些地区设立资金、技术密集型企业;

    I hope Italian enterprises will play out their technological advantages and establish capital and technology intensive enterprises in these areas .

  25. 在全球化和知识经济的背景下,单一的企业或公司的有限资源己无法满足技术创新的要求,在供应链的框架内开展技术创新协同已经成为技术密集型企业及其所在产业链的迫切要求。

    With the development of globalization and knowledge economy , enterprise can hardly accomplish technological innovation simply by itself . Technology-intensive industries and enterprises within have exigent requirement on technological innovation collaboration in the frame of supply chain .