
láo dònɡ mì jí xínɡ qǐ yè
  • labor intensive enterprise
  1. SA8000标准正通过民间认证的方式进入我国,制约对象主要是劳动密集型企业,并打着人本主义旗号名正言顺地削弱低成本劳动品的竞争优势。

    SA8000 is entering our country by social authentication , mainly constraining the labor-intense companies and attenuating the competing advantage of low cost products in the name of humanism .

  2. 泉州鞋服企业属于典型的劳动密集型企业。

    Quanzhou shoes and apparel enterprises are typically labor-intensive enterprises .

  3. 发展劳动密集型企业与发展资本、技术密集型企业辩证结合;

    The development of labor-intensive enterprises with that of capital-intensive and technology-intensive enterprises ;

  4. 重视发展具有比较优势和市场潜力的劳动密集型企业

    To stress the development of labor-intensive enterprises with comparative advantages and market potential

  5. 从产业结构来看,以劳动密集型企业为主。

    And from the industry structure , the related enterprises are mainly labour-intensive .

  6. 企业尤其是劳动密集型企业中,非正式组织的存在有其一定的原因和表现特点,并对企业生产经营活动产生影响。

    Non-official organizations exist in enterprises , especially in labour - intensive ones .

  7. 温州劳动密集型企业集群研究

    Research on Labor-intensive Enterprise Groups in Wenzhou

  8. 色织企业属劳动密集型企业,信息化水平比较低。

    Dyeing & weaving enterprises belong to labour-intensive enterprises , and their information-based level is relatively low .

  9. 沿海的制造企业大部分属于劳动密集型企业,需要大量的劳动力。

    Most of the manufacturing companies are labor-intensive enterprises , and they need a lot of labor .

  10. 同时,也欢迎设立劳动密集型企业,发挥中国劳动力资源丰富的优势。

    They are also welcome to set up labor-intensive enterprises to take advantage of china 's rich labor resources .

  11. 中国企业在向发展中国家进行国际化经营时,首先应该进行国际化的不是劳动密集型企业,而应是高科技企业。

    It is not the labor-intensive enterprises of China , which first should be internationalized , but the high-tech ones .

  12. M公司是安徽省一家木制品生产销售公司,属于典型的劳动密集型企业。

    M company is a manufacturing and sales company belonging to the typical labor-intensive enterprises in Anhui Province of China .

  13. 特别是要在产业集群、中小企业、劳动密集型企业相对集中的地区和行业建制。

    They would particularly step up the system establishment in regional and industrial cluster , small and medium-sized enterprises and labor-intensive enterprises .

  14. 知识经济背景下的机械企业不再是以往单纯的劳动密集型企业,而是技术密集与劳动密集的结合。

    Mechanical enterprise is no longer pure labor-intensive in the knowledge economic environment , but also the combine of labor-intensive and technology-intensive .

  15. 服装生产企业属于劳动密集型企业,企业的生存发展在很大程度上要依赖于企业的人力资源。

    The garment production enterprise belongs to the labor & intensive enterprises . Its survival and development largely depends on the human resource .

  16. 近年来,在全球性金融危机的影响下,劳动密集型企业受到巨大的冲击,就业问题更加突出。

    In recent years , the global financial crisis has an enormous strike on labor-intensive enterprises , and therefore employment attracts more eye balls .

  17. 技术资本密集或者技术进步较快的企业比传统劳动密集型企业更注重员工培训。

    Firms with dense technology and capital or rapid technology change pay more attention to workers ' training than others with traditional dense labor .

  18. 支持各类所有制中小企业特别是科技型和劳动密集型企业的发展。

    We should support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises , especially technology and labor-intensive ones , regardless of their forms of ownership .

  19. 劳动密集型企业想要在竞争中保持优势,就必须在人力资源的开发和管理中取得主动地位。

    The labor-intensive enterprises must achieve the initiative status in the human resources development and management if they want to maintain the competitive advantages .

  20. 如今,沿海地区的低层次的劳动密集型企业,又为民工荒所困惑。

    Nowadays , in China 's coastal areas , enterprises of low-leveled and dense labor force are being troubled by shortage of peasant laborers .

  21. 因此如何留住企业中基层工人,成为劳动密集型企业人力资源管理的一项重要课题。

    So it becomes an important issue in the human resource management of the labor-intensive enterprises how to keep the grass-roots workers in the enterprises .

  22. 大力发展第三产业,扶持劳动密集型企业和民营企业的发展,促进就业模式向非正规化转变。

    Put more attention to develop tertiary - industry , supported labour concentrated industry and private enterprise , and accelerated the development of informal sector employment .

  23. 如何有效激励企业基层工人,培养他们的忠诚度,发挥其更大潜能成为劳动密集型企业面临的一大挑战。

    How to effectively encourage the grass-roots workers , foster their loyalty , and play their greater potential become a major challenge of the labor-intensive enterprises .

  24. 在产业结构调整中,劳动密集型企业、中小服务型企业和农产品深加工型企业,对转移拉动力大;

    In the industrial structure adjustment , the labor intensive , medium and small enterprises and agricultural products processing enterprises play major role in facilitating the transfer .

  25. 大型国有企业集团和上市公司成为研究关注的热点,中小劳动密集型企业的转型研究则较少涉及。

    Large state-owned enterprise groups and listed companies become the focus of research . Small and medium-sized labor-intensive enterprises are less involved in the research of enterprise transformation .

  26. 目前我国金属矿山基本上是劳动密集型企业,普遍存在劳动生产率低、效益差等问题。

    Essentially , China 's metals mines at present are a labour intensive enterpris-es , in which there are such problems as low labour productivity and poor economic result .

  27. 而另一方面,工业企业由于大多是劳动密集型企业,出于节约劳动力成本考虑,城镇劳动力从农村招收的比重快速上升。

    On the other hand , because of the most industrial enterprises are the labour-intensive enterprises , so urban enterprises always recruit employees from rural areas for saving money .

  28. 同时,酒店业作为劳动密集型企业,给社会提供了大量的就业机会,有助于缓解社会失业问题。

    Meanwhile , the hotel and restaurant business offers a lot of employment opportunities as a labor intensive business helping relief the pressure of the unemployment problems in the society .

  29. 法律的调整不仅改变了劳动密集型企业的生存和发展环境,更是对重塑企业员工激励机制的一个考验。

    The adjustment of laws have not only changed the environment of the labor-intensive enterprises ' survival and development , but also is a test of incentive mechanism reshaping labor-intensive enterprises .

  30. 在劳动密集型企业中,工人的劳动状态决定着工作的持续时间,而人的行为习惯和心理因素又带来了很多不确定性。

    In the labor-intensive enterprise , the working status of workers determines the duration of the work , and the workers ' habits and psychological factors bring a lot of uncertainty .