
  1. 我国目前劳动力市场机制的缺陷是:劳动力市场制度性分割扭曲;

    China 's present labor market mechanism is inefficient , which is reflected in institutional separation and distortion of labor market ;

  2. 因此,完善劳动力市场机制、加强职业培训体系建设、推动高就业产业发展,应成为经济政策的重点。

    Therefore , the policy efforts should be made to improve labor market , strengthen occupational training system , and promote high employment sectors .

  3. 在学术劳动力市场机制的作用下,研究型大学形成了特殊的教师聘用制度。

    Under the impacts of the academic labor market , the employment policies in research universities are shaped and particularly embodied in the tenure system .

  4. 美国的生产率比绝大多数发达国家增长得更为强劲——许多人将这一成就归功于美国灵活的劳动力市场机制和特有的企业文化。

    America 's productivity growth has been more robust than most other rich countries " - a feat many ascribe to its flexible labour market and a culture of enterprise .

  5. 由于我国劳动力市场机制还没有达到十分完善的状态,在这种情况下,仅仅依靠市场机制的力量解决我国的就业问题是非常不现实的,因此政府必须发挥其应有作用。

    Under the circumstance of the incomplete market mechanism of the labor force , it is unrealistic to solve the employment problems only relying on such market mechanism . Therefore , the Government must play its due role .

  6. 资本、技术存量较高以及市场稳定的大中型制造企业,选择企业人力资本投资,形成长期雇佣和企业内部劳动力市场机制,是保持企业稳定发展、达成企业目标的有效途径。

    The large and medium-scale manufacturing enterprises with capital and technology highly kept in storage and a stable market demand choosing the long-term employment and forming workforce market system inside enterprises , would be an effective way to keep steady growth and realize its goals .

  7. 笔者认为这些问题产生的原因主要集中在社会制度和社会政策层而,包括户籍制度、教育体制、劳动力市场机制、住房政策等,并据此提出改善的建议。

    The author thinks that the causes of these problems are mainly concentrated in the social policies , including the household registration system , education system , the labor market mechanism , housing policy . Make further efforts , this paper puts forward some suggestions for improvement .

  8. 第五章为我市劳动力市场竞争机制及其运行;

    ChapterS : The competitive mechanism and its running on Guangzhou Labor Market ;

  9. 论社会主义劳动力市场运行机制体系

    On the Operational Mechanisms of Socialist Labour Market

  10. 政府要转变职能,健全劳动力市场运行机制。

    Transforming the functions of government , and improving the operation mechanism of labor market .

  11. 二是要完善劳动力市场运行机制,健全各种制度政策;

    Second , improve the operating mechanism of labor market , perfect various kinds of system policies ;

  12. 第三章从简单的劳动力市场供求机制出发,分析我国残疾人就业面临的形势。

    Chapters Beginning with simple labor supply-demand Mechanism , it analyses the employment situation in the face of disabled people .

  13. 战略目标:增加就业岗位,提高劳动者整体素质,建立劳动力市场配置机制;

    The goals and objectives are to increase the employment positions , improve the overall quality of labor force , and establish market mechanism for allocating labor force .

  14. 政府主体行为下的失业安置政策已经不能适应社会主义市场经济体制对劳动力市场运行机制的要求;

    The policy to arrange the unemployed when the government is the main responsible body does not meet the needs of labor force market mechanism under the socialist market economy system .

  15. 为此,应从修复内部劳动力市场运行机制入手,打通内外部劳动力市场,配套使用主动和被动的失业政策,才是减少国有企业就业弱势群体的根本途径。

    Thus , it is the basic approach to settle the problem that the operation system of internal labor market is corrected , external and internal labor markets are joined and active and passive policies are utilized comprehensively .

  16. 然后,本文在Mincer工资方程的基础上,构造出劳动力市场双重分割机制模型。

    So the author constructs the model of the dual segmentation of labor market on the basis of Mincer wage equation .

  17. 劳动力市场:运行机制与市场发育

    Labor Market : Operation Mechanism and Market Development

  18. 美国劳动力市场的运行机制

    Operational System of the US Labor Market

  19. 我国农民工劳动力市场三方机制构建研究

    Study on the Construction of Tripartite Mechanism of Labour Market of Peasant Workers in China

  20. 而某些国家的劳动力市场的运行机制偏袒在职人员,不利于年轻的就业群体,使他们很难得到新的工作岗位。

    In some countries a rigging of the labour market in favour of incumbents and against the young makes what new jobs there are inaccessible .

  21. 荷兰和丹麦在劳动力市场和培训机制上作出了改进,奥巴马总统或许可以从中受益颇多。

    Mr Obama could usefully look to the Netherlands and Denmark for ideas on how to overhaul an antiquated unemployment system and improve its training schemes .

  22. 最终使内部劳动力市场的各种机制互相协调,确定了企业与员工之间的长期信任和主动合作关系。

    At last , the employees and the company set up a long-term confidence and active partnership . Finally , the improvement measures for internal labor market have been studied .

  23. 劳动力市场的运行机制具体表现为用人单位根据劳动力价格和劳动力的供求状况决定自己招聘的劳动者数量和质量。

    The Labor market operating mechanism of the specific performance of the employing unit labor costs , according to and Labor supply and demand to determine their own recruiting laborer quantity and quality .

  24. 工资粘性妨碍劳动力市场自主调节机制有效运行问题已受到我国学者的关注,因为它会影响我国的以社会主义市场经济为目标的劳动力市场运行机制改革和经济社会的稳定、健康、全面的发展。

    Wages Sticky as the basic assumptions of modern macroeconomics research has been growing concern because it will affect our economy to the socialist market-oriented reform of the labor market mechanisms and economic and social stability , health and overall development .

  25. 欧洲一体化进程中劳动力市场模式的演变机制

    Transformation Mechanism of EU Labour Market Model in the Process of European Integration

  26. 农村劳动力转移培训的市场机制分析及政策启示

    Analysis of Market Mechanism and Policy Implications of Rural Labour Force Training for Transfer

  27. 随着中小企业在搞活经济、解决劳动力就业、协调市场机制及推进高新技术产业化等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用,资金短缺已成为制约其发展的瓶颈。

    Small and medium sized enterprises in China are playing more and more important role in inactivating economy , resolving labor employment , coordinating market mechanism and promoting industrialization of high and latest technology .

  28. 劳动力市场的基本运行机制包括劳动力价格的供求决定机制、劳动力资源的自由流动机制和劳动力可持续利用的社会保障机制。

    The basic operation mechanism of labor market contains the mechanism of supply-demand determined labor price ; the mechanism of free movement of labor resource and the mechanism of social security that can be constantly used by labor .

  29. 缩小区域间城镇居民收入差距应实行区域协调发展战略,中央政府进行财政转移支付和形成劳动力合理流动的市场机制等策略。

    In order to decrease the gaps between the income of urban residents in different regions , strategies for harmonious interregional development must be adopted , and the central government must conduct fiscal transfer payment and form the market mechanism for rational flow of labor force .

  30. 其中,劳动力市场制度是劳动力市场机制高效运行的制度保障,它在劳动力市场中起决定作用,决定着劳动力市场的特征、劳动力资源配置效率。

    The labor market system is guarantee of efficient and operational labor market mechanism . It is of decisive role in the labor market , and it decides the characteristics of the labor market and the labor efficiency in allocating resources .