
  1. 第五章为我市劳动力市场竞争机制及其运行;

    ChapterS : The competitive mechanism and its running on Guangzhou Labor Market ;

  2. 特别是我国当前处于经济体制快速转型时期,影响劳动力市场竞争性的因素更加复杂。

    Especially during the period when Chinese economy system changes rapidly , the factors that influence the competition of the labor market become more complicated .

  3. 现阶段我国劳动力市场竞争激烈,劳动关系呈现出复杂多变、权责失衡、矛盾加剧的特征。

    At present , the competition in labor market in China is intense and labor relations are complex , varied , unbalance and fulfilled with conflicts .

  4. 当前,由于高等院校大规模扩招,大学毕业生的数量剧增,使原本就供过于求的劳动力市场竞争更为激烈。

    Presently , the number of university graduates increases sharply because the institutions of higher learning expand massively , which leads to intensive competition in labor market .

  5. 在知识经济发达的现代社会,具备高素质的人力资源在劳动力市场竞争中往往处于优势地位。

    In modern society , the knowledge-based economy is very developed . Human resources with high-quality may often occupy the dominant position in the competitive labor market .

  6. 此类融合将继续缩小成本差距,部分是因为亚洲国家在国际劳动力市场竞争高端技术的需要。

    Such convergence will continue to shrink the cost gap , prompted in part by the need for Asian countries to compete for'high-end'skills in an international labor market .

  7. 21世纪是人力资本时代,科学技术发展迅速,劳动力市场竞争不断加剧,企业正面临前所未有的挑战。

    The 21 century is the ear of human capital . As the repaid development of science and technology and the intensifying competition of the labor market , the companies have been faced the unprecedented challenge .

  8. 由于受到生理条件的制约和影响,长期以来,残疾人群体难以正常参与劳动力市场竞争,就业能力和生存状况不容乐观。

    Because of the restriction and influence , under physiological conditions for a long time , groups of persons with disabilities to participate in the normal competitive labor market , employment ability and survival status is not optimistic .

  9. 二是给出了劳动力市场非竞争性歧视的判定标准。

    Second , given to determine standards for non-competitive discrimination in the labor market .

  10. 第四章是对我国劳动力市场非竞争性歧视的对策研究。

    The fourth chapter is the research of countermeasures of the labor market non-competitive discrimination in China .

  11. 劳动力市场的竞争非常激烈,总有人在后面与你竞争。

    Competition is so fierce in the labor market that there is always someone pushing up behind you .

  12. 三是从社会、经济、心理和制度四个方面分析了我国劳动力市场非竞争性歧视的原因。

    Third , from four aspects of social , economic , psychological and institutional we analysis the reasons of the labor market non-competitive discrimination in China .

  13. 我国劳动力市场非竞争性歧视对于需求者、供给者、劳动力市场和整个国民经济都造成了损失。

    Further believe that the non-competitive discrimination in the labor market in China for the demanders , suppliers , labor market and the entire national economy have caused the damage .

  14. 新古典经济学中关于劳动力市场完全竞争的假设以及劳动力同质性假设必须逐渐放松,才有利于我们找回真实的世界。

    The hypothesis on the complete competition of the labor market and the labor homogeneity in the neoclassical economics must be loosen for us to be convenient to find the real world .

  15. 但劳动力市场的竞争压力,似乎使投行难以削减高利润业务部门大多数雇员的奖金。

    But competitive pressures in the labour market seem to have made it hard for the banks to cut the bonuses of the majority of their employees , who worked in profitable business units .

  16. 人工成本是一个国家、地区、企业在劳动力市场上竞争能力的综合体现,是现代企业取得市场竞争优势的最活跃因素。

    Labor costs which in a nation , a region , or an enterprise reflect the comprehensive competitiveness in the labor market , it is the most active factor to obtain competitive advantage in the market .

  17. 认为要在企业内部激发竞争活力,在外部利用资本、产品和劳动力市场的竞争压力来维持其运行效率。

    And he further points out that , in order to maintain operation efficiency , it is important to foster competitive environment in firms by making full use of competitive pressures from the external capital , product and labor market .

  18. 主要从中国劳动力市场非竞争性歧视的现状和问题、中国劳动力市场非竞争性歧视的成因和中国劳动力市场非竞争性歧视的效应分析等四个方面作了研究。

    Non-competitive labor market , mainly from China , the status quo and problems of discrimination , the Chinese and non-competitive labor market discrimination , the causes and non-competitive Chinese labor market effects of discrimination analysis were studied in four aspects .

  19. 失业时间越长,就越难在劳动力市场与别人竞争。

    The longer people have been unemployed , the harder it is for them to compete in the labour market .

  20. 社会体育指导员与私人教练是体育劳动力市场上相互竞争的两种职业。

    Social sport instructor and private coach are occupations competitive with each other in sports labor market .

  21. 指出即使劳动力市场是完全竞争的,但由于团队生产方式的存在,为了达到帕雷托最优,企业仍然要加大对员工在职培训的投资。

    It is pointed out corporation should pay employees for their training under team-working , even though the labor market is completely competitive .

  22. 文章通过基于调查数据的实证分析,向人力资本理论的相关论断:人力资本收入递增机制及劳动力市场的完全竞争性,提出了有力的挑战,有益于传统人力资本理论的修正和完善。

    That challenges the theory of human capital , and it is beneficial to the modification and perfection of the theory of human capital .

  23. 令美国白领更加痛苦的是,上千万廉价而勤奋的中国大学毕业生将在全球劳动力市场和他们竞争同一个职位。

    Compounding the woes of white collar America , millions of cheap and diligent Chinese graduates will be jostling for a position in the global labor market .

  24. 不过,骄人的成绩背后,我们不能不正视竞争的残酷,现在企业面临的竞争不仅是产品市场上的竞争,更是劳动力市场上的竞争。

    However , behind the impressive achievements , we must face the brutal competition in market which is not only the product market but also the labor market .

  25. 通过文献研究和数据分析可以发现,城镇女性的在业率低于男性,在劳动力市场中的竞争程度要比男性更为激烈。

    Through literature research and data analysis it can be found that women has lower rate in the employment and more intense degree of competition in the labor market than men .

  26. 但个人账户制也存在一些问题:共济性差,基金的保值增值困难,不利于劳动力市场的平等竞争及农民工的城镇化。

    However , this personal account system has its own drawbacks , i.e. , poor in communization , difficult to maintain and enhance the fund , harmful to equal competition of labor force and urbanization .

  27. 因此,本文以劳动力市场非完全竞争性与劳动力异质性为假设前提,引入市场细化的思想,研究现实中的劳动力市场与工资决定,具有重要的理论与现实意义。

    So , using the non-competing of the labor market and the labor non-homogeneity as the hypothesis , we import the idea of market subdivision to do research on the labor market running and wage determination mechanism .

  28. 而在新兴国家,重点应改变劳动力市场的完全竞争格局,构造劳动力市场寡头垄断结构。政府则应强化再分配功能,提高社会保障水平,稳定收入预期,从而提高消费在总需求中的比重。

    Developing countries should change the structure of labor market , and governments should make great efforts to reallocate , to enhance the level of social security , which would stabilize the expectation of income and increase the proportion of consumption to aggregate demand .

  29. 女硕士生所遭遇的性别歧视现象破坏了毕业生劳动力市场的公平竞争环境,不仅阻碍了人才的自由流动,而且制约了研究生资源的优化配置与充分就业,造成了高素质人才资源的浪费。

    Female graduate students of gender discrimination encountered by graduates in the labor market undermines fair competition , not only impede the free flow of talent , but also restricted the optimal allocation of resources graduate students and full employment , resulting in a high-quality talent waste of resources .

  30. 从理论上讲,统一劳动力市场,是完全竞争劳动力市场的均衡状态。

    In theory , a unified labor market is perfectly competitive labor market equilibrium .