
  1. 文化产业竞争力是国家竞争力和综合国力的重要组成部分。但是世界文化市场已被九大文化巨头分享,中国加入WTO后文化产业的国际竞争力受到严重挑战。

    Nowadays , nine cultural giant has already partitioned the worldwide cultural market , thus China'a competitiveness of cultural industry has come under severe challenged after the accession to the WTO .

  2. 对提升昆明文化产业竞争力的思考

    Pondering on How to Heighten the Competitiveness of Kunming Cultural Industry

  3. 文化产业竞争力研究的进展、问题与展望

    The Progress , Problems and Forecast of Cultural Industry Competitiveness Research

  4. 天津市文化产业竞争力评价指标体系研究

    A Study on Evaluation Index System of Tianjin Cultural Industry Competitiveness

  5. 陕西文化产业竞争力评价与分析

    An Evaluation and Analysis on Cultural Industry Competitiveness in Shaanxi

  6. 基于钻石模型的文化产业竞争力评价方法探析

    Analysis of Evaluation Method of Cultural Industry Competitiveness Based on Diamond Model

  7. 文化产业竞争力的决定要素与分析方法研究

    Decisive Elements and Analyzing Method of Culture Industry 's Competitiveness

  8. 辽宁省文化产业竞争力研究

    A Research on Cultural Industry Competition Ability of Liaoning Province

  9. 中国地区文化产业竞争力评价模型的构建

    Evaluation System of Regional Cultural Industry Competitiveness in China

  10. 浙江文化产业竞争力的影响因子研究

    Research on Factors of Zhejiang Cultural Industry Competitiveness

  11. 目前无论国内还是国外学者,都高度重视文化产业竞争力的研究。

    At present , it have brought attention of many people that whether domestic or foreign scholar .

  12. 第二部分理论综述部分,主要是第一章的内容,阐述了目前国内外研究现状并对文化产业竞争力的研究现状进行了述评。

    Summary of the second theoretical part , is the first chapter , describing current research status .

  13. 因此,我们应当建立文化产业竞争力评价体系。该体系以美国迈克尔·波特的钻石体系为理论依据,以显示性指标体系体现文化产业的核心竞争力。

    In order to strengthen international competence , we should set up assessment system of cultural industry competitiveness .

  14. 第三章以钻石模型为基础,对影响文化产业竞争力的因素进行了分析。

    Chapter three bases on the " diamond model ", analyzed the influencing factors of culture industrial competitiveness .

  15. 结合各省文化产业竞争力要素分析,对各省文化产业的竞争力进行定位。

    Combination of cultural industries competitive factor analysis in Provinces , analyse competitive positioning , in Provinces cultural industries .

  16. 本文在借鉴前人对区域文化产业竞争力研究的基础上,从文化产业竞争力的内涵和本质入手。

    In this paper , we based on previous studies and drawn from the content and nature of cultural industry competitiveness .

  17. 产业集群内部的各企业在竞争中求合作,求发展,以实现资源的最优配置来提升文化产业竞争力。

    All the enterprises in the clustering make cooperation , seek development , get the best optimal allocation of resources , and improve the competitive power of culture clustering .

  18. 其次,在完成文化产业竞争力理论综述、界定清晰研究对象内涵及外延后,本文对重庆文化产业发展现状及存在的问题进行较为全面的论述。

    Secondly , in the complete theoretical overview of the cultural industry competitive , well-defined connotation and extension , we discuss the status and problems of the cultural industries in Chongqing .

  19. 基于评价和聚类分析的结果,提出提升全省各市文化产业竞争力的政策建议。

    At last , the paper putted forward the policy suggestion to enhance the competitiveness of cultural industry in cities on the basis of the results of evaluation and cluster analysis .

  20. 因此,提升重庆文化产业竞争力就成为提成重庆文化软实力的当务之急。论文共分三大部分。

    Therefore , to enhance the competitiveness of the cultural industry of Chongqing has become the commission of the Chongqing cultural " soft power " . This work is divided into four parts .

  21. 提升重庆文化产业竞争力,不仅是调结构、惠民生重大举措,也是缩短重庆城乡经济、文化、消费差距的手段之一。

    The enhancement of the cultural industry competitiveness in Chongqing is not only a " structural adjustment , improve living " major initiatives , but also the method to shorten the gap between the urban and rural economy , culture , consumption .

  22. 在此基础上,尝试对未来五年湖南省文化产业竞争力发展状况进行预测。最后,根据评价和预测结果,发现湖南省文化产业在发展过程中的优势和不足,探讨问题原因。

    On this basis , we attempt to predict the competitiveness of cultural industry in Hunan Province in the next five years . Finally , the results of the evaluation and prediction show the advantages and disadvantages of cultural industries in Hunan Province .

  23. 在此评价结果的基础上,本文提出了提升河南省文化产业竞争力的一些对策和建议,包括增加制度供给,在人才、资本、技术等方面提供要素保障等一系列内容。

    On the basis of that , the paper makes some feasible countermeasures and suggestions to enhance the cultural industrial competitiveness of Henan province , including more institutions to supply , more input of factors such as talents , capital and technology , etc.

  24. 第四部分是对策建议部分,主要内容为第五章。在本章中,针对河北省文化产业竞争力水平现状,提出可适用的现实对策,目的是促进河北省文化产业竞争力的全面合理发展。

    The fourth part is the Suggestions part of the main contents of chap. In this chapter , I made applicable for the Hebei Province , the reality of cultural industry strategies to promote cultural industries in Hebei Province and reasonable development of the comprehensive competitiveness .

  25. 首先,对文化产业竞争力及相关评价进行了理论综述,为文化产业竞争力指标模型奠定理论基础;同时明确界定了研究对象的内涵及外延,以及文化产业的相关特性。

    First , the theoretical overview of cultural industry competitiveness and the related evaluation suggest the theoretical basis and model for the competitiveness index of the cultural industry ; and also clearly define the connotation and extension , as well as the relevant characteristics of cultural industries .

  26. 区域文化传媒产业竞争力综合评价体系研究

    The Competitiveness Evaluation System of Regional Cultural Media Industry

  27. 分析结果显示:湖南省文化创意产业竞争力正在逐渐增强。

    The results show : the competitiveness of cultural and creative industries in Hunan Province is gradually increased .

  28. 我国应以文化提升产业竞争力,并加大文化产业发展步伐,提高文化对经济发展的贡献率。

    Our country should improve its industrial competition through culture , accelerate its industry development , and enhance the contribution of culture towards economic development .

  29. 主要是从宏观、中观和微观三个层面分别提出了发展西安市文化创意产业竞争力的战略对策,这部分是论文的结论。

    Mainly from government , industry , business separately by the three levels of the development of creative industries in Xi ' an competitive strategies .

  30. 2003年以前湖南省文化创意产业竞争力得分为负值,且这一时期的增速不是很快,竞争力水平比较低下。

    Hunan Province by 2003 cultural and creative industry competitiveness score is negative , and this period of growth is not fast , relatively low levels of competitiveness .