
wén lái
  • Brunei
文莱[wén lái]
  1. 本周一,中国与文莱将双方关系提升至战略合作伙伴层面。

    China and Brunei on Monday agreed to upgrade their relations to a strategic cooperative partnership .

  2. 该区域其他获此认证的国家包括澳大利亚(1981年获认证)、新加坡(1982年获认证)和文莱达鲁萨兰国(1987年获认证)。

    Other countries in the region that have achieved this status include Australia ( 1981 ) , Singapore ( 1982 ) and Brunei Darussalam ( 1987 ) .

  3. 地区B:中国,澳大利亚(悉尼),新加坡,马来西亚,香港,韩国,泰国,文莱,海湾国家。

    Zone B : China , Australia ( Sydney ), Singapore , Malaysia , Hong Kong , South Korea , Thailand , Brunei , Gulf Countries .

  4. 人均GDP最高的国家依次是卢森堡、卡塔尔、挪威、文莱和科威特,而这些国家都是些小国。

    The nations with the highest GDP per capita are Luxembourg , Qatar , Norway , Burnei Darussalam and Kuwait , all of which are tiny economies .

  5. 然而如果没有日本,TPP将是一个大杂烩,把文莱、秘鲁、越南和澳大利亚等不同类型的国家拼凑在一起。

    Yet without Japan , the TPP would be a hodgepodge , bringing together countries as diverse as Brunei , Peru , Vietnam and Australia .

  6. 文莱元(货币代码BND)与新加坡元挂钩,兑换率为1比1。

    The Brunei dollar ( currency code BND ) is pegged to the Singapore dollar at a1:1 trade ratio .

  7. 该规定仅适用于27个加入签证豁免计划(visawaiverprogramme)国家的公民,其中包括多数西欧国家,以及安道尔、澳大利亚、文莱、日本、新西兰和新加坡。

    The rule will only apply to citizens of the 27 visa waiver programme countries , which includes most of Western Europe , in addition to Andorra , Australia , Brunei , Japan , New Zealand , and Singapore .

  8. 他接下来将访问文莱和菲律宾。重点讲解:你的建议和我们昨天已作好的安排相抵触。

    Your suggestions ru n counter to what we arranged yesterday .

  9. 文莱华文诗歌是世界华文文学的一部分。

    Chinese poetry in Brunei is part of the world Chinese literature .

  10. 没有石油和天然气,卡塔尔和文莱就不会列入榜单。

    Qatar and Brunei would not be there without oil and gas .

  11. 海南三亚&一次收获,一个像文莱的地方!

    Sanya , Hainan Island-Again , another country that feels like Brunei !

  12. 峰会以文莱首相致辞开幕。

    The summit opened with remarks by Brunei 's Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah .

  13. 文莱:2006年回顾与2007年展望

    Brunei : Review in 2006 and Prospect in 2007

  14. 中国与文莱石油贸易与对策思考

    Petroleum trade between China and Brunei and Relevant Tactics

  15. 文莱至今获还未获得奥运奖牌。

    Brunei has yet to win an Olympic medal .

  16. 对文莱能长期保持政治社会稳定的几点看法

    My Views on Brunei 's Long-term Perseverance of its Political and Social Stability

  17. 王景弘文学资源在文莱和龙岩的发现与链接

    Discovery and link of literature resources about Wang Jing-hong in Longyan and Brunei

  18. 文莱:2005年政治社会稳定经济平稳增长

    Brunei in 2005 ' Social Stability in Politics and Steady Growth in Economy

  19. 文莱:政局稳定经济持续发展

    Brunei Enjoying Political Stability and Sustainable Development in Economy

  20. 如果您喜欢弹钢琴,您就一定会享受在文莱帝王酒店里的法奇奥里。

    If you play piano , you would enjoy Fazioli in its Empire Hotel .

  21. 文莱领导人投资这一连锁酒店。

    Brunei 's leader invests in that chain .

  22. 拥有以大宗商品为基础的主权基金的国家还包括博茨瓦纳、文莱、卡塔尔和挪威。

    Countries with commodity-based sovereign funds also include Botswana , Brunei , Qatar and Norway .

  23. 文莱的大清真寺金碧辉煌,用白色大理石和黄金建成。

    Masjid Kampong Sungai Keun Mosque in Brunei is made of white marble and gold .

  24. 首先我们介绍下文莱。

    First , a bit about Brunei .

  25. 文莱和西科斯基公司将努力最后完成协议的条款和条件。

    Brunei and Sikorksky will now work to finalize the terms and conditions of the deal .

  26. 呛人的烟雾从东南亚蔓延到新加坡、文莱甚至菲律宾。

    The choking smog in Southeast Asia spreaded to Singapore , Brunei and even the Philippines .

  27. 新加坡、澳大利亚、新西兰和文莱等国也被要求提供这种高科技护照。

    Singapore , Australia , New Zealand and Brunei are also required to introduce the high-tech passports .

  28. 文莱经济发展经历了从较为单一的资源经济到多元经济结构转变的过程。

    Brunei economic development has experienced a transition from a relatively single resource economy to a diversified one .

  29. 而且人口也不到特拉华州的一半,文莱的人口大约是422000人。

    And it has less than half of Delaware 's population , about 422000 people live in Brunei .

  30. 文莱华教之现状

    Chinese Education in Brunei