
wén mínɡ shè huì
  • civilization
  1. 被文明社会抛弃是可能降临在我身上的最悲惨的命运。

    To be cast out from civilization was the worst fate that could possibly befall me .

  2. 哈克要逃离文明社会的虚伪与腐败,吉姆要逃向自由;

    Huck escapes from the hypocrisy and corruptness of civilization , Jim escapes to freedom .

  3. 这种行为在文明社会是完全不能接受的。

    Such behaviour is totally unacceptable in a civilized society .

  4. 文明社会憎恶种族主义。

    Racism is abhorrent to a civilized society .

  5. 古代中美洲和拉丁美洲的文明社会是建立在玉米之上的。

    The ancient civilizations of Central and Latin America were founded upon corn

  6. 这种残忍地对待动物的行为是任何一个文明社会都不能容忍的。

    This barbaric treatment of animals has no place in any decent society .

  7. 文明社会的特征是照顾最弱势群体。

    The mark of a civilized society is that it looks after its weakest members .

  8. 在我们所谓文明社会中日益增多的犯罪行为

    rising crime in our so-called civilized societies

  9. 在现代文明社会中,医疗卫生服务变得日益重要,这从各国卫生总费用占GDP比例逐年上升这个简单事实即可看出。

    In the modern civilized society , the health care industry becomes more and more important , this can be proved by a simple fact that the national health expenditure proportion in GDP rises year by year .

  10. 实现以山川秀美为标志的生态文明社会。

    Ecological society civilization were realized for mark of landscape graceful .

  11. 这样残暴的惩罚是与文明社会相抵触的。

    Such a savage punishment is abhorrent to a civilized society .

  12. 他们是文明社会的共同敌人。

    They are the common enemy of the civilized world .

  13. 最终,我们回到了文明社会,并与英国大使馆取得了联系。

    Eventually we found civilisation and contacted the British Embassy .

  14. 材料是现代文明社会的物质基础。

    The materials were the physical foundation of the modern civilization society .

  15. 我们都自认为是一个伟大文明社会的成员。

    We all think of ourselves as citizens of a great civilization .

  16. 他相信宗教是文明社会的基础。

    He believes that religion is the foundation of a civilized society .

  17. 建设文明社会会是其中的一部分。

    And building up a civil society is a part of that .

  18. 马克思的自然观与生态文明社会构建

    Marxist view of nature and constuction of ecological civilization society

  19. 在文明社会,法律依靠道德所支撑。

    In civilized life , law floats in a sea of ethics .

  20. 处于文明社会早期阶段的人。

    A person who belongs to early stage of civilization .

  21. 这是对发达工业文明社会人文精神的总体反思。

    It was total introspection of humanity spirit in developed industrial civilized society .

  22. 但随后人类所谓的文明社会被虚荣和腐败所侵蚀。

    But soon humanities'so called civilized social was infected by vanity and corruption .

  23. 这样的行为在文明社会里是不能接受的。

    Such behavior is unacceptable in a civilized society .

  24. 哈克不堪忍受所谓的文明社会。

    Huck is weary of the so-called civilized world .

  25. 而正是这种机制,才构成了人类文明社会的基础。

    It is the mechanism that constitutes the base of human civilized society .

  26. 教育一直是文明社会存在的基础。

    Education has always been the basis of the existence of a civilized society .

  27. 它的产生是必然的,它是现代文明社会的产物,同时它又促进了现代文明社会的发展。

    It is the product of modern civilized society and also promotes its development .

  28. 瑞士人民素质的优秀表现,也是文明社会该有的基本条件。

    The fine attributes of the Swiss are the prerequisites for any civilized society .

  29. 非洲国家希望把非洲所有的原始部落都变成文明社会。

    The african countries hoped to civilize all the primitive tribes on the land .

  30. 这些问题象文明社会的历史一样古老。

    Such questions are as old as civilization .