
dì lǐ xué jiā
  • geographer
  1. 于是,已经打开登记簿的地理学家,削起他的铅笔来。

    And , having opened his big register , the geographer sharpened his pencil .

  2. 李四光是一位著名的地理学家。

    Li Siguang is a famous geographer .

  3. 地理学家研究山脉的地形轮廓。

    Geographers study the configuration of the mountains .

  4. 他的祖父是一位地理学家。

    His grandfather is a geographer .

  5. 来自剑桥大学的地理学家艾米·唐纳文撰写了这份报告,她说有些人无法抗拒火山的原始力量。

    Amy Donovan , the Cambridge University geographer2 who has written the report , says that some people are unable to resist the elemental power of a volcano .

  6. 它上面有一百一十一个国王(当然,没有漏掉黑人国王),七千个地理学家,九十万个实业家,七百五十万个酒鬼,三亿一千一百万个爱虚荣的人,也就是说,大约有二十亿的大人。

    One can count , there 111 kings ( not forgetting , to be sure , the Negro kings among them ) , 7000 geographers1 , 900000 businessmen , 7500000 tipplers , 311000000 conceited2 men -- that is to say , about 2000000000 grown-ups .

  7. 地理学家G·泰勒首次把有关北京城的建址问题提到现代城市地理学的研究上来进行。

    At the first time Geographer G.Taylor studied the problem about choicing place of Beijing City from the angle of geography of modern city .

  8. 勿庸置疑,1987年,地理学家戴蒙德(JaredDiamond)撰写了一篇文章,概述了为何农业是人类有史以来所犯的最大错误。

    Indeed , in 1987 the geographer Jared Diamond wrote an article outlining why agriculture was the Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race .

  9. 20世纪30年代,各大通讯社之间展开竞争,雪城大学的历史学家兼地理学家马克·蒙莫尼尔(MarkMonmonier)说,它们纷纷刊登气象图,因此所用的符号不再那么含糊,开始使用更简单、更有吸引力的图标设计。

    The symbols grew less obscure , says Mark Monmonier , a historian and geographer at Syracuse University , when competition among wire services , which started sending out weather maps in the ' 30s , led to simpler , more attractive designs .

  10. 本文借助人文地理学家戴维·哈维(DavidHarvey)时空压缩概念并加以适当转换,提出了时空挤压理论,用以描述中国近现代法律演进的历史时空环境。

    This article , by using humane geography scholar David Harvey 's concept of time and space press and make a change of it to raise the corresponding theory to describe the historical environment of evolution of Chinese Law .

  11. 这类思考方向的浮现,促使“利益相关者委员会”于9月2011年成立。EPSRC任命,由地理学家,社会学家,大气层科学家,工程师及“地球的朋友”(环境行动组--该组织顾问)各一位所组成。

    In light of such thinking , in September 2011 , a " stakeholder committee " consisting of a geographer , a sociologist , an atmospheric scientist , an engineer and an adviser to Friends of the Earth ( an environmental lobby group )

  12. 以及地理学家的重要作用。

    Method of the data collected and important effect of geographer .

  13. 有些地理学家把欧洲看作亚洲的一个岛。

    That some geographers regard Europe as a peninsula of Asia .

  14. 张印堂是抗战前后的著名地理学家。

    Zhang Yin-tang was a famous geographer during the Sino-japanese war .

  15. 地理学家们在夏威夷海滩上发现了一种新石块。

    Geologists found the novel stone on the beaches of Hawaii .

  16. 城市地理学家们将分形理论应用于城市的研究。

    Many urban geographers apply the fractal theory in the urban research .

  17. 地理学家们认为,美洲印第安人的祖先是亚洲人。

    The ancestors of American Indians , geographers say , were Asians .

  18. 例如,地理学家知道地核是热的,证据是活火山的流动?

    Evidence of this is the modern love of that flows at volcanoes .

  19. 许多地理学家现在把这块陆地叫作欧亚大陆。

    Many geographers now call this landmass Eurasia .

  20. 地理学家忽然忙乱起来。

    The geographer was suddenly stirred to excitement .

  21. 一些地理学家想要知道这些是怎样影响人类的。

    Some geographers will want to know how all of this affects the people .

  22. 我老爸是地理学家,他在北京和上海工作过。

    My dad is a geologist . He 's worked in Beijing and Shanghai .

  23. 以至于不得不放弃他地理学家的工作

    to quit his job as a geologist ,

  24. 马丘比丘成为失落的城市,直到地理学家海勒姆宾厄姆在1911年重新发现这里。

    It was lost to the wider world until geographer Hiram Bingham rediscovered it in1911 .

  25. 今天,我们继续讲述美国三位地理学家所做的一份报告。

    Today we continue telling about a report by three geography experts from American colleges .

  26. 这个发现使得地理学家们可以探究地球内部的组成。

    Well , scientists found that they traveled thousands of miles through the Earth interior .

  27. “但是熄灭的火山也可能会再复苏的。”小王子打断了地理学家。

    " But extinct volcanoes may come to life again ," the little prince interrupted .

  28. 国际法语历史学家和地理学家委员会

    International Committee of French-Speaking Historians and Geographers

  29. 近代德国地理学家及影响

    Modern German Geographers and Their Influence

  30. 可您还是地理学家呢!

    But you are a geographer !