
dì qiú wèi xīnɡ
  • earth satellite
  1. 它们与首颗地球卫星PS-1有着类似的结构。

    Structurally they were similar to the first Earth satellite PS-1 .

  2. 负温度系数(NTC)热敏电阻型是国内外地球卫星姿态控制系统用主要红外探测器类型之一,也是该系统的核心元器件,其性能对整个卫星姿态控制系统影响重大。

    At home and abroad Negative temperature coefficient ( NTC ) type thermistor Earth satellite attitude control systems is one of the main types of infrared detectors , Is also the core of the system components , its performance has major impact for the satellite attitude control system .

  3. GPS(全球定位系统)卫星定位技术利用人造地球卫星,确定地面点的空间位置。

    GPS is the technology which use the satellite to measure the 3D coordination of spatial points .

  4. 此前还有前苏联人造地球卫星、激光、登月竞赛、全球定位系统(GPS)。

    Before that , there was Sputnik , lasers , the Moon race , the Global Positioning System .

  5. 人造地球卫星VLBI观测的相对论时延模型

    Ground-based VLBI Relativistic Time Delay Model for Satellites in High Earth Orbit

  6. 当主星m1辐射较强,小天体m的有效面质比较大时,这种辐射作用不可忽视,例如太阳光压对人造地球卫星运动的影响。

    When the radiation of one primary body m 1 is very strong and the ERAM is also very large , the radiation pressure can 't be ignored , such as the effect of the solar light pressure on artificial satellites ' orbiting .

  7. 首先概述DPAL的基本原理和结构,并对其作为能源用于同步地球卫星发射任务的方式和优势做了简要讨论。

    The basic principle and structure of DPAL are introduced , and the advantages of using DPAL for power beaming in launching geo-synchronous satellites are also discussed .

  8. 本文是研究临界倾角和24-h卫星的通约问题,弄清小分母的实质,为人造地球卫星的轨道设计和计算提供可靠的依据。

    This article researches into the problem of the critical inclination and the 24-h satellite , finds out the substance of the problem of small divisors and provides a sound basis for the design and computation of the orbit of an artificial earth satellite .

  9. 上个月又一颗人造地球卫星被送入轨道。

    Another man-made earth satellite was put into orbit last month .

  10. 关于发射人造地球卫星的最佳轨道(Ⅲ)

    On launching optimal trajectory of a man ─ made satellite (ⅲ)

  11. 利用月球引力场改变地球卫星轨道倾角原理

    The Theory of Changing Satellite Orbit Inclination Using Moon Gravitation

  12. 人造地球卫星运动中的共振问题

    On the resonance problem in the motion of the artifical earth satellite

  13. 人造地球卫星最早的一个用途就是之一就是导航。

    One of the first applications of artificial satellites was radio navigation .

  14. 火车在铁路轨道上行驶。地球卫星的环行轨道

    Trains run on a railway track . circum earth orbit

  15. 苏联人造地球卫星是进入未知空间的第一颗人造卫星。

    Sputnik is the first satellite to enter the great beyond of space .

  16. 人造地球卫星的精确预报问题

    On the Precise Prediction of an Artificial Earth Satellite

  17. 地球卫星轨道的椭圆函数解

    Cnoidal solution of the orbit of the satellite

  18. 近地停泊轨道实为一种地球卫星轨道;

    The parking orbit is a certain kind of orbit of the Earth satellite .

  19. 人造地球卫星在科学和技术之间占有一个独特的中介地位。

    The artificial Earth Satellites occupy a peculiar intermediate position between science and technology .

  20. 第一个地球卫星标志了宇宙研究的新纪元。

    The first earth satellite marked a new epoch in the study of the universe .

  21. 1957年第一颗卫星&一颗苏联人造地球卫星被送入太空。

    1957 The first satellite , a Russian sputnik , was sent up into space .

  22. 人造地球卫星在临界角附近运动的解

    A solution of the motion of an artifical satellite in the vicinity of the critical inclination

  23. 深空研究和人造地球卫星引发的问题交给了巴巴金;

    Kozlov ; problems caused by studies of deep space and automatic Earth artificial satellites to G.

  24. 高级地球卫星武器系统

    Advanced earth satellite weapon system

  25. 本文将对人造地球卫星轨道预报中的主要问题作一概括;

    This paper first sums up the main problem about orbit prediction of an artificial earth satellite .

  26. 人造地球卫星运动理论

    Theory of artificial satellite motion

  27. 人造地球卫星运行轨道

    Orbit of artificial earth satellite

  28. 他同时在研制中国第一颗人造地球卫星过程中身兼重任。

    He also played a significant role in developing the country ` s first artificial earth satellite .

  29. 各国利用人造地球卫星进行直接电视广播管理原则国际公约

    International Convention on Principles governing the Use by States of Artificial Earth Satellites for Direct Television Broadcasting

  30. 与经典的月球理论相比较,地球卫星的运动有显著的实际差别。

    In comparison with the classical lunar theory the motion of an Earth Satellite offers important practical differences .