
dì lǐ wèi zhi
  • geographic location;geographical situation
  1. 地理位置和海拔高度是水汽压空间分布的主要影响因子。

    Geographical situation and sea level elevation are the main influencing factors to the spatial distribution of water vapor press .

  2. 旅游文化区是文化发展到一定阶段而形成的,其形成因素包括自然条件、地理位置、宗教、文学艺术及政治历史背景。

    Tourist cultural region is formed by cultural development . The forming factors consist of nat-ural condition , geographical situation , religion , literature and art , and background of politics and history .

  3. 这座城镇的重要性在于它的地理位置。

    The importance of the town is due to its geographical location .

  4. 澳门最新的小型豪华饭店地理位置优美。

    Macau 's newest small luxury hotel has a beautiful location .

  5. 它的地理位置引起了海外商家的兴趣。

    Its geographical location stimulated overseas mercantile enterprise .

  6. 这座城市地理位置优越,到伦敦和希思罗机场都很方便。

    The town is well placed for easy access to London and convenient for Heathrow Airport

  7. 从地理位置上讲,英国处于欧洲边缘,而巴黎却位于欧洲大陆的中心位置。

    Geographically , the UK is on the periphery of Europe , while Paris is at the heart of the continent

  8. 从地理位置上讲,英国处于欧洲边缘

    Geographically , the UK is on the periphery of Europe .

  9. 这座城市的成功很大程度上归功于它的地理位置

    The city 's success owes much to its geographic position .

  10. 薄荷四国中有三个国家具有另外一个主要优势:地理位置。

    Another key advantage of three of the MINT countries is their geographical3 location .

  11. 我们正在出售一套地理位置特别好的公寓,离它最近的公交车站只有一步之遥。

    We are selling a nice apartment with a great location1 . It 's only a stone 's throw from the closest bus stop .

  12. 据卡什的父母称,卡什在两岁时就能记住美国50个州的形状和地理位置,还能背出元素周期表上的所有元素。

    According to her parents , Kashe memorized the 50 states by shape and location and could name all of the elements on the periodic table by the time she was 2 years old .

  13. 每次雪莉去度假,她脸书主页的更新就满满地全是地理位置炫耀,“在巴黎小睡······”、“人在马尔代夫,准备潜水啦”之类的。

    For example : Every time when Shelly goes on vacation , her Facebook page is filled with geobragging updates , such as " Taking a nap ... in Paris " and " ready to dive in the Maldives " .

  14. 他们这种行为叫做“地理位置炫耀”,表现为不断更新状态提起自己的地理位置,以吸引别人的关注或嫉妒。总是这么做的人通常被称为“地理位置炫耀控”。

    Such behaviour is called " geobragging " , consisting of repeated status updates noting your location in an attempt to get attention or make other people jealous . People who do that all the time are usually called geobraggers .

  15. 用于GPS汽车导航的地理位置坐标转换研究

    The Study of Coordinate Conversion in GPS based Vehicle Navigation System

  16. 该应用程序在Customer表格中为分布于多个地理位置的承租者提供客户配置信息。

    This application has customer profile information for tenants located across multiple geographical locations in the Customer table .

  17. 控制中心能够及时接收到GPS发回的短信息,在强大的GIS地图上显示被监控终端设备的每一个精确地理位置,实现了实时监控。

    The operations center received the short message and displayed each exact position of the supervised terminal in the screen .

  18. 如何管理地理位置分散,并且可能通过高延迟、低带宽网络连接的基本节点或NetworkDeployment单元?

    How do you manage base nodes or Network Deployment cells that are geographically diverse , and connected possibly through a high latency , low bandwidth network ?

  19. 根据大麦病毒属病毒已经报道的CP氨基酸序列绘制系统发育树,分析表明分离的各毒株在进化上存在明显地理位置的相关性。

    Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that there was correlation between BSMV isolates and geographic regions .

  20. HPV变异株的分布与地理位置关系密切。

    The distribution of HPV variants varies geographically .

  21. RFID编码解析网络中的服务器作为编码信息的提供者,处于不同的地理位置和网络环境中。

    As the code information provider , RFID CRN servers are located at different geographical position and network environment .

  22. 本文在调研大量地理位置应用需求的基础上提出将Web资源地理位置区分为实体位置、内容位置和服务位置,并针对这三种不同的位置定义给出了一套自成体系的学习与检测架构。

    According to a comprehensive investigation into various geographic information needs , we first explicitly categorize Web locations into three types such as Provider Location , Content Location and Serving Location .

  23. 如果启用,Twitter会收集您和您的tweet的地理位置数据。

    When enabled , Twitter collects geolocation data about you and your tweets .

  24. GoogleMapsJavaScriptAPI教程介绍如何使用GoogleMaps和用户提供的地理位置数据呈现各种类型的地图。

    Google Maps JavaScript API tutorial shows how to use Google Maps to render maps of various types using user-provided geolocation data .

  25. 在创建bucket时,可以指定位置限制,从而影响bucket的地理位置。

    You can affect the geographical location of your buckets by specifying a location constraint when you create them .

  26. 应用GIS技术编制地质图能将地质体的地理位置与属性结合起来,根据实际需要准确、形象地将图形信息展现出来,帮助地质工作者进行地质辅助决策分析。

    Map in GIS technology can combine location with attributes of geological body , and show information accurately , it can assist the geological workers to decision-making analysis .

  27. 由于油气田的开发与空间地理位置密切相关,因而可以在油气田开发管理过程中引入GIS技术。

    Owing to the close correlation of development of reservoir and spatial geological place , the technology of GIS can be introduced into the process of development and management of reservoir .

  28. DBA可以非常轻松地管理和监视分布在不同地理位置的多个服务器。

    This makes the whole process of administration geography-independent and monitoring multiple servers is just a click away .

  29. 以3DGIS系统的图形显示、强大的空间查询和空间分析功能为基础,解决交通战备及其附属设施基于空间地理位置的可视化信息管理。

    Solve the traffic establishment and it 's affiliated facility founded on the regular of space geography , based on the figure display , strong spatial query and spatial analyses of 3D GIS .

  30. 介绍了上海浦东国际机场T2航站楼的建筑概况、地理位置、气候特点及自然通风的研究目的;

    This article introduced building outline , geographical location , weather features of SPIA T2 , and described objects of natural ventilation study .