
dì zhōng hǎi qì hòu
  • Mediterranean climate;Etesian (or Mediterranean) climate
  1. Swiecki表示,在地中海气候和半干旱气候中尤其如此。

    Mr. Swiecki says this is true especially in Mediterranean and semi-dry climates .

  2. 地中海气候让这里全年都变得适合举行会议和活动。

    And Greece 's Mediterranean climate is suitable for events year-round .

  3. 地中海气候带来漫长的炎热夏季接着是一个阳光充足的秋天。

    Mediterranean climate with long hot summers followed by a sunny autumn .

  4. 葡萄树受益于地中海气候的影响。

    The vines benefit from a mediterranean climate .

  5. 其气候为温和的地中海气候,夏季炎热、干燥,冬季寒冷、多雨。

    The climate is temperate and Mediterranean with hot , dry summers and cool , variably rainy winters .

  6. 旱麦草属是在第四纪地中海气候形成后才逐渐分化形成的,起源于地中海&中亚区域。

    It was occurred after the Mediterranean Climate formation in the Quaternary and originated in Mediterranean-Central Asia region .

  7. 在地中海气候影响下的澳大利亚西部地区,提高作物的早期生长势对农业生产起着至关重要的作用。

    Improving early vigour is very important for the crops grown in the Mediterranean-type climate of Western Australia .

  8. 欧洲发达国家全部分布在温带:温带海洋性气候、温带大陆性气候和地中海气候。

    All the European countries in the temperate : temperate maritime climate , temperate continental climate and the Mediterranean climate .

  9. 宜人的地中海气候和得天独厚的地理、土壤条件孕育出了一块上好的中心产区,使得这里每年都能产出优质的葡萄。

    These same geographic characteristics provide Chile 's fertile central region with optimal climate & soil conditions to produce consistent and outstanding grapes each year .

  10. 这种天气是典型的地中海型气候。

    This weather is typical of the Mediterranean climate .

  11. 地中海的气候适合柑橘类水果和葡萄的生长。

    The climate of the Mediterranean is good for growing citrus fruits and grapes .

  12. 地中海的气候很宜人。

    Climate in the Mediterranean is very pleasant .

  13. 加州太平洋沿岸南部是地中海式气候,夏天干燥炎热,冬天潮湿多雨。

    The southern part of the Pacific coast in California has a Mediterranean climate with warm , dry summers and moist winters .

  14. 它属于地中海式气候,夏季炎热,冬季凉爽,平均年降雨量为530毫米。

    It enjoys a Mediterranean climate with hot summers , cool winters , and an average annual rainfall of21 in ( 530mm ) .

  15. 地中海区域气候温暖,阳光充足,几乎一整年都能产出大量新鲜水果和蔬菜,而人们每天都会吃很多次。

    The Mediterranean region is warm and sunny , and produces large supplies of fresh fruits and vegetables almost the year round that people eat many times a day .

  16. 理由之一,此地西滨黑海,东临??气候相当温和,说不定与地中海型气候接近。

    For one , the presence of the Black Sea to the west and the Caspian Sea to the east would have ensured a relatively mild , perhaps even Mediterranean-like , climate .

  17. 随着气候继续变化,终于传来了一些好消息:英格兰将享受温暖的地中海冬季气候和令人欣喜的香槟收成;苏格兰农夫将能够种植新的农作物,更不用说享受日光浴。

    As the climate continues to change , some good news at last : England will enjoy mild Mediterranean winters and delightful champagne vintages ; Scottish farmers will be able to cultivate new crops , not to mention suntans .