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  • geology
地质学 [dì zhì xué]
  • [geology] 研究地球形成和发展、地壳的组成物质、各种地质作用及它们在国民经济中的应用等问题的科学

地质学[dì zhì xué]
  1. 他是约旦大学的地质学客座教授。

    He was visiting professor of geology at the University of Jordan .

  2. 地质学不是一门正在迅速发展的学科。

    Geology isn 't a rapidly developing science .

  3. 由于重视研究多年,他在地质学方面颇有成就。

    He made his mark in the field of geology after long years of research .

  4. 从地质学博士培养谈SCI和EI收录论文的评价体系

    Discussion of the Evaluation System of SCI and EI from the Cultivation of PhD of Geology

  5. 翁文灏在矿床地质学上的卓越贡献纪念翁文灏先生诞辰100周年地电自动测量系统国产化(CATS)研究

    Outstanding Contributions Made by Professor Weng Wenhao in the Field of Mineral Deposits & 100th Anniversary of Professor Weng Wenhao 's Birth STUDYING THE AUTOMATIC INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEM ( C-TAS , WHICH MADE IN CHINA ) IN GEOELECTRICITY

  6. GC-AED多元素模拟蒸馏在地质学中的应用研究

    The Application Research of Multi-element Simulated Distillation by Gas Chromatography-Atomic Emission Detection in Geology

  7. 在对国内外近年应用地理信息系统(GIS)解决地质学问题进行简要评述的基础上,通过实例阐述了借助于GIS技术,采用多源信息方法进行煤矿区突水预测的方法与步骤及预测结果。

    Briefly reviewed the geological problem solving techniques by GIS both at home and abroad in recent years , the authors describe , by using some living cases , the methods , procedures and results of prediction of water-bursting in mines by GIS and multi-resources information method .

  8. 随着纽约商交所(nymex)的原油期货价格达到每桶142美元,当前的石油危机与坏运气和地质学两者同样相关。

    The current oil shock , with NYMEX crude touching $ 142 , has as much to do with bad luck as geology .

  9. 简要讨论了地理信息系统(GIS)的研究情况,重点阐述了GIS制图技术、可视化技术、空间分析技术、遥感制图技术在地质学领域中的应用,总结了世界各国地学中GIS的应用情况。

    This paper discusses in brief the study of geographic information system ( GIS ) . It especially describes the application of GIS technique of charting , visualization , spatial analysis and remote sensing charting in geology . Finally , it summarizes the application of GIS in different countries .

  10. 有点像迟早会成真的噩梦,英国剑桥大学地球科学系主任、地震学家詹姆斯•杰克逊(JamesJackson)说,从物理学和地质学的角度来说,发生的事情完全在我们的预料之中。

    It was sort of a nightmare waiting to happen , said seismologist James Jackson , head of the earth sciences department at the University of Cambridge in England . Physically and geologically what happened is exactly what we thought would happen .

  11. 构造地质学计算机辅助教学课件(SGCAI)利用数据库、图形动画及多媒体等技术,对地质学基础课程的计算机辅助教学研究作了初步探索。

    It is essential to develop quality geological CAI application software for teaching purpose . Here we present a courseware of Computer Aid Instruction for Structural Geology ( SGCAI ), which includes a large capacity of database , cartons and multimedia technique .

  12. 从地理学到地质学,只有几何学能组织这些有机体。

    From geography to geology , only geometry organizes the organic .

  13. 工程水文地质学及其在水电工程中的应用概述

    A brief of ENGINEERING-HYDROGEOLOGY and its application to hydroelectric power project

  14. 地质学标本模型库的构建与实现

    The Construction and Realization of the Geological Specimen and Model Database

  15. 介绍一种新型输液器流体地质学&21世纪的新兴地质学科

    Introduction of a new type of fluid infusion set Fluid Geology

  16. 能源地质学的前缘科学&沉积盆地动力学

    A Frontier of Energy Geology : The Dynamics of Sedimentary Basins

  17. 波动地质学在黄骅坳陷演化分析中的应用&再论地壳波状运动

    The application of wave geology in basin analysis in Huanghua Depression

  18. 收藏恐龙的化石和古骼、古生物学及地质学。

    Collect dinosaur fossils and skeletons , paleontology , and geology .

  19. 加强海洋灾害地质学研究,减少海洋工程灾害

    Strengthen marine disastrous geological studies and decrease marine engineering hazard

  20. 石油地震地质学是一门高度综合的整体化系统科学。

    Petroleum Seismic Geology is a highly comprehensive integral-systematic science .

  21. 断裂构造研究进展对工程地质学的启示

    Significance of Advances of Fault Structure on Studying Engineering Geology

  22. 中国区域稳定工程地质学产生与发展

    Establishment and development of regional stability engineering geology in Chinese

  23. 大陆地质学研究的若干问题思考

    Pondering over some problems in the study of continental geology

  24. 我国地质学基础研究人才战略

    Strategy of Young Talent in Geological Fundamental Studies in China

  25. 热释光测年是地貌与第四纪地质学中一种新的技术手段。

    TL Dating is a new technique in Geomophology and Quaternary geology .

  26. 宝玉石概念及地质学分类方案探讨

    Discussion of the Conceptions and the Geological Classifications of Gems

  27. 工程地质学发展趋势刍议

    Our humble opinion of the development tendency of engineering geology

  28. 分形统计模型的理论研究及其在地质学中的应用

    The theory study of fractal statistical model and its application in geology

  29. 环境地质学必须为可持续发展战略服务。

    Environmental geology must serve the strategy of sustainable development .

  30. 地下水环境工程&水文地质学发展的一个新动向

    Groundwater environmental Engineering-A new trend in the development of hydrogeology