
Ā fù hàn
  • Afghanistan
  1. 安东尼·海曼在此就他那本关于阿富汗的书写了书评。

    His book about Afghanistan is reviewed here by Anthony Hyman .

  2. 他从蒙古撤军,并且撤离阿富汗。

    He pulled back forces from Mongolia , and he withdrew from Afghanistan .

  3. 纳吉布拉总统称他将召开阿富汗全民大会。

    President Najibullah said he would call a grand council of all Afghans

  4. 阿富汗空军正用直升机向被围城镇提供补给。

    The Afghan air force was using helicopters to supply the besieged town .

  5. 他们大动干戈想要控制阿富汗地区,但只持续了10年就无果而终了。

    Their costly and futile attempt to subjugate the Afghans lasted just 10 years .

  6. 他们作为志愿军和阿富汗的游击队员并肩作战。

    They fought as volunteers with the Afghan guerrillas

  7. 阿富汗当局称,该机场已经关闭一年多了。

    The Afghan authorities say the airport had been closed for more than a year .

  8. 逊尼派在阿富汗人口中占大多数。

    Sunnis are a large majority of the Afghan population .

  9. 货币:从阿富汗尼到津巴布韦元,全世界不同国家的货币。

    Currencies : from the Afghani to the Zimbabwe dollar , each country 's unit of currency .

  10. 第五旅现在携带895套陆地勇士装备去阿富汗。

    The 5th Brigade is now taking 895 Land Warrior ensembles to Afghanistan .

  11. 他还开始从阿富汗和伊拉克撤兵。

    He began the troop withdrawal4 from Afghanistanand Iraq .

  12. 美军日前进军阿富汗山区阻止塔利班组织的一次暴动

    US troops moved into the Afghan mountains in an offensive to stop Taliban insurgence .

  13. 中国驻阿富汗使馆仍在正常运作,中国驻阿大使和使馆人员仍在履行职责。

    The Chinese Embassy in Afghanistan is still operating normally . The Chinese Ambassador and embassy staff are fulfilling their duties .

  14. 阿富汗局势已发生重大变化,我们尊重阿富汗人民的意愿和选择。

    We respect the will and choice of the Afghan people . The war in Afghanistan has been dragging on for over 40 years .

  15. 我们希望阿富汗塔利班同阿富汗各党派、各民族团结起来,建立符合阿富汗自身国情、广泛包容的政治架构,为阿富汗实现持久和平奠定基础。

    We hope the Afghan Taliban can form solidarity groups in Afghanistan , and build a broad-based and inclusive political structure suited to the national realities , so as to lay the foundation for achieving enduring peace in the country .

  16. 阿富汗塔利班方面多次表示,希同中方发展良好关系,期待中方参与阿富汗重建与发展,绝不允许任何势力利用阿富汗领土做危害中国的事情。

    The Afghan Taliban said on multiple occasions that it hopes to grow sound relations with China , looks forward to China 's participation integrity , adhered to non-interference in Afghanistan 's internal affairs and pursued a friendly policy toward the entire Afghan people . China respects the Afghan people 's right to decide on their own future independently .

  17. 英国皇家联合军种研究院(RoyalUnitedServicesInstitute)的军事分析家MalcolmChalmers说,目前为止,公众还没有真正关注阿富汗的战事。

    Military analyst , Malcolm Chalmers of Britain 's Royal United Services Institute , says until now the public has not really events in Afghanistan .

  18. SayedAbdullah是喀布尔一名阿富汗政府雇员。

    Sayed Abdullah is an Afghan government employee in Kabul .

  19. 一位审计员指出,在配备12辆坦克的阿富汗国民军(ana)某部,12名驾驶员中只有3名接受了训练。

    One cites an ana unit that was allotted 12 trucks , though only three of its 12 drivers had training .

  20. 1997年,当我是一个CNN的制片人,我遇到了与本拉丹在阿富汗东部的电影他的第一次电视采访。

    In1997 , when I was a producer for CNN , I met with bin Laden in eastern Afghanistan to film his first television interview .

  21. 警察和外交人士说,这两名DHL公司官员来自英国和南非,一人是阿富汗项目主管,另一人是副主管。

    Police and diplomats say the two DHL officials-the country director and deputy director & were from Britain and South Africa .

  22. 在阿富汗,我们正在增加兵力,并训练阿富汗的安全部队(AfghanSecurityForces),使他们可以在2011年7月开始承担主要责任,从而我国军人可以开始返回家园。

    And in Afghanistan , we 're increasing our troops and training Afghan security forces so they can begin to take the lead in July of2011 , and our troops can begin to come home . ( Applause . )

  23. 美国军方而后确认在袭击中丧生的美国军官是34岁的老兵少将哈罗德J格林。他在喀布尔担任阿富汗联合安全转型指挥部副指挥官。

    The killed American officer has eventually been identified by the US military as Maj. Gen. Harold J. Greene , a 34-year veteran , who was the deputy commanding general of Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan in Kabul .

  24. 北约驻阿富汗部队新闻发言人ERICTREMBLAY谈及塔利班试图扰乱上周总统选举后的计票工作。

    ERIC TREMBLAY , spokesman for NATOs Afghanistan task force , onthe Talibans attempts to disrupt the ballot count afterlastweeks presidential election .

  25. 我们开始每周派出一个C-130J机组前往阿富汗,以便不再出现订货的堆积。

    We started sending a C-130J crew to Afghanistan once a week to keep the backlog from accumulating again .

  26. 周四,北约驻阿富汗军队指挥官麦克里斯托将军(StanleyMcChrystal)表示,卡达哈地区的关键行动进展将比原计划更慢。

    On Thursday , NATO 's force commander in Afghanistan , General Stanley McChrystal , said a key operation in Kandahar would go slower than originally planned .

  27. 美国的阿富汗和巴基斯坦问题特使理查德霍尔布鲁克(RichardHolbrooke)今年4月曾访问北京举行商谈,此后双方进行了一系列接触。

    Richard Holbrooke , the US special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan , visited Beijing in April for talks and there have been a string of contacts since then .

  28. 我在伊拉克、Bagram(阿富汗)和喀布尔呆了很长时间。

    I spend a lot of time in Iraq , Bagram [ Afghanistan ] and Kabul .

  29. 在阿富汗首都喀布尔,麦克里斯特尔与美国驻阿富汗大使、前任指挥官卡尔艾肯伯里(karleikenberry)将军有时甚至互不理睬。

    In Kabul , Gen McChrystal and retired general Karl Eikenberry , the US ambassador , have at times barely been on speaking terms .

  30. 德米斯图拉(staffandemistura)表示,阿富汗最近的安全形势令人担忧,塔利班袭击了许多地点,包括首都的一家医院和主要酒店。

    De Mistura added that the security situation in Afghanistan has been an issue of concern recently , with Taliban attacks on various sites , including a hospital and a major hotel in the capital .