
  • 网络Amu Darya;Amu;Oxus
  1. 尽管阿姆河盆地的这些区块估计只有8000万桶的石油储量,按照全球标准衡量微不足道,但分析师们表示,此次中标可能使得CNPC占据有利地位,以赢得更大的油田项目。

    Although the Amu Darya blocks are only estimated to contain about 80m barrels of oil , a tiny amount by global standards , analysts say a successful bid could put CNPC in prime position to win bigger fields .

  2. 阿姆河和菲尔尼甘河与阿富汗交界。

    The Amu Darya and Pyanj rivers mark the border with Afghanistan .

  3. 敦煌与阿姆河流派美术图案纹样比较研究

    Comparative Studies of the Art of Dunhuang and the Oxus River School

  4. 它主要是一个旅游中心,在一个能俯瞰阿姆河和佛罗伦萨城的小山上建有别墅和花园。

    It is primarily a tourist center , with villas and gardens on a hill overlooking the Arno River and the city of Florence . Population , 14,774 .

  5. 合同区位于阿姆河右岸,与土库曼纳巴特隔阿姆河相望,二者之间有公路浮桥和铁路大桥相连。

    Located on the right bank of the amudarya river , the contractual block faces to turkmenabat across the amudarya River and there are highway pontoon bridge and railway bridge connecting the two .

  6. 首府查尔朱位于列巴普州的中心地带,坐落于阿姆河的左岸,铁路和公路连接查尔朱-首都阿什哈巴德和查尔朱-乌兹别克斯坦。

    He capital of uzbekistan , is located in central land of lebap state on Left Bank of amu darya . turkmenabat , the capital Ashkhabad and Uzbekistan are connected by railways and highways .

  7. 各大王国包括克什米尔、尼泊尔、越南、日本、韩国、分布在阿姆河附近的超过9个国家和中亚南部的锡尔河都向大唐进贡。

    Some of the major kingdoms paying tribute to the Tang Dynasty included Kashmir , Neparo ( Nepal ) , Vietnam , Japan , Korea , over nine kingdoms located in Amu Darya and Syr Darya valley in south of mid-Asia .