
ā lā bó yǔ
  • Arabic
  1. 他突然用阿拉伯语叽里呱啦说了一串话。

    He spoke in Arabic , a short staccato burst .

  2. 他的阿拉伯语没有他的英语好,但是够用了。

    His Arabic was not as good as his English , but serviceable enough

  3. 他突然开口了,说的却是几乎听不懂的阿拉伯语。

    He spoke abruptly , in barely comprehensible Arabic .

  4. 这个短语可能翻译自一个阿拉伯语常用表达。

    This phrase may well have been a rendering of a popular Arabic expression .

  5. 时至今日,我的希伯来语仍很流利,但阿拉伯语却糟透了。

    I remain to this day fluent in Hebrew , while my Arabic is atrocious

  6. 这一变革是政府将逐步采用阿拉伯语作为官方学术语言政策的一部分。

    The change is part of the government 's policy of phasing in Arabic as the official academic language .

  7. 阿拉伯语不容易学。

    The Arabic language is not easy to learn .

  8. 他精通英语、德语、法语、俄语、阿拉伯语乃至世界语。

    He has a good command of English , German , French , Russian , Arabic and even Esperanto .

  9. 学阿拉伯语不容易。

    It is not easy to learn arabic .

  10. 直译过来就是:“强风”。有专家表示这个词汇源自于希腊语和阿拉伯语,中文翻译后意思加强了。China中国

    The literal translation is " strong wind . " Experts say the term , typhon from the Greek and Arabic , was strengthened with the Chinese translation .

  11. B是的,我想是阿拉伯语。我想他们是从中东来。

    B Yes , I think it 's Arabic . I think they 're from the Middle East .

  12. x具有全面的国际化特性,支持从右到左语言(比如希伯来语或阿拉伯语)和扩展字符集。

    Supports right to left languages ( such as Hebrew or Arabic ) and extended character sets .

  13. LotusForms产品支持从右向左阅读的双向语言,比如阿拉伯语和希伯来语。

    Lotus Forms products support bidirectional languages , such as Arabic and Hebrew , which read from right to left .

  14. 他对IOL说:“学习阿拉伯语的需求真的很高”。

    " The demand on learning Arabic is really high ," he told IOL .

  15. 尽管可能困惑重重,不同国家的阿拉伯人还是能用现代标准阿拉伯语(MSA)进行沟通。

    Stumble though they may , Arabs from different countries are enabled by MSA to communicate .

  16. Tom说道,“我们将拥有面向中文/希伯来语/阿拉伯语的文本方向、垂直文本布局、双向文本布局,还有对复杂脚本和连体字母的支持”。

    " We 'll have text orientation , vertical text layouts , bidirectional text layouts for Chinese / Hebrew / Arabic [ languages ] and support for complex script and ligatures " .

  17. 作为一个在叙利亚首都大马士革工作了15年的中国人,Lu可以说一口流利的阿拉伯语,因此他的采访要求很容易就被接受了。

    As a Chinese once working for15 years in Damascus , the capital of Syria , Lu can speak fluent Arabic and so his interview request was easily accepted .

  18. Al-Shabab在阿拉伯语中是“青年”的意思。

    Al-Shabab means " The Youth " in Arabic .

  19. 因为LotusForms也支持阿拉伯语和希伯来语等双向语言,所以通过设置这些地区,屏幕上的选项会成为从右向左阅读。

    Because Lotus Forms also supports bidirectional languages , such as Arabic and Hebrew , by setting these locales , the options on the screen read from right to left rather than from left to right .

  20. 我的叔叔转向旁边的人,用阿拉伯语说到,“Ibnabuh”——虎父无犬子。

    My uncle turned to the other men , and in Arabic said , " Ibn abuh . " Like father , like son .

  21. 我快速浏览完华尔街日报的一篇健康报道和埃及AlGomhuria日报的一则有关伊拉克的新闻,这条新闻自动从阿拉伯语被翻译成英语。

    I zip through a health story in The Wall Street Journal and a piece about Iraq from Egypt 's Al Gomhuria , translated automatically from Arabic to English .

  22. 在在线论坛Reddit上的随便问我点啥的问答环节,他回答了这第三个问题,这名微软创始人坦言,他希望他会说法语、阿拉伯语或是汉语。

    Speaking in his third Ask Me Anything question-and-answer session for online forum Reddit , the Microsoft founder revealed that he wished he spoke French , Arabic or Chinese .

  23. 在在线论坛Reddit上的“随便问我点啥”的问答环节,他回答了这第三个问题,这名微软创始人坦言,他希望他会说法语、阿拉伯语或是汉语。

    Speaking in his third Ask Me Anything question-and-answer session for online forum Reddit , the Microsoft founder revealed that he wished he spoke French , Arabic or Chinese 。

  24. DB29支持具有不同属性的各种语言,比如重音符号(法语)、双向(阿拉伯语)和大字符集(中文)。

    DB2 9 supports a variety of languages with a wide range of attributes like accent marks ( French ), bidirectional ( Arabic ), and large character set ( Chinese ) .

  25. 该地区的大多数语言编写系统从RTL到通过一个世纪发明计算机,始终不具备关于此类语言的国际标准(如阿拉伯语,波斯语等)。

    Writing system in Most of the languages of the region are from RTL and still yet by passing a century of inventing Computer there is no an international standard for this languages ( like Arabic , Persian and so on ) .

  26. 希伯来语和阿拉伯语等语言的方向与一般语言不同,对于这些语言,还应该设置DB2BIDI环境变量。

    For languages , such as Hebrew and Arabic , which are inherently mixed-directional , DB2BIDI environment variable should also be set .

  27. 许多会说当地语言的本地人都被雇佣起来了,包括阿拉伯语,波斯语,乌尔都语,Pushup和保加利亚语。其中一部分的人说纽约警方所雇佣的阿拉伯人比FBI还要多。

    Scores of native speakers of around 50 languages , including Arabic , Dari , Persian , Urdu , Pushup and Bengali , have been hired - some say the NYPD has more Arabic speakers than the FBI .

  28. JillMorford:“任何一个人,如果他的第一语言的书写系统与英语完全不同,例如阿拉伯语,中文或俄语,他们都知道,要学习认识并理解英语单词都比阅读使用同样的正字法的语言更加具有挑战性。”

    JILL MORFORD : " Anyone who has a first language that has a written system that 's very different than English , like Arabic or Chinese or Russian , knows that learning to recognize and understand words in English is much more

  29. 在埃及推出的网站是“百度知道”的阿拉伯语版本,而在泰国推出的是泰语版的Hao123网址导航。

    The Egypt site is an Arabic version of its Google Answers-like service Baidu Knows , while in Thailand the company has launched a Thai-language version of its web directory & Hao123 .

  30. 与阿拉伯语姊妹电视台一样,半岛电视台英语频道的资金来自卡塔尔天然气收入,但该频道面向全球英语国家,并享有远比telesur更多的编辑自由。

    Although funded , like its Arabic sister station , by the gas revenues of Qatar , it operates in the global Anglophone market and enjoys considerably more editorial freedom from its paymaster than telesur .