
jī dū jiào shén xué
  • Christian theology
  1. 原罪是基督教神学的核心概念,是整个基督教教义得以阐发的逻辑起点。

    The original sin is the essential concept of Christian theology .

  2. 相同的概念也存在于基督教神学。

    These same concepts still exist in the Christian theology .

  3. 欧洲中世纪基督教神学文化形成的原因

    The Cause for Emergence of European Christian Science in Middle Ages

  4. 近代科学革命对基督教神学的冲击

    The impact of the Modem Revolution of Science on Christology

  5. 圣约与全球经济生活:一种基督教神学的公共进路

    Covenant and Global Economic Life : A Public Approach of Christian Theology

  6. 人文主义者是在对基督教神学传统文化进行批判继承的基础来阐发自己的宗教思想的。

    The humanists formed religion thought based on criticism on traditional Christian culture .

  7. 悖论,是基督教神学启示的重要思想方式。

    Paradox is an important mode of thinking of the revelation of Christian .

  8. 王室百合与基督教神学有着深刻的渊源关系。

    The royal lily is connected with Christian theology .

  9. 中国基督教神学思想建设

    Theological Thinking Reconstruction of the Chinese Church

  10. 它的诞生和发展引起了西方学术界的极大兴趣,尤其震撼了基督教神学领域。

    Since born , it has interested the western academia and shaken the Christian theology .

  11. (基督教神学)作为末日审判官的基督的来临。

    ( Christian theology ) the reappearance of Jesus as judge for the Last Judgment .

  12. 本文的主体部分即第二、三、四章主要致力于对基督教神学美学进行历史的考量。

    Chapter two , three and four mainly discuss the historical description of Christian theological aesthetics .

  13. 关于基督教神学哲学在中国的翻译和吸纳问题

    On the Problems of the Translation and Being Absorbed of Christian Theology and Philosophy in China

  14. 基督教神学对上帝的信赖产生了卑视自己的观念。

    The Low Opinion of Oneself concept comes from the belief of God in Christian Theology .

  15. 康德与基督教神学

    Immanuel Kant and Christian Theology

  16. 婚姻思想是基督教神学、法律和宗教法规的重要组成部分之一。

    The marriage thoughts is one important part of the Christian theology , law and religious regulations .

  17. 进入中世纪后,在基督教神学思想的控制下,以人文主义为核心的古典悲剧在欧洲销声匿迹。

    In the Middle Ages , under the tight control of Christianity , humanistic classic tragedy disappeared .

  18. 在基督教神学领域,一些传统思想也因此受到极大冲击,许多重视人与自然,改变基督教传统的思想应运而生。

    This conversion also brings about many changes in Christian theologies , and results in new ecological theological thoughts appearing .

  19. 可以说,从奥古斯丁开始,自由意志问题构成了西方哲学与基督教神学共同关注的问题之一。

    In addition , the issue of free will began to draw attention by both Western Philosophy and Christian Theology .

  20. 略论伏尔泰的历史观&以伏尔泰对博絮埃的基督教神学史观的批判为讨论

    On Voltaire 's Conception of History & A Discussion of Voltaire 's Criticism of Bossuet 's Christian Theological Conception of History

  21. 实际上,宗教教义本质的问题在启蒙运动之后一直不断困扰着基督教神学界。

    Actually , since the Enlightenment the nature of the doctrine as a question has allays been bothering the Christian Theology .

  22. 上帝是基督教神学最重要的观念,在基督教信仰中,上帝具有全能的智慧,全在全知;

    God is the most important concept in Christian theology who , according to Christianity , is omnipotent , omnipresent and omniscient ;

  23. 李氏同时也融铸传统儒学思维来佐证其基督教神学思想的可行性。

    In addition , Li Chunsheng tries to incorporate Confucianism into his Christian thought to prove the latter 's feasibility and reliability .

  24. 对于西方近代哲学,人们常从认识论,或从某一方面以实体、观念、自然、精神、人等等为题展开研究,而从基督教神学上帝的视角进行研究的则还不够。

    Researches on modern western philosophy always choose epistemology or such perspectives as substance , idea , nature , spirit , human , etc.

  25. 希望神学的突出标志是:它力图表明末世论的教义是基督教神学的核心。

    The eminent mark of the theology of hope is that it attempted to demonstrate the doctrine of eschatology is the core of Christian theology .

  26. 尽管这种改变回应了在基督教神学理论中成长起来的理性主义,它也是共性结构技术发展的结果。

    Although the change was a response to a growing rationalism in Christian theology , it was also the result of technical developments in vaulting .

  27. 三一论、基督论的教义以爱为核心揭示了基督教神学有关人作为三重关系的存在的理论,用神学语言表达出人内在而超越的本性;

    The doctrine of the Trinity and Christology , which contains the theory of " Love " in Christianity , reveals man 's social relationship .

  28. 中世纪基督教神学伦理学的基本特征:其中心领域是神学德性论和神学人生观;

    Those of medieval Christian theological ethics as follows : its central fields are the theological theory of virtue and the theological outlook on life ;

  29. 中国基督教神学的构建应该适应中国的国情,并与中国文化融合,包括其社会主义路线。

    The construction of Chinese Christian theology should adapt to China 's national condition and integrate with Chinese culture , including its path of socialism .

  30. 那种认为真理是理智与事物或是事物与理智相“符合”的传统观点,其最切近的起源是中世纪的基督教神学信仰。

    The traditional view of truth , which regards truth as the accordance of object and intellect , was originated from the mythology in Christianity .