
jī běn mìnɡ tí
  • Basic proposition;elementary sentence
  1. 自然资源与经济增长的关系应该是经济学的一个基本命题。

    The relation of natural resources and economic growth ought to be a elementary sentence of economics .

  2. 因此,经济发展的基本命题是产业结构的演进,合理的产业结构对经济的发展具有重大作用。

    Therefore , the elementary sentence of economic development is the industrial structure evolution , and the reasonable industrial structure has the significant function to the economic development .

  3. 收益率是风险评价的基本命题,是计算VaR的基础。

    As the basic thesis of risk assessment , revenue ratio is the theoretical foundation for computing VaR.

  4. Abel群的一个基本命题及其在体论上的应用

    A Basic Proposition of Abel Group and Its Application in Division Group Theory

  5. 经济学的一个基本命题是,言语是廉价的。

    A basic proposition of economics is that talk is cheap .

  6. 天人合一是中国哲学和美学的基本命题。

    Multiple value implications of Confucian oneness of Heaven and Man ;

  7. 迁移&达尔文进化论的一个基本命题

    The migration & a basic thesis of darwin 's evolutionism

  8. 运输问题中两个基本命题的图论证明

    A proof for Some Fundamental Propositions in Transportation Problem by Graph Theory

  9. 中国式管理研究的六个基本命题

    Six Basic Propositions of " Chinese Style Management "

  10. 马克思价值决定的基本命题分析

    Some Analyses of Marx 's Basic Proposition of Value-Determination

  11. 试题的基本命题思想是考察能力,立足于化学内容的自然生长点。

    The idea of assigning questions is based on the natural growing point .

  12. 旅游原理基本命题研究

    A Study on the Basic Topic of Tourism Discipline

  13. 基于经验的杜威教育哲学基本命题之研究

    Based on the Experience of the Basic Educational Philosophy of John Dewey 's Thesis Research

  14. 的确,对一般命题的理解显然是依赖于对基本命题的理解的。

    Indeed the understanding of general propositions palpably depends on the understanding of elementary propositions .

  15. “天人合一”是中国传统文化与哲学中的一个基本命题。

    Oneness of Heaven and Man is a fundamental proposition of the traditional Chinese culture and philosophy .

  16. 它始终围绕国家利益是国家对外战略最高准则这一基本命题展开,阐述了国家利益的三个构成要素,提出了维护国家利益的三大原则。

    It consists of three elements and there are three principles on how to maintain national interests .

  17. 股权结构与公司治理的基本命题:重读两种模式的理论逻辑

    Shareholding Structure and Corporate Governance : Rethinking of the Theoretical Logic of the Two Corporate Governance Models

  18. 考察理学与佛学的密切关系,必须从理学的基本命题的形成来思考。

    Investigation of the close relationship between Lixue and Buddhism , must from Lixue basic proposition form thinking .

  19. 本文实证分析表明,实证结果与理论模型及其基本命题的结论是一致的。

    The empirical results in the chapter 4 are in accordance with the conclusion of the theoretic model .

  20. 存在主义的基本命题是存在先于本质和人是绝对自由的;

    The basic viewpoints of the Existentialism are " Existence Precedes Essence " and " Freedom of Choice " .

  21. 基本命题逻辑是不同于经典命题逻辑的命题逻辑,属于非经典逻辑,与它最类似的非经典逻辑是直觉主义命题逻辑。

    Basic propositional logic is a non-classical logic which is different from classical propositional logic and intuitionistic propositional logic .

  22. 传统分析法理学主要关涉到两个基本命题:第一是法的本质是什么;

    The traditional analytical jurisprudence mainly involved in two basic questions : First , What is the nature of law ?

  23. 传统的文学基本命题是文学即人学、艺术即人性,艺术即形象思维。

    The traditional literature accents that literature is human knowledge , art is human nature , art uses image thought .

  24. 对经济增长与失业治理的探讨,是经济学最重要的基本命题之一。

    The Exploration on economic growth versus the governance on unemployment is one of the most important fundamental themes in Economics .

  25. 基本命题逻辑和直觉主义命题逻辑之间的区别也是由于这个关系的自返与否带来的。

    The differences between basic propositional logic and intuitionistic propositional logic is also due to the relation is reflexive or not .

  26. 如果我不能先天地举出有一些什么基本命题,那么要举出它们就必定会导致明显的无意义。

    If I cannot say apriori what elementary propositions there are , then the attempt to do so must lead to obvious nonsense .

  27. 相应地,陈述原子事实的原子命题是命题的最小单位(基本命题),复合命题是基本命题的真值函项。

    Accordingly , Atomic propositions that state atomic facts are the minimum units of propositions . Complex propositions are truth-functions of basic propositions .

  28. 立法的原则和规则设计以及法官对法律的解读和适用都围绕这个基本命题展开。

    The principle and rules of law making and the construction and application of law by the court are based on this core topic .

  29. 这里提出的一个基本命题,是经济活动的组织形式与社会分工系统之间的相互依存关系。

    The fundamental point here states that the organization pattern of economic activities and the social division of labor are mutually interacted with an interdependent character .

  30. 福利和福利国家已不仅仅与公共政策有关,它们更与自由、公正等政治哲学的基本命题密切相连。

    Welfare and welfare state has not only related to public policies , but also the basic political philosophy issues , such as freedom and justice .