
  • Kiev;Kyiv;Kiew;IEV
  1. 莫斯科和基辅方面达成一致,对天然气进行直接购买,终止有争议的中介公司。Tymoshenko说,中介公司造成了能源贸易中的腐败问题。

    Moscow and Kyiv also agreed to direct purchase of gas , eliminating controversial intermediary companies , which Ms. Tymoshenko said were a source of corruption in the energy trade .

  2. 但是Omelchenko说,基辅抓住了同欧洲建立富有成果的合作的机会,后者突然采取了积极行动。这部分是由于害怕让俄罗斯Gazprom国家能源垄断部门在乌克兰占有更大的势力。

    But Volodymyr Omelchenko says Kyiv is seizing the opportunity for productive cooperation with a suddenly pro-active Europe , partly out of fear of giving Russia 's Gazprom state energy monopoly more influence in Ukraine , and partly because of the global economic crisis .

  3. 基辅希望能加强与波恩的密切关系。

    Kiev hopes to cement close links with Bonn

  4. 就经济而言,基辅方面应该确保与欧盟(EU)签署的贸易协议不会连累乌俄关系。

    On the economy , Kiev should ensure that trade deals with the EU do not entangle its ties with Russia .

  5. CNN新闻,迈克尔·福尔摩斯,乌克兰基辅报道。

    Michael Holmes , CNN , Kiev , Ukraine .

  6. 在去年秋季提供了45亿美元贷款后,由于与基辅产生了政策上的分歧,IMF曾暂停进一步提供贷款。

    After disbursing $ 4.5bn last autumn , the IMF suspended further loans after a policy disagreement with Kiev .

  7. NPR新闻,索拉亚·莎哈迪·纳尔逊基辅报道。

    Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson , NPR News , Kiev .

  8. NPR新闻,彼得·肯扬基辅报道。

    Peter Kenyon , NPR News , Kiev .

  9. NPR新闻,阿里·夏皮罗基辅报道。

    Ari Shapiro , NPR News , Kiev .

  10. NPR新闻,埃莉诺·比尔兹利基辅报道。

    Eleanor Beardsley , NPR News , Kiev .

  11. 美国参议员约翰•麦凯恩(JohnMcCain)也投入俄罗斯和西方之间的地缘政治角力,他在基辅独立广场向人群发表演讲。

    John McCain , US senator , also weighed into the geopolitical tussle between Moscow and the west , addressing the crowds in Independence Square , Kiev .

  12. 据NPR新闻的彼得·肯扬报道,维塔利·克利钦科将转而参加基辅市长选举。

    NPR 's Peter Kenyon reports that Vitali Klitschko will run for Kiev mayor instead .

  13. NPR新闻,艾米莉·哈里斯基辅报道。

    Emily Harris NPR News , Kiev .

  14. 在基辅,美国国务卿约翰•克里(JohnKerry)警告,除非俄罗斯撤出夺取了克里米亚控制权的部队,否则美国将从政治、经济和外交上孤立俄罗斯。

    In Kiev , John Kerry warned that the US would isolate Russia politically , economically and diplomatically unless it withdrew the forces that have seized control of Crimea .

  15. 使用国家地位(statehood)这个词虽然不精确,但很可能惹恼基辅。

    The use of the word statehood , while imprecise , is likely to antagonise Kiev .

  16. 据NPR新闻的埃莉诺·比尔兹利报道,基辅政府决定将军队撤出混乱的克里米亚半岛。

    NPR 's Eleanor Beardsley reports the Kiev government has decided to pull all of its troops out of the chaotic peninsula .

  17. 据NPR新闻的阿里·夏皮罗从基辅带来的报道,今天是乌克兰危机爆发以来首次造成人员伤亡。

    From Kiev , NR 's Ari Shapiro reports the first time in Ukraine 's crisis today 's clashes led to casualties .

  18. 据NPR新闻的艾米莉·哈里斯从基辅带来的报道,俄罗斯称独立广场仍然是行动的中心,人们来到这里反思。

    NPR 's Emily Harris is in Kiev . Russia reports Independent Square is still a center of action , and now reflection .

  19. 在总统维克多•亚努科维奇(ViktorYanukovich)的领导下,乌克兰政府的这些特点变得更为糟糕,在基辅独立广场爆发抗议后,亚努科维奇在上月遭到驱逐。

    These features of Ukraine 's regime grew worse under President Viktor Yanukovich , ejected last month after the protests in Kiev 's Maidan Square .

  20. 然而,基辅律所Frishberg&Partners高级合伙人亚历克斯费什伯格(AlexFrishberg)表示,最受欢迎的管理教育还是在美国或英国。

    However , according to Alex Frishberg , senior partner of Kyiv-based law firm Frishberg & Partners , the most sought after management education is US or English .

  21. 八年前库兹玛还未加入OCA的时候,她在不同地方担任过顶级艺术管理职位:从华盛顿特区到基辅(Kiev),包括去年的卡塞尔文献展(DocumentaArtFairinKassel),都留下了她的足迹。

    Before joining OCA eight years ago , Kuzma held a long line of top-tier curatorial posts stretching from Washington , D.C. to Kiev , including curator and agent for the last Documenta art fair in Kassel , Germany .

  22. 他说:如果你认为那些带着黑面罩、手持卡拉什尼科夫(即AK-47突击步枪&译者注)在基辅街头横行霸盗的人是政府,那么我们很难同这样的政府打交道。

    If you consider people who plough Kiev in black masks and with Kalashnikovs a government , then we will have difficulty working with such a government .

  23. 在基辅市中心的办公室里,安德烈耶夫(YuriAndreyev)一直在关注日本福岛核电站危机不断扩大的消息。

    Sitting in his office in downtown Kiev , Yuri Andreyev has been glued to news of the widening crisis at Japan 's Fukushima nuclear plant .

  24. 协定原计划在会议召开后的几周内签署,但糟糕的是,那个月在乌克兰基辅发生了街头示威,俄罗斯的盟友、乌克兰总统维克托·F·亚努科维奇(ViktorF.Yanukovych)被推翻,结果东西方之间的合作大多数都中止了。

    It was expected to be signed within weeks of the meeting , but the timing turned out to be dismal when , that month , street protesters in Kiev , Ukraine , overthrew President Viktor F. Yanukovych , a Russian ally , and most East-West cooperation froze .

  25. 那个周末,我是基辅唯一一位西方记者。

    I was the only western journalist in Kiev that weekend .

  26. 接着又到基辅理工学院学习工程学。

    Then he studied engineering at the Polytechnic Institute in Kiev .

  27. 到了基辅几周后,这里不再属于苏联。

    A few weeks after I arrived , it ceased to be .

  28. 俄罗斯基辅公国与莫斯科公国有著什麽样的国家组织?

    How did state formation come about in Kievan and Muscovite Russia ?

  29. 从战后双方签订的条约看,拜占廷和基辅罗斯的关系是平等的。

    Viewed from treaty of postwar , Byzantine and Rus is equal .

  30. 到了基辅你就没命了!

    You 'll be dead before you fucking reach Kiev !