
  • 网络MINSK;Belarus;MSQ;Minsc
  1. 他被教皇约翰·保罗二世任命为明斯克区的宗座署理。

    He was appointed Apostolic Administrator of Minsk by Pope John Paul II .

  2. 美国国务卿约翰·克里(JohnKerry)称这些选举活动明显违反了明斯克停火协议。

    Secretary of State John Kerry called the elections a clear violation of the Minsk agreement .

  3. 美国和欧盟(EU)应该保持同步,继续对俄罗斯进行经济制裁直至明斯克协议得到完全实施。

    The US and EU should remain in lockstep and maintain economic sanctions on Moscow until the Minsk agreement is fully implemented .

  4. 国际滑雪比赛可以在明斯克附近的Raubichy奥林匹克运动场举行,它离明斯克仅为22公里。

    Excellent cross-country skiing is available near Minsk-the Raubichy Olympic Sports Complex , 22km from Minsk .

  5. 当然明斯克的卫生大罢工也不顶用!

    Of course the sanitation strikes in Minsk didn 't help !

  6. 我决定自己去明斯克了。

    I 've decided to go to Minsk without you .

  7. 明斯克的陷落标志着白俄罗斯抵抗的结束。

    The fall of Minsk signaled the end of resistance throughout Belarus .

  8. 明斯克:我们必须快点休息,布布开始变得不安了。

    We must rest soon . Boo is getting squirrely .

  9. 明斯克汽车厂的第5代重型载货车系列

    The 5th Generation Heavy Truck Series of Minsk Auto Plant

  10. 他在明斯克一无线电工厂。

    He 's taken to a radio factory in minsk .

  11. 在明斯克举行的和谈进行了几小时后休会。

    The talks in Minsk were adjourned after several hours .

  12. 我怀念明斯克的夏天,也怀念在医院里抽烟

    I miss summers in Minsk . I miss smoking in hospitals .

  13. 戴维:不,我……不去明斯克了。

    David : No , I 'm. .. not going to Minsk .

  14. 同时还有一些高山滑雪场坐落在离明斯克30公里的地域。

    There are also skiing resorts situated 30km from Minsk for mountain skiing .

  15. 此后,基辅的苏军就可以进攻明斯克或波兰。

    Afterward , Kiev 's Soviet Army could attack to Minsk , or Poland .

  16. 菲比:你去明斯克吧。

    Phoebe : You 're going to Minsk .

  17. 从我明斯克房子的窗户向外望去,我就可以这样的告诉他。

    I could tell him that just by looking out from my window in Minsk .

  18. 初升的太阳向西移到明斯克。

    The sunrise slid westward to minsk .

  19. 神气吧?!我和妈妈合影于明斯克号航空母舰尾部前方。

    Isn 't It Great ?! My mum and me standing before the stern of Minsk .

  20. 欧安会明斯克和平会议;

    CSCE peace conference in minsk ;

  21. 菲比:哦,你一定要去明斯克,你属于那里。

    Phoebe : Oh , you are so going to Minsk . You belong in Minsk .

  22. 在明斯克进行的一场体育活动期间,一名男子将一条表达哀悼的缎带附在波兰国旗上。

    A man attached a mourning ribbon to the Polish flag during a sporting event in Minsk .

  23. 明斯克:布布需要活动活动,免得他咬上我们抓不到痒的地方。

    Boo must have his exercise , lest he bite us all in hard to reach places .

  24. 明斯克:我们全都是英雄,你,还有布布和我!大仓鼠和游侠到处都快乐!

    We are all heroes , you and Boo and I ! Hamsters and rangers everywhere rejoice !

  25. 假定明斯克协议第二版只是一种战术暂停将是明智的。

    It would be wise to assume that Minsk II is little more than a tactical pause .

  26. 与此同时,乌俄双方将于周五在明斯克商讨和解方案。

    Meanwhile , Ukrainian and Russian officials are to meet in Minsk Friday to discuss a peace plan .

  27. 俄罗斯总统普京在离开白俄罗斯明斯克市的乌克兰危机和平峰会时挥手。

    Russian President Vladimir Putin waves as he leaves a Ukrainian crisis peace summit in Minsk , Belarus .

  28. 制裁前,上个月一架往返于维尔纽斯和雅典的客机改道飞往明斯克。

    The sanctions follow the diversion to Minsk of a passenger plane traveling between Vilnius and Athens last month .

  29. 因为他在明斯克待了八年,如果太阳晒多了,他可能会死。

    He 's been in Minsk for8 years and if he gets too much direct sunlight , he 'll die .

  30. 欧洲领导人曾在今年3月达成一致意见,不会解除制裁,直到明斯克协定付诸实施为止。

    European leaders agreed in March that the sanctions would not be lifted until the Minsk accords are put into effect .