
  • 网络skopje;Skoplje;SKP
  1. 首都斯科普里是受疫情影响最严重的地区。

    The national capital , Skopje , has been most affected by the outbreak .

  2. 汉盛总部在纽约,在华盛顿、亚特兰大,布拉格,斯科普里都设有办事处。

    We have offices in New York , Washington D.C. , Atlanta , Prague , Skopje .

  3. 第二个排未投入作战就被在斯科普里附近击毁。第三个排可以撤离到了希腊。

    The second platoon was destroyed near Skopje without combat , third probably retreated to Greece .

  4. 选举官员说,在首都斯科普里附近的阿拉西诺沃村发生了两起枪击事件。

    Election officials said two separate shootings occurred in the village of Aracinovo , near the capital , Skopje .

  5. 斯科普里市3月28日的关于在中心区域兴建教堂计划的抗议活动中就发生了暴力事件。

    Violence broke out in Skopje on March28th during a protest over plans for a new church in the centre .

  6. 尽管邻国希腊的强烈抗议,马其顿首都斯科普里还是树立起有争议的亚历山大大帝的雕像。

    A controversial statue of Alexander the Great has been erected in the Macedonian capital Skopje despite protests from neighbouring Greece .

  7. 作为欧盟高级代表,我最初的经历之一,就是与北约秘书长在斯科普里就斯拉夫与阿尔巴尼亚人之间的宪法安排展开合作。

    One of my first experiences as EU high representative was working with the NATO Secretary-General in Skopje on a constitutional settlement between Slav and Albanian communities .

  8. 地震频繁且过去已经历多次破坏性地震,最近的一次是在1963年,斯科普里遭到地震的严重破坏。

    The region is seismically active and has been subject to destructive earthquakes in the past , most recently in1963 when Skopje was heavily damaged by a major earthquake .

  9. 诺丁汉大学艺术与设计学院现在有八个毕业生代表英国在马其顿共和国斯科普里参加第十四届年轻艺术家双年展。

    Nottingham Trent University 's School of Art and Design currently has eight graduates representing the UK at the XIV Biennale of Young Artists in Skopje in the Republic of Macedonia .