
  • Slovakia;Slovak Republic;Bratislava;SK
  1. 另一项针对美国、斯洛伐克和日本大学生的调查也显示,92%的大学生更喜欢纸质书。

    Another survey of university students from the United States , Slovakia and Japan also showed that 92 percent of them preferred papere books .

  2. 下周一,在淘汰赛首轮,斯洛伐克将会对阵E组小组第一名。

    Slovakia will play the winner of Group E in the first round of the elimination stage on Monday .

  3. 斯洛伐克学生说他们喜欢纸质书的味道。

    Slovakian students said that they liked the smell of paper books .

  4. 周四在约翰内斯堡取得这场胜利过后,斯洛伐克在首轮比赛中积4分,取得F组小组第二名的战绩。

    Thursday 's win in Johannesburg gave Slovakia four points in the opening round and propelled the team to a second-place finish in Group F.

  5. 与德国一样,在激动人心的投票之后,斯洛伐克上周五终于通过了欧洲金融稳定安排(europeanfinancialstabilityfacility,简称efsf)的扩容方案。

    After emotional votes , Slovakia should by Friday have finally ratified the expansion of the European financial stability facility , as Germany has already done .

  6. 本文介绍了捷克和斯洛伐克CKD公司的MARK工业控制计算机构成及其在高炉鼓风机控制系统中的应用,较详细地说明了高炉鼓风机的工艺控制思想。

    The application of MARK industrial control computer made by Co . of Czechoslovakia to blast furnace blower is introduced in the paper .

  7. 当罗伊·霍奇森的队员们在B组对战斯洛伐克时,这位未来国王急得双手抱头,振臂高呼,深受打击。

    The second in line to the throne can be seen hiding behind his hands , throwing his arms into the air and vocally venting his frustrations as Roy Hodgson 's men struggled against the Group B minnows .

  8. 然而,就像英国研究机构资本经济(capitaleconomics)最近在一份报告中所警告的,在波兰和捷克(尽管斯洛伐克并非如此),最近的薪资涨幅超过了生产率增幅。

    However , as capital economics , a UK-based research group , warns in a report this week , in Poland and the Czech Republic ( though not in Slovakia ) recent wage increases have exceeded productivity gains .

  9. 木全肇和三位斯洛伐克科学家共同赢得了这一奖项,他们也研究了“接吻的医学作用”。这三位科学家关注的是“激吻”之后,男性的DNA会在女性嘴里停留多久。

    Kimata received the prize jointly with three Slovakian scientists who also studied the " medical effects of kissing . " The Slovakian group looked at how long male DNA stays in a woman 's mouth after " intense kissing . "

  10. 斯洛伐克的地形主要由山川组成,喀尔巴阡山脉贯穿了斯洛伐克的北部的大部分地区,其中最高的是塔特拉山(Tatramountain)-那里有着风景优美的湖泊、山谷和著名的滑雪胜地。

    The Slovak landscape is primarily of mountainous nature , with the Carpathian Mountains extending across most of the northern half of the country .

  11. 斯洛伐克艺术家DavidHavetta使用嚼过的口香糖创造了一种独一无二的雕塑艺术。

    Slovak artist David Havetta has created a collection of unique sculptures from thousands of nicotine gum pieces he chewed himself .

  12. 这是NYTIMES上今天的头条,斯洛伐克3:2干掉了意大利,意大利足球教练里皮赛后将退休,这个带领意大利球队赢得2006年世界杯冠军的人物此次将意大利的过早出局责任全揽在自己身上。

    Marcello Lippi , coach of Italy , retired after the match . Lippi , who guided Italy to the2006 World Cup title , blamed himself for the loss that eliminated Italy from this year 's World Cup .

  13. 美国和日本财政紧缩规模必须达到GDP的8%以上,而英国、葡萄牙、斯洛伐克、波兰和爱尔兰都需要紧缩5%至7%。

    Tightening by more than 8 per cent of GDP is called for in the US and Japan , with the UK , Portugal , Slovak Republic , Poland and Ireland all requiring consolidation of 5 to 7 percentage points of GDP .

  14. 正如博弈论所预测的,正统芬兰人党(TrueFinns)、斯洛伐克人、欧洲央行(ECB)、债权银行和其他方面的搭便车行为,使得对任何事情达成合理的一致都变得几乎不可能。

    As game theory predicts , free riding by the True Finns , the Slovaks , the European Central Bank , creditor banks and others has made it nearly impossible to reach a sensible agreement on anything .

  15. 没有人能够真的免费提供一部手机给你,或是以99便士的价格让你飞往布拉迪斯拉发(Bratislava,斯洛伐克首都&译者注)。

    No one can really give you a free mobile handset , or fly you to Bratislava for 99p .

  16. 在萨摩林的新工厂建立初期,奥斯伏特加曾经试着从斯洛伐克东部地区招聘toolmaker等专业人员。

    At his new factory in Samorin , Mr Osvolda has started recruiting toolmakers and other specialist workers from eastern Slovakia .

  17. 根据著名机构IMSHealth公司和Cegedim,是排名最WALMARK在国际市场上的粮食补充,在捷克共和国,斯洛伐克,罗马尼亚和保加利亚。

    According to the renowned agencies IMS Health and Cegedim , WALMARK is ranking top in the international market of food complements in the Czech Republic , Slovakia , Rumania and Bulgaria .

  18. 斯洛伐克是国际公认的培养一流冰上曲棍球的国家,其中大部分选手参加了世界上最好的联合会,其中(美国)全国曲棍球联合会(NHL)是最具盛名的。

    Slovakia is internationally considered to be a breeding ground for talented ice hockey players , many of whom are playing in the best leagues in the world , of which the NHL is the most prestigious .

  19. 2007年时,美国的失业率还是经合组织(oecd)成员国中较低的,但如今已成为失业率最高的国家之一,仅次于西班牙、爱尔兰、匈牙利和斯洛伐克。

    In 2007 the US had one of the lower unemployment rates in the organisation for Economic Co-operation and development , but now it has one of the highest , beaten only by Spain , Ireland , Hungary and Slovakia .

  20. 最好看的大概要数斯洛伐克的队服,他们把国歌横着印在队服上,形成了一道道横条――洋基队应该借用这一手法,把国歌歌词换成工资数额和罗德里奎兹(AlexRodriguez)的律师们的电话号码就行了。

    The best are probably Slovakia 's , which have the national anthem scrolling across in horizontal pinstripes-a gimmick the Yankees should borrow , substituting lyrics for payroll figures and the telephone numbers of Alex Rodriguez 's attorneys .

  21. 这是李娜网球生涯中第一次在WTA一级赛事印第安韦尔斯网球赛中闯入半决赛。在半决赛中她将迎战斯洛伐克的丹尼拉和以色列的沙哈之间的获胜者。

    Li moves to the Indian Wells semi-finals for the first time in her career where she willface the winner of a match between Slovakia 's Daniela Hantuchova and Shahar Peer of Israel .

  22. 今年共有11名候选人入选FIVB名人堂,除牟作云外还有2名教练:斯洛伐克共和国的纳塔利娅·赫伊科娃教练和黑山共和国的波格丹·坦耶维奇教练。

    Mou is among 11 inductees into the Hall of Fame this year together with two other fellow coaches : Natalia Hejkova of Slovak Republic and Bogdan Tanjevic of Montenegro .

  23. 斯洛伐克的民间乐器包括fujara(一种笛子)、风笛和其它一些乐器,并用这些乐器来演奏一种叫“czardas”的民间舞蹈音乐。

    Folk instruments include the fujara ( a flute ), bagpipes , and others , used to make dance music called czardas .

  24. 8世纪时前斯洛伐克国家被称为尼特拉公国(Nitrian),并在833年成为大摩拉维亚帝国的中心部分。

    A proto-Slovak state known as the Nitrian Principality arose in the8th century and became part of the core of Great Moravian Empire in833 .

  25. 在我去Myskhako葡萄酒厂的路上,经过精心维护、据说是有斯洛伐克关系的500公顷新葡萄园。Myskhako酒厂位于新罗西斯克港的外围。

    I passed a beautifully maintained new 500-hectare vineyard said to have Slovakian connections on my way to Myskhako winery on the outskirts of the port of Novorossiysk .

  26. 斯洛伐克安全官员称在首都布拉迪斯拉发发现了爆炸物。

    Slovak security officials have discovered explosives in the Capital Bratislava .

  27. 在这一问题上,斯洛伐克与捷克的立场一致。

    Slovakia takes the same stand with Czech on this issue .

  28. 她怎么知道斯洛伐克魔鬼队?

    How the hell does she know about the Slovak devils ?

  29. 没错,是欧元区成员国斯洛伐克。

    Yes , a member of the eurozone – Slovakia .

  30. 国家报告:捷克与斯洛伐克》附《国家简况》。

    Country Report : Czech Republic and Slovakia , with Country Profile .