
dé guó
  • Germany;Deutschland
德国[dé guó]
  1. 瑞士位于法国、德国、奥地利和意大利之间。

    Switzerland lies between France , Germany , Austria and Italy .

  2. 我们要去德国过圣诞和新年。

    We 're going to Germany for Christmas and New Year .

  3. 德国在国际政治舞台上起着主导作用。

    Germany is playing a leading role on the international stage .

  4. 德国队综合得分为652分。

    The German team scored a combined total of 652 points .

  5. 他找了一份工作以赚钱支付在德国的费用。

    He took a job to finance his stay in Germany .

  6. 那是英国对德国宣战的那一年。

    It was the year Britain declared war on Germany .

  7. 德国在1914年8月1日向法国宣战。

    Germany declared war on France on 1 August 1914 .

  8. 受德国市场影响,股票价格出现下跌。

    Share prices slipped in sympathy with the German market .

  9. 在第一轮比赛中英格兰队与德国队以2:2打成平局。

    England tied 2 – 2 with Germany in the first round .

  10. 经过五场比赛后,德国队排名第二。

    After five games the German team are lying second .

  11. 法国于1871年将阿尔萨斯—洛林割让给德国。

    Alsace-Lorraine was ceded to Germany by France in 1871 .

  12. 风疹只是德国麻疹的另一个名称。

    Rubella is just another name for German measles .

  13. 在决赛中,德国队发挥得几乎和阿根廷队一样出色。

    Germany ran Argentina very close in the final .

  14. 牛津和德国的波恩结成了友好城市。

    Oxford is twinned with Bonn in Germany .

  15. 德国主办了世界杯决赛。

    Germany hosted the World Cup finals .

  16. 昨天,在德国电视台的采访中,部长否认了那些报道。

    Yesterday , in an interview on German television , the minister denied the reports .

  17. 德国队几名主力队员因伤不能上场,削弱了进攻力量。

    Germany 's attack has been weakened by the loss of some key players through injury .

  18. 他是德国血统的。

    He 's German by birth .

  19. 1938年德国吞并了奥地利。

    Germany annexed Austria in 1938 .

  20. 托尼·伍德科克加盟德国业余队SC布吕克队担任教练。

    Tony Woodcock has joined German amateur team SC Brueck as coach .

  21. 德国政府已经为明年制定了紧缩的财政预算。

    The German government has set a tight budget for next year

  22. 在德国,柏林市已经满目疮痍。

    Within Germany , the city of Berlin lay in ruins .

  23. 他声称从未在德国部署过化学武器。

    He said chemical weapons had never been sited in Germany .

  24. 赫尔穆特·科尔总理是德国统一的主要支持者。

    Chancellor Helmut Kohl was the leading cheerleader for German unification .

  25. 德国的法律条文中仍未设立内幕交易罪。

    Germany still has no insider-dealing offence in its statute books .

  26. 德国没有试图把英国推入慢车道。

    Germany was not trying to push Britain into the slow lane

  27. 德国宪法是实行地方政府分权制的优秀典范。

    The German constitution is an excellent model of decentralised government .

  28. 德国体育联合会称它将进行调查。

    The German sports federation said it would hold an investigation .

  29. 紧靠我们右面,古老的德国避暑胜地正在苏醒。

    Immediately to our right the old German summer resort was awakening .

  30. 在德国,联邦银行行长欣然接受了这项措施。

    In Germany , the move was welcomed by the Bundesbank president .