
  • 网络Democritus;Demokritos
  1. 德谟克利特认为物质是由分立的粒子构成的。

    Democritus argued that matter is formed from discrete particles .

  2. 德谟克利特从理论实践转变。

    And , Democritus moves from practice to theory .

  3. 德谟克利特伦理思想述评

    Show Democritus ' Whole Ethic Thought

  4. 由此看来,显然,2400年以前德谟克利特给原子起的名字既不可靠,也不准确。

    From this it was clear that Democritus 2,400 years before , had given a fallacious inaccurate name to the atom .

  5. 不难想象,在我们的教室里,柏拉图、亚里士多德或者德谟克利特会感到很自在。

    I have no difficulty imagining that Plato , Aristotle , or Democritus would be quite at home in our class rooms .

  6. 古希腊唯物主义哲学家德谟克利特有相当系统而丰富的社会哲学思想,伦理道德观是其中的重要内容。

    Democritus , who was a great materialism philosopher in ancient Greek , had plentiful systemic thought which concerned with social philosophy , of which ethic is one of the important content .

  7. 相比之下,马克思认为伊壁鸠鲁的原子论更具有进步意义,他的原子论为自由和解放提供了逻辑可能,已经远远超越了德谟克利特。

    By comparison , Marx thought Epicurus ' atomic theory to be more advanced , far more advanced than Democritus ' . Marx thought it had provided the logical possibility for freedom and liberation .

  8. 西方在意象方面的研究最早始于哲学领域,古希腊的德谟克利特认为感觉和思想来自外部模压的意象,离开这种意象,它们就不可能发生。

    In western countries the research into image first started in philosophy . Democritus , an ancient Greek philosopher , believed that sense and thought were brought about by image from outside stamping and that both of them would not exist without image .