
jī chǔ lǐ lùn
  • basic theory
  1. 实施GIS教育有别于一般的基础理论学科和技术学科。

    GIS education is different from other subjects on basic theory and technology .

  2. 本论文对基础理论进行了详细的阐述,并利用MATLAB编程环境进行了算法实现。

    The basic theory is described in detail in this paper . The algorithm of all the theory is implemented by MATLAB .

  3. 基于CAI课件制作基础理论的研究

    Research Base on Basic Theories on Computer Assisted Instruction

  4. 随着CAD基础理论和应用技术的不断发展,设计人员对CAD系统的功能要求也越来越高。

    With the development of the base theory and application of CAD technologies , designers ' requirements to CAD system become higher and higher .

  5. 目的为脑胶质瘤的基础理论、临床治疗和药效学研究提供简便、经济、实用的大鼠C6脑胶质瘤动物实验模型。

    Objective To establish an easy , economical , practical rat C6 glioma model .

  6. CRM基础理论是整个CRM的基石,但对于CRM基础理论体系的确立并没有一个清晰的说法。

    The CRM basic theories are foundation stone of whole CRM . But what CRM basic theory system don 't be defined clearly .

  7. 介绍Web挖掘和Web文本挖掘的基础理论和相关知识,分析Web文本挖掘和Web文本分类的研究背景、现状和存在的问题。

    Introduce the basic theory and the relevant knowledge of Web mining and Web text mining , and analyze the research background , the present situation and the existing questions of Web text mining and Web text classification .

  8. 本文分析了军工产品生产外协管理现状,针对军品外协制造过程的特点,总结了敏捷供应链基础理论和AHP决策方法,为军品生产外协研究提供了理论基础。

    According to the character of military productions ' manufacturing , the theory of agile supply chain and AHP is investigated , which provides the research fundamental .

  9. 本论文完成的主要工作如下:RSA密码算法有关基础理论的学习和研究。

    This thesis finished main work is as follows : The RSA algorithm 's relevant foundation is theoretical of the study and the research .

  10. Zn-Mn合金电镀工艺及其基础理论研究

    A Study on Process and Fundamentals of Zn-Mn Alloy Electrodeposition

  11. 首先,本文介绍CBR技术的基础理论,并重点研究典型零件案例的表示、检索、修改等功能;

    First , this thesis introduces basic theory of CBR , and studies many aspects of typical part design case , such as case representation , case retrieval , retain etc.

  12. BEC的实现不仅对于基础理论研究具有重大意义,而且有着极其诱人的应用前景,例如实现原子激光。

    The realization of BEC is of great significance not only for basic theoretical research , but also of very promising applications in technology , such as the realization of an atom laser .

  13. 首先,论文对SNMP网络管理的基础理论及协议规范做了必要的介绍,包括管理信息结构、管理信息库、协议操作过程和具体的协议数据单元的定义格式。

    Firstly , some theories and protocols about SNMP network management are introduced in paper , include SMI ( Structure of Management Information ), MIB ( Management Information Base ), protocol operations and definition formats of PDU ( Protocol Data Unit ) .

  14. 本文介绍了时频分析基础理论及一些应用,运用MATLAB语言实现了旨在构造一种时间和频率的密度函数,以揭示信号中所包含的频率分量及其演化特性的wigner-ville分布。

    This text introduced time-frequency analysis foundation theories and some applied , make use of the MATLAB language to construct a kind of time and frequency density function , aims at explaining signal containing frequency weight and its evolve characteristic by wigner-ville distribute .

  15. 对目前用于描述聚合物溶液相平衡的基础理论,本文主要介绍了工程上较为实用的UNIFAC-FV模型和状态方程方法,及其特点与适用范围。

    Furthermore , the UNIFAC-FV model and equation of state method which were used to describe the phase equilibrium of polymer solutions were discussed .

  16. 城市等级体系的多重Zipf维数及其地理空间意义其中,城市规模分布的分维值和Zipf维数是这两个基础理论中的重要参数。

    Multifractal Measures of City-size Distributions Based onthe Three-Parameter Zipf Law : Mathematical Frameworks and Empirical Evidence The urban rank-size and the fractal theories are the important bases for studying the urban system .

  17. 论文首先从基础理论出发,根据PDCA循环顺序,系统地探讨了项目计划的一般过程,具体包括准备环境分析、机会和威胁的鉴别、目标设立、风险预测、计划制定五个阶段;

    Firstly , based on the PM concepts under PDCA circle , the paper discusses systematically the general process of project plan , which includes five steps , analysis for environmental , opportunity and threaten identification , target setting , risk forecasting , plan set up .

  18. 因此,本文研究了弱酸性氯化物体系中Zn-Ni、Zn-Ni-P合金电镀工艺及其基础理论,以期缩短我国锌基合金电镀与世界水平间的差距。

    This dissertation , based on current research , tries to study the electroplating process of weak acid chloride based Zn-Ni and Zn-Ni-P and the fundamentals , aiming to shorten the gap between China and the world concerning the zinc alloys electroplating technique .

  19. 逻辑起点是学科建设的基础理论问题。

    The logic basis is the theoretical foundation of subject development .

  20. 关于基础理论实验教学方法改革的探讨

    Discussing on Innovating the Methodology of Experimentation Teaching in Fundamental Theory

  21. 第二部分为乡村旅游基础理论部分。

    The second part is rural tourism 's basic theoretical part .

  22. 对中医心身医学基础理论发展思路的思考

    Reflection on the Development of Basic Theories of TCM Psychosomatic Medicine

  23. 治安学若干基础理论问题再探讨

    Probe into Several Problems on Basic Theory of Public Order Discipline

  24. 第二章为技术创新研究相关基础理论。

    Second chapter for technological innovation research related basic theory .

  25. 信息系统外包基础理论集成模型研究

    Study on the Integrated Model of Basic Theory of Information System Outsourcing

  26. 第二,本文提出了以提高整体金融业的国际竞争力、效率原则为基本原则等金融监管法律模式基础理论,这在金融监管法律模式领域的研究具有新意。

    Firstly , the financial supervision law mode is a new topic .

  27. 波分复用光纤传输系统及全光网络基础理论及技术研究

    Study on Fundamental Theory and Technologies Of WDM Systems and All-optical Networks

  28. 集成成本管理基础理论研究

    Research on the Basic Theory of Integrated Cost Management

  29. 科技教育统计评估的基础理论研究浅谈职业技术教育与科技教育

    The Basic Theoretical Study on the Statistical Evaluation of Science and Technology Education

  30. 公共信息会计基础理论研究

    The Research on Grounded Theory of Public Information Accounting