
jī dū
  • Christ
基督 [jī dū]
  • [Christ] 基督教称救世主

基督[jī dū]
  1. 耶稣基督来将我们从罪恶中拯救出来。

    Jesus Christ came to redeem us from sin .

  2. 基督诞生是世界历史上一个重要纪元的开端。

    The birth of Christ was the beginning of a major epoch of world history .

  3. 在担任教皇期间,约翰·保罗倡导欧洲进行第二次基督教化。

    Throughout his papacy , John Paul has called for a second evangelization of Europe .

  4. 在政治问题上,乔治·华盛顿刻意避免借助基督的权威。

    In political matters George Washington went out of his way to avoid invoking the authority of Christ .

  5. 基督徒认为耶稣•基督是来解救我们摆脱罪孽的。

    Christians believe that Jesus Christ came to redeem us from sin .

  6. 基督教徒们庆祝耶稣基督的复活。

    Christians celebrate the resurrection of Christ from the death .

  7. 根据基督教的说法,耶稣基督曾死而复生。

    According to the Christian religion , jesus Christ resurrected from death .

  8. 耶稣基督的启示就是上帝热爱世人。

    Christ 's message was that God loved the world .

  9. 基督教堂和犹太教堂也大量邀请伊玛目到教堂讲经。

    Churches and synagogues deluged imams with speaking requests .

  10. 基督在布道中说人们应该互爱。

    Christ preached that we should love each other .

  11. 首先看《路加福音》,正如你们记得,基督论是讲你信仰基督的什么。

    First look at luke , of course christology , as you recall , is what you believe about christ .

  12. ElNifio是一个西班牙词汇,意思是“基督的孩子”。南美渔民注意到了一种每2-7年就会发生一次的全球性气候现象,它会使圣诞时期的捕鱼量下降,遂以此命名。

    El Nifio , a Spanish term for " the Christ child " , was named by South American fisherman who noticed that the global weather pattern , which happens every two to seven years , reduced the amount of fishes caught around Christmas .

  13. 在它阴翳,在基督,主,因罪孽而变苦之前

    Before it cloud , Christ , lord , and sour with sinning ,

  14. 哥林多前书15章3节说:“基督为我们的罪死了。”主耶稣现在在天上活著,他正等待著把你从罪中拯救出来,并成为你的好牧人。

    I Corinthians 15 : 3 says , " Christ died for our sin . " The Lord Jesus is alive in Heaven now , waiting to save you from sin , waiting to become YOUR Good Shepherd .

  15. 研究者从美国各地的基督复临安息日会(Seventh-dayAdventist)招募了77659名男女。

    Researchers recruited 77,659 men and women from Seventh-day Adventist churches nationwide .

  16. 最近的一次SWEDOW事件与美国国家橄榄球联盟(NFL)给世界宣明会纽西兰基督城救灾小组的大宗捐赠物品有关。

    The latest SWEDOW dump came in the form of a massive donation from the National Football League to the Christian relief group World Vision .

  17. 他们祈祷并用歌声赞美耶稣基督。

    They pray and sing songs in praise of Jesus Christ .

  18. 复活节是纪念耶稣基督死后复活的节日。

    Easter is the feast commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ .

  19. 宗教的道德功能刍议&以道教与基督宗教为例

    Moral Functions of Religion & Taking Taoism and Christianity as Examples

  20. 基督复活是福音的核心真理。

    I.Christ 's resurrection is the central truth of the gospel .

  21. 因此,它是神盟约,与我们在基督里。

    It is thus that God covenants with us in Christ .

  22. 8耶稣基督昨日今日,一直到永远,是一样的。

    Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever .

  23. 我(耶稣基督)站在门外敲门;

    I ( Jesus Christ ) stand at the door and knock .

  24. 最后,我们更可以分享基督的荣耀。

    Fifth , we will get to share in Christ 's glory .

  25. 基督宗教在东南亚的传播与现状

    The History of Christian Expansion and Its Present Situation in Southeast Asia

  26. 因此基督宗教是近代重庆宗教研究领域的重要研究课题之一。

    Therefore Christianity is the important research topic in Chongqing .

  27. 基督山伯爵是我最喜爱的书籍。

    The Count of Monte Cristo is one of my favorite books .

  28. 基督最后仍语重心长地给予别迦摩信徒三个宝贵的应许。

    In closing Christ gave three wonderful promises to the Pergamos church .

  29. 基督山伯爵穿着黑衣服,象他往常一样的简单朴素。

    The count was dressed in black and with his habitual simplicity ;

  30. 耶稣基督真正是世界的光。

    Jesus Christ is indeed the light of the world .