
  • 网络fundamental force;basic force;T-Force
  1. 物理学家可以通过四种基本力的作用来解释我们身边的世界,即电(磁)力、引力和两种核力。

    Physicists2 can explain the world around us through the action of four fundamental forces – electricity , gravity and two nuclear forces .

  2. 它是在四个基本力中,我们所知最少,也是最弱的力。

    It 's the least understood of all the four fundamental forces , and the weakest .

  3. 然而,近来,这四种基本力已无法解释一些现象,比如星系的运动,甚至是宇宙存在的根本原因。

    But in recent times , these forces haven 't been able to explain a few things , such as the movement of galaxies3 , or indeed why the Universe exists at all .

  4. 贯流式水轮机基本力特性的解析表达式

    Analytical Expressions of Basic Force Characteristics of Bulb Hydraulic Turbines

  5. 毫不夸张地说,第五种基本力会成为一场革命性变革的推动力。

    A fifth would , literally , be a force for revolutionary change .

  6. 基本力统一理论

    The Theory of the Basic Force Unify

  7. 微观上来看,宇宙中其它的基本力都是通过交换载体粒子来作用的。

    On the microscopic level , the other fundamental forces in the universe work by exchanging " carrier " particles .

  8. 这个问题的答案一直以来都是“暗物质”,那就是拥有引力场,但和标准模型中的三种基本力几乎没有相互作用的物质的统称。

    The answer always given is " dark matter " - something that has a gravitational field , but does not interact much via the three forces of the standard model .

  9. 另一个有关引力的说法是:引力在四大基本力中最弱。当我们仔细观察这个世界时,这一说法似乎不可信。

    Another thing about gravity is that it is the weakest of all the other fundamental forces , yet if we look around the world , that doesn 't seem to be the case at all .

  10. 通过对我国高校学生工作现状及改革趋势的描述,提出了应在高校社会工作中引入社会工作理念的建议,并介绍了学校社会工作的基本力式和方法。

    Through the description of current situation and reform trend of the student work in our country , the paper provides the advice for introducing the idea of social work into the high school social work , and introduces the basic methods for the work .

  11. 本文取NTR结构的一个基本受力单元进行试验研究,目的在于建立NTR结构的初步计算理论和设计方法。

    A basic unit of the NTR structure was used in the dissertation for the experimental study , aimed at establishing the primary calculation theory and design method for the NTR structure .

  12. 节点半刚性特性及基本受力单元体力学性能研究;

    Joint semi-rigid trait research and basic unit mechanic behavior research ;

  13. 表面风是控制非潮汐的海流表面浪的基本营力。

    The surface wind is the principal agent controlling nontidal currents'surface waves .

  14. 砌体结构基本受力性能的研究

    The Research on the Basic Mechanical Behavior of Masonry Structure

  15. 步行桨轮及其基本受力分析

    A Walking Paddle Wheel and Its Elementary Force Analysis

  16. 轴压受力是结构构件基本受力方式。

    Axial compression force is a basic form of force means of structural components .

  17. 对这些连接件基本受力性能的了解是合理设计的基础。

    Reasonable design based on the understanding of basic behaviour of those shear connector .

  18. 任何文学文本中都存在一定的不确定性和空白,它们是激发读者进行创造性填补和想象性连接的基本驱动力。本文以德国文论学家沃尔夫冈。

    Indeterminacy and gaps exist in every literary text and can arouse readers ' creative filling and imaginative connection .

  19. 不过,我现在觉得,把能源和创意视为基本驱动力反而更具启发性。

    But , I now think , it is more enlightening to view the fundamental drivers as energy and ideas .

  20. 技术创新对于企业发展的重要性不言而喻,可以说,创新是企业发展的基本驱动力。

    Technological innovation is very important to the development of the enterprise , and innovation is the basic force to enterprise development .

  21. 本文将应力场分为基本应力场和修正应力场两个部分。

    In this paper , the stress field is divided into two parts : the basic stress field and the modified stress field .

  22. 本文应用平面应变有限元方法模拟长乐&诏安断裂带的基本应力场。

    In this paper , the basic stress field along Changle-Zhao'an fault belt has been simulated using finite element method of plane strain .

  23. 这种结构体系的基本受力单元是桁架,而桁架是由方(矩)形钢管和扣件连接件通过自攻螺钉连接而成。

    The basic unit of this system is truss , which is composed of square ( rectangular ) tubes and clips connected by screws .

  24. 分析了T形角焊缝部位的基本受力状况,对该部位容易出现的问题进行了分析,从设计、焊接、防腐等方面提出了应对措施。

    The basic stress of T-fillet weld is analyzed , the safe measures for it in design , welding and corrosion control are presented .

  25. 中南通道跨京沪铁路特大桥桥址区第四系半成岩基本承载力分析

    Analysis on Basic Bearing Capacity of Quaternary Semi-formed Rock around Bridge Site Area of Central South Passage over Super Large Bridge on Beijing-Shanghai Railway

  26. 这种相同的马虎的道德使接受不与业绩挂钩的高薪水的经理们丧失了给其员工适当的工资和奖金的基本理解力。

    This same sloppy morality causes managers who receive high salaries that do not fluctuate with their performance to lose a basic understanding of appropriate wages and bonuses for their staffs .

  27. 产生裂纹的主要原因是:叶片所受基本应力较高,叶片根部有应力集中和材料疲劳。

    The primary reasons of cracks were that the basic stresses effecting on vanes are in the high side , the stresses centralizes at the blades ' roots , and the materials fatigue .

  28. 目前对于深基坑的回弹量计算,都是以基坑开挖卸荷为基本应力路径获取变形模量,并未考虑降水的影响。

    In the calculation of soil heave , the deformation modulus is obtained by taking the unloading path as the basic stress path and the effect of dewatering is not taken into account .

  29. 这种特征可能不仅和海洋与大陆板块汇聚边界的岛弧海沟上的基本应力状态有关,而且与自转速率不均匀产生的附加应力状态有关。

    These correlations depend not only on the state of the basic stress field in the island arc-trench but also on the additional stress field caused by the variation of rotation velocity of the earth .

  30. 探讨了动态应力场范围、传播和对基本应力场的加强作用,以及动态应力场展布范围与大面积宏观前兆等问题。

    Thus , the extent and propagation of dynamic stress field , the reinforced function to basic stress field , and the areal extent of dynamic stress field related to large areas of macroscopic precursor are discussed also .