
chāo zǐ
  • hyperon
  1. 由于超子含有奇异量子数,它可深入原子核的内部,是研究核结构的极好探针,所以超核为研究完全的介子和重子味SU(3)八重态性质提供了唯一的实验室。

    As hyperon has the strange quantum number , it can go deep into the interior of nuclei , thus it is the right probe to study the nuclear structure .

  2. 超子耦合常数对混合星性质的影响

    Influence of Hyperon Coupling Constant on the Properties of Hybrid Stars

  3. ∧-n介子交换势和超核的∧超子结合能

    ∧ - n meson exchange potential and its ∧ binding energies in hypernuclei

  4. 超子及K介子衰变的分枝比和平均寿命间的比例

    On the branching ratios of the decays OE the hyperons and the ratios OE the mean life times

  5. ∧~(208)pb的超子分布半径和中子星结构

    Hyperon rms Radii of _ Λ ~ ( 208 ) Pb and Neutron Star Structure

  6. 超子的稀有衰变及CP不守恒

    Rare Decay of Hyperons and Its CP Violation

  7. 随后给出超核内的晕现象研究,如ca超核内的中子晕和153∧c内的单∧超子晕。

    Halos in hypernuclei , for example , the neutron halo in Ca hypernuclei and the single hyperon halo in 15 3 Λ C , are also investigated .

  8. RHIC能区下超子极化转移的统计误差分析

    Statistical Error of Spin Transfer to Hyperon at RHIC Energy

  9. W.K.B近似和δ势垒近似下∧~(238)U超核裂变中∧超子能级的计算

    Calculation of A-energy after _ ∧ ~ ( 238 ) u fission in w.k.b approximation and δ - potential barrier approximation

  10. 作为应用举例,给出了e+e-湮没过程中LEP能量下各种超子的极化及与已有实验的比较。

    As an example , we calculate polarizations of different hyperons in e + e - annihilation at LEP energys and compare these results with the available data .

  11. 中间玻色子理论Ⅱ.超子的非轻子衰变

    An intermediate boson theory (ⅱ) - the nonleptonic decays of hyperons

  12. 滴线原子核中的晕现象&中子晕、超子晕、巨晕和形变晕

    Giant Neutron - and Hyperon - Halos in Drip - Line Nuclei

  13. 相对论核-核碰撞中产生的∧超子的退极化原因探讨

    Exploration for Degradation of Λ Polarization Produced in Relativistic Nucleus Nucleus Collisions

  14. 超子同位旋相互作用对中子星性质的影响

    The Influence of Hyperon Isospin Interaction on the Properties of Neutron Star

  15. 核子结构与轻子&强子深度非弹性散射过程中超子的极化

    Nucleon Structure and Hyperon Polarization in Deep Inelastic Lepton-hadron Scattering

  16. 相对论平均场理论下包含强超子-超子相互作用的热中子星

    Thermal Neutron Stars with Strong Hyperon-Hyperon Interaction in Relativistic Mean Field Theory

  17. E~n空间中点到超子空间的距离研究

    Research on distance from point in to super subspace

  18. 相对论平均场理论中的有效超子-核子相互作用

    Effective Hyperon-Nucleon Interactions in the Relativistic Mean Field Theory

  19. 有限温度下强超子-超子相互作用对中子星的影响

    The Influence of the Strong Hyperon-hyperon Interaction on the Neutron Star at Finite Temperature

  20. 高能强子化过程的自旋转移和轻子诱发反应中超子的极化

    Spin Transfer in High-Energy Hadronization Processes and Polarization of Hyperon in the Lepton-Induced Reactions

  21. ∧超子在核物质中的单粒子位阱深度

    The potential well depth of λ particle in nuclear matter due to meson exchange potential

  22. 束缚在超核中的超子的寿命会受到原子核环境的影响。

    The lifetime of a hyperon bounded in a hypernucleus is affected by the nuclear environment .

  23. 超子排斥势和弱吸引势对中子星性质的影响

    Hyperonic Potential in Neutron Star

  24. 计算结果表明非极化的∧超子将通过末态相互作用沿着反应面法线方向被极化。

    The result shows that initial-state unpolarized hyperon will be polarized along the direction opposite to the reaction plane through final-state interaction .

  25. 最近文献中提出的相对反应面法线方向超子极化的研究,使该效应的研究更具现实意义。

    The study of hyperon polarization along the direction opposite to the reaction plane in the resent paper make the effect is much full of practical significance .

  26. 指出在轻子诱发反应中测量产生超子的极化是研究高能强子化过程自旋转移的理想途径。

    We show that measuring the polarization of hyperon in the lepton induced reactions is an ideal way to study the spin transfer in high energy hadronization processes .

  27. 本文从考虑了核子、超子和介子的相对论平均场出发,针对不同情况对中子星的性质进行研究。

    In this thesis , we study properties of neutron star in the framework of the relativistic mean field theory of interacting nucleons , hyperons , and mesons .

  28. 根据实验数据的分析,研究了不同超子势下,超子耦合常数对中子星的组成和状态方程的影响。

    We investigate the influence of different hyperon couplings from analysis of various experimental data on hypernuclei on the composition and equation of state of cold neutron star .

  29. 在分析不同情形超子衰变的基础上,给出超子衰变对超子产生率和末态超子极化的贡献的一般计算公式。

    By analyzing different hyperon decay processes , we derive the general formula for the decay contributions of heavier hyperons to hyperon production rates and final-state hyperon polarizations .

  30. 在计算母粒子静止系中包含极化关联的超子衰变角分布基础上,我们给出了和末态超子出射方向有关的衰变极化转移因子。

    We derive decay spin transfer factor depending on moving direction of the final-state hyperon by calculating hyperon decay angular distribution including polarization correlation in mother-particle static frame system .