
shù liànɡ jí
  • order of magnitude
  1. 其体积电阻率p降低约一个数量级,但只比1%(质量分数)Sft/PVA膜的p略有降低。

    The resistivity decreased approximately one order of magnitude .

  2. Bi系高温超导体的加入使复合材料的介电损耗提高了一个数量级。

    The dielectric loss of Bi-system superconductor-impregnated composites was increased by one order of magnitude .

  3. 如果按8个数量级来看,延时量会显得小一些。

    The time delay would be smaller by eight orders of magnitude .

  4. TB数量级的数据传输通常需要千兆位/秒的性能。

    Terabyte amounts of data transfer often require gigabit / sec performance .

  5. 所以是大V除以小,在10的30次方的数量级。

    V So it 's big V over little v , on the order of10 to the30th .

  6. 其数值分别由在水中的102和104数量级系统地降至在甲酰胺和N,N-二甲基甲酰胺中的10数量级。

    The inclusion constant decreased systematically from 10 2 and 10 4 in water to 10 in FA and DMF , respectively .

  7. As掺杂P型材料的少子寿命与同载流子浓度Hg空位为主的P型材料少子寿命相比,大了一个数量级。

    For the same concentration , the minority carrier lifetime of P-type As-doped HgCdTe is one magnitude larger than the Hg-vacancy .

  8. 当频率达到数十兆赫兹数量级时,则服从Gaussian分布。

    Only at frequencies on the order of tens of megahertz , the noise distribution obeys Gaussian .

  9. 主要原因是PE的理论模量比PP大一个数量级。

    The main cause is due to the theoretical modulus of PE being 10 times greater than that of PP.

  10. 这些曲线都证明了薄膜具有金属-绝缘体相变特性,其相变温度为59°C,相变幅度超过两个数量级。

    Both of the curves testify the metal-insulation phasetransition character of thin films , as the phasetransition temperature is 59 ° C and phasetransition range exceeds two magnitudes .

  11. 既然温度处在数千万度数量级,绝大部分辐射能量将处于软X射线谱区。

    Since this is of the order of several tens of million degrees ; most of the energy will be in the soft X-ray region .

  12. 当磷的浓度达到某适当值时,合金膜的光电导率可以增加2&3个数量级,同时导电类型由P型又变为N型。

    As the P concentration increases to a suitable quantity , the photoconductivity of the alloy en-hances 2-3 orders of magnitude and the conduction mechanism changes from P to N type .

  13. 根据膜厚值,计算出的沉积速度为1μm/hr,比通常的速度大一个数量级。

    The growth rate , 1m / hr , was achieved which was one-magnitude - order larger than usual ECR deposition .

  14. 全部清扫比一个常规GC操作要昂贵好几个数量级,这只是个简单数学问题。

    Full sweeps are typically several orders of magnitude more expensive than a regular GC operation , which is just plain bad math .

  15. 利用特征参数文件较CAD模型要小近两个数量级的特点,实现了大型三维CAD模型快速传输功能。

    Fast transmission of large 3D CAD models was implemented by using the characteristic that feature information files are almost two orders of magnitude smaller than files of CAD models .

  16. PI薄带在沙尘环境中的平均磨损率比在无沙尘环境中的平均磨损率高出4个数量级。

    The mean wear rate of PI tape in the sand dust environment is about 4 orders higher than that in the clean air environment .

  17. 通过晶体c轴向离子电导率的测试发现,Ga的掺入使c轴向电导率降低了大约3个数量级。

    The Zr doped crystals lead to an improved SHG intensity and the conductivity along c axis has been lowered by three orders of magnitude by doping with Ga 3 + ions .

  18. 模拟测试证明,这种方法比DFT的准确度提高一个数量级。

    The simulating test shows that the accuracy of the integrated algorithm is higher than that of DFT by one order .

  19. GLP可以使产品研发的经济价值有数量级的提升;

    GLP helps the research products win a higher economic value .

  20. CSP工艺比传统工艺生产的同规格产品位错密度高约一个数量级。

    The dislocation density after the finishing pass is larger than that of the hot strip produced by the conventional technique .

  21. 在电加热石英管原子化器中得到的测定灵敏度为0.007μg(1%吸收),比文献报道值提高了一个数量级。

    The sensitivity of determination in the electrically heated quartz tube atomizer is 0 . 007 μ g / 0 . 0044 which is one order of magnitude better than that reported earlier .

  22. 在GHz数量级的很高频率时,由于铁磁共振,渗透深度发生巨大的变化并引起样品阻抗猛烈变化。

    At very high frequencies of the order of GHz , strong changes of the sample 's impedance occur owing to the ferromagnetic resonance .

  23. 它们的逾渗点处的电阻率值(Ω·cm)处于同一数量级,为10~6数量级。这表明可膨胀石墨的添加对于复合材料的导电性有一定贡献。

    The threshold value (Ω· cm ) is in the same order of magnitude , i.e. 10 ~ 6 . It is indicated that expandable graphite has certain contribution to the electric conductivity .

  24. 实验表明,对于链式结构较多的P/G网络,该算法的求解效率比标准的SPICE快两个数量级,比高效的迭代算法也有几十倍的提高。

    Experiment results show that the algorithm is two orders magnitude faster than standard SPICE and is 10X faster than the most efficient iterative method .

  25. 在剪切速率为50rad/s的剪切流变实验中,纳米PVC比普通PVC切变黏度降低了一个数量级。

    The shear rheological tests at shear rate 50 rad / s showed that the shear viscosity of nano-PVC composite resin was about 10 times lower than that of common PVC resin .

  26. 通过交流阻抗测试,初步估算了Al极片在充放电过程中的Li扩散系数的数量级为10~(-10)~10~(-13)cm~2/s之间。

    4 . The order of magnitude of lithium diffusion coefficient in aluminum was estimated at 10 ~ ( - 10 ) ~ 10 ~ ( - 13 ) cm / s by AC impedance measurement .

  27. 尤其是Cu,Zn,Pb和Sr,比世界大洋锰结核中的平均含量高出一个数量级,其他微量元素与世界大洋和太平洋的数值接近。

    Particularly , the contents of Cu , Zn , Pb and Sr are higher by one order of magnitude than the their average contents in the manganese nodules in the world oceans .

  28. 我们的实验结果论证了Peterson等人提出的约瑟夫逊结零电压附近结电压尖脉冲具有PS数量级和采用约瑟夫逊结产生PS尖脉冲的可能性。

    Our experimental results have proved the possibility of generating PS pulses by Josephson junction when baised near the zero voltage state , which was proposed by Peterson .

  29. 与直接从另一台机器或一个共享的大磁盘上复制文件相比,使用Subversion要慢好几个数量级。

    Using Subversion for this purpose was orders of magnitude slower than simply copying the items from an alternative machine or a shared big disk .

  30. 真正严重的事件比规则的结果处理常见性少好几个数量级,这些严重的事件属于叫做直观推断(heuristics)的课题。

    Really bad events , which are orders of magnitude less common than regular outcome processing , are the subject of something called heuristics .