- order of magnitude

The resistivity decreased approximately one order of magnitude .
The dielectric loss of Bi-system superconductor-impregnated composites was increased by one order of magnitude .
The time delay would be smaller by eight orders of magnitude .
Terabyte amounts of data transfer often require gigabit / sec performance .
V So it 's big V over little v , on the order of10 to the30th .
The inclusion constant decreased systematically from 10 2 and 10 4 in water to 10 in FA and DMF , respectively .
For the same concentration , the minority carrier lifetime of P-type As-doped HgCdTe is one magnitude larger than the Hg-vacancy .
Only at frequencies on the order of tens of megahertz , the noise distribution obeys Gaussian .
The main cause is due to the theoretical modulus of PE being 10 times greater than that of PP.
Both of the curves testify the metal-insulation phasetransition character of thin films , as the phasetransition temperature is 59 ° C and phasetransition range exceeds two magnitudes .
Since this is of the order of several tens of million degrees ; most of the energy will be in the soft X-ray region .
As the P concentration increases to a suitable quantity , the photoconductivity of the alloy en-hances 2-3 orders of magnitude and the conduction mechanism changes from P to N type .
The growth rate , 1m / hr , was achieved which was one-magnitude - order larger than usual ECR deposition .
Full sweeps are typically several orders of magnitude more expensive than a regular GC operation , which is just plain bad math .
Fast transmission of large 3D CAD models was implemented by using the characteristic that feature information files are almost two orders of magnitude smaller than files of CAD models .
The mean wear rate of PI tape in the sand dust environment is about 4 orders higher than that in the clean air environment .
The Zr doped crystals lead to an improved SHG intensity and the conductivity along c axis has been lowered by three orders of magnitude by doping with Ga 3 + ions .
The simulating test shows that the accuracy of the integrated algorithm is higher than that of DFT by one order .
GLP helps the research products win a higher economic value .
The dislocation density after the finishing pass is larger than that of the hot strip produced by the conventional technique .
The sensitivity of determination in the electrically heated quartz tube atomizer is 0 . 007 μ g / 0 . 0044 which is one order of magnitude better than that reported earlier .
At very high frequencies of the order of GHz , strong changes of the sample 's impedance occur owing to the ferromagnetic resonance .
The threshold value (Ω· cm ) is in the same order of magnitude , i.e. 10 ~ 6 . It is indicated that expandable graphite has certain contribution to the electric conductivity .
Experiment results show that the algorithm is two orders magnitude faster than standard SPICE and is 10X faster than the most efficient iterative method .
The shear rheological tests at shear rate 50 rad / s showed that the shear viscosity of nano-PVC composite resin was about 10 times lower than that of common PVC resin .
4 . The order of magnitude of lithium diffusion coefficient in aluminum was estimated at 10 ~ ( - 10 ) ~ 10 ~ ( - 13 ) cm / s by AC impedance measurement .
Particularly , the contents of Cu , Zn , Pb and Sr are higher by one order of magnitude than the their average contents in the manganese nodules in the world oceans .
Our experimental results have proved the possibility of generating PS pulses by Josephson junction when baised near the zero voltage state , which was proposed by Peterson .
Using Subversion for this purpose was orders of magnitude slower than simply copying the items from an alternative machine or a shared big disk .
Really bad events , which are orders of magnitude less common than regular outcome processing , are the subject of something called heuristics .