
  • 网络Mathematical Science
  1. 指出中医研究的三个重要趋势,即从线性的简单系统走向开放的复杂巨系统,将非线性复杂科学、信息科学和前沿的数理科学与中医学交叉、渗透、融合;

    Three important trends in TCM investigation is pointed out .

  2. 数理科学的发展机遇与使命&国家自然科学基金委员会数理科学部20年工作简要回顾与展望

    Development opportunity and mission of mathematical and physical sciences

  3. 本院数理科学组举办之活动:红色。

    Activities held by the Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences : Red .

  4. 数理科学部国家杰出青年科学基金资助情况分析

    Investigation and analyses on the National Science Fund for outstanding youths in mathematics and Physics

  5. 数理科学与化学&哈密尔顿连通图和邻域并条件(Ⅰ)

    Hamiltonian-connected Graphs with Neighborhood Union Conditions (ⅰ)

  6. 2000年数理科学和地球科学国家重点及部门开放实验室评估工作总结

    NSFC Evaluating Report on State Key Labs and Sectoral Labs in Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences

  7. 分析结果认为,现代数理科学新理论在滑坡预报中的综合应用得到了较快发展;

    Modern mathematics and physics theories have been comprehensively applied in landslide forecast , which gained quickly development for recent two decades .

  8. 实验动物信息学是应用信息科学与数理科学理论、技术研究实验动物的一个交叉学科。

    Laboratory Animal Informatics is a crossed field which applies theory and methods of Informatics , Mathematics and Physics to Laboratory Animal Science .

  9. 数理科学部2006&2008年度结题的国家杰出青年科学基金资助项目成果简介

    The achievement introduction of projects funded by National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars in Department of mathematical and physical sciences during 2006-2008

  10. 早于1917年,关良东渡日本学习,毅然放弃学习数理科学,转读东京太平洋美术专科学校,在中村不折和藤岛武二指导下学习写实风格油画。

    In1917 , Guan had abandoned his studies on mathematics and science in Japan before he transferred to the Pacific Arts School in Tokyo .

  11. 从而把易学定位为建立在科学基础上的蕴涵宇宙生命之学的数理科学。

    Therefore , Yi Xue is defined as the science of numbers and laws which based on science and contains the knowledge of life in universe .

  12. 从数理科学的角度,采用比较的研究方法,探讨并建立起了中医阴阳学说与物理学对称理论的相互关联。

    We decide to probe and set up the correlation of symmetry theory between Yinyang theory and physiology in the mathematics and physics field through comparing method .

  13. 古代中国与希腊各不相同的数理科学背景决定了思想家的思想方式和思维水平,中国古代数学没有完成逻辑化的过程,相应地导致了中国传统政治思想哲理化过程的滞后。

    The difference in the symbolic science did make the mode and the level of thinking in both of the nations , the logic course of mathematics did not finished in ancient China and this had resulted in the lagging of the logic-course of the political though in ancient China .

  14. 由于传统观念、经济基础和政治结构的不同,中国古代和古希腊的科学技术发展在历史上各自形成了两种不同的模式:中国古代经验实用型科学技术模式和古希腊逻辑数理型科学技术模式。

    In human history , scence and technology in ancient China and Greece developed into different models due to their different traditional concepts , economical bases and political structures : the experienced and practical model of ancient China and the mathematical and logic model of ancient Greece .

  15. 管理活动不仅有着数理方面的科学方法问题,而且存在着大量属于文化范畴的问题;

    Management activities have not only scientific way about mathematics , but also belongs to the category of culture .

  16. 近年来,天水师范学院数理与信息科学学院数学系用它的理论和实践指导高师数学课程建设,突出了全面推进素质教育的特色。

    The Department of Mathematics of Tianshui Normal University has introduced this theory and practice into the construction of high-quality courses .

  17. 生物信息学是用数理和信息科学的观点、理论和方法去研究生命现象、组织和分析呈现指数增长的生物学数据的一门学科。

    Bioinformatics is a subject to investigate the exponential increased biology data using the methods of mathematics , physics and information science .

  18. 本文借助数理统计方法科学地进行了一系列关于氯菊酯残留萃取方案的设计与优化验证。

    This article describes the extraction method for permethrin residues in wool fabrics , and procedure optimum is undertaken with application of mathematical statistics .

  19. 数理统计与农业科学

    Physics and Agricultural Science

  20. 数理逻辑和计算机科学有着十分密切的关系,数理逻辑是计算理论的基础。

    Mathematical logic and computer science has a very close relationship . Also , the computational theory is based on mathematical logic .

  21. 第七,言语行为理论研究应从相关学科如数理逻辑,认知科学和人工智能中借鉴成果。

    Seventhly , the study of Speech Act Theory should absorb nourishments from other disciplines , such as mathematical logic , cognitive science and artificial intelligence .

  22. 本文主要介绍数理逻辑的基本知识,以及数理逻辑在计算机科学中尤其是在数据库和人工智能中的应用。

    This paper introduces the basic knowledge of mathematical logic , and the application of mathematical logic in computer science , in particular , in artificial intelligence ( AI ) and database ( DB ) .