
zì rán bó wù ɡuǎn
  • museum of natural history
  1. 咱们改道往自然博物馆走吧。

    Let 's bend our way to the Museum of natural history .

  2. 模式标本保存在浙江自然博物馆昆虫标本室。

    Type specimens are kept in the Zhejiang Museum of Natural History .

  3. 当CIMA及其合作者秘鲁政府以及芝加哥自然博物馆设法预测森林砍伐率的时候,他们使用的GEOMOD模型没能反映出现实情况。

    When CIMA and its collaborators the Peruvian government and the Field Museum in Chicago tried to predict deforestation rates the GEOMOD model they used failed to reflect the reality on the ground .

  4. 试论高校自然博物馆的标本收集

    A Brief Discussion on Specimen Collection by Natural Museums in Universities

  5. 天津自然博物馆馆藏动物标本的管理和养护

    Management and Maintenance of Animal Specimens in Tianjin Natural History Museum

  6. 论云南省自然博物馆建设的有关问题

    On the problems of the construction of the Nature Museum of Yunnan Province

  7. 我将带学生去自然博物馆。

    Ill take my students to the science museum .

  8. 我们到自然博物馆参观恐龙骨骼。

    We went to see the dinosaur skeltons in the natural history museum .

  9. 陕西省自然博物馆球幕影院网壳结构设计

    Spherical Latticed Structure Design of Spherical Cinema Used in Nature Museum of Shanxi Province

  10. 分析介绍了自然博物馆的环境设计观和环境模式。

    It describes the concept and model on design of the Natural History Museum .

  11. 全球环境变化与自然博物馆面临的问题和对策

    The rapid changes in the world environment and the problems and countermeasures of natural history museums

  12. 数百个学生参观了这个自然博物馆。

    Students visited the natural museum .

  13. 尼摩船长答,您的自然博物馆的工作室能供给您这样一个安静舒适的环境吗?

    Captain Nemo replied . Did your study at the museum afford you such a perfect retreat ?

  14. 然后下午我们要去自然博物馆,应该很好玩的!

    Afterwards in the afternoon we will go the Natural History Museum , it should be great fun !

  15. 日本茨城县自然博物馆是一座以人为本,观众可以观看、可以提问、可以触摸、可以参与的绝妙场所。

    Ibaraki Natural Museum Park is a human-oriented place where enables visi-tors for watching , question-asking , touch , and real participation .

  16. 他说,如今这里有很多更长久不变的水体,像自然博物馆本身的池塘。

    Today , he says , there is a lot more permanent water , like a pond at the Natural History Museum itself .

  17. 电影上映后十天内,纽约市的美国自然博物馆报道说参观人数比去年同比增长了20%。

    In the ten days after the movie 's opening , NYC 's American Museum of Natural History reported a20 % jump in visits over the same period last year .

  18. 通过对烟台自然博物馆社会服务职能的分析定位,对如何在新时期更好开展博物馆社会服务职能工作有一定交流借鉴价值。

    In this paper , social service functions and the position of Yantai Natural Museum have been analyzed , which will provide some references for carrying out the work of social services in the museum .

  19. 本篇主要概述了自然博物馆的定义、分类、国内外发展概况,并介绍了重庆自然博物馆项目概况。

    This chapter talks about the definition and classification of the nature museum , general describes how the national and abroad developments are about , and briefly introduces the project of Chongqing Natural History Museum .

  20. 本文简要介绍了上海天文台与上海自然博物馆天文组用φ6米射电望远镜在6厘米波段观测1987年9月23日日环食所取得的资料处理过程,着重于局部源的证认。

    The 6-cm radio observation of the annular solar eclipse using a 6-m telescope were carried out by Shanghai Observatory and Shanghai Planetarium on 23 Sept. 1987 . The data processing and the identification of S-component sources were described .

  21. 近年来的城市发展带动了各类大型公共博物馆的建设,而自然博物馆作为重要的博物馆类型,在当今的建设热潮中也逐渐脱颖而出。

    In recent years promoting constructions of all kinds of large-scale public museums led by the urban development , natural history museum , as one of an important type , nowadays has also gradually coming to the fore in this construction boom .

  22. 四川大学图书馆藏书550万余册,校博物馆是国内高校仅有的综合性博物馆,珍藏文物4万余件。自然博物馆收藏动、植物标本60万余件(份)。

    The university library has a collection of 5.5 million volumes.The university museum is the only one of its kind in China with a comprehensive collection of cultural relics over 40 000 pieces , and animal and plant specimens over 600 000 pieces , ranking first in its holdings among the others in China .

  23. 彼得·福雷是自然历史博物馆鱼类化石展厅的负责人。

    Peter Forey is curator of fossil fishes at the Natural History Museum .

  24. 密西西比自然科学博物馆

    The Pavilion Mississippi Museum of Natural Science

  25. 杰西卡·威尔博士�美国自然历史博物馆昆虫学家

    Dr. Jessica Weir , Entomologist , American Natural History Museum

  26. 美国自然历史博物馆(AmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory)是孩子们最爱去的地方,成年人也是一样。

    The American Museum of Natural History is a favorite of children and adults alike .

  27. 并且,在1924年的那次以失败告终的英国珠峰探险之中,探险者就采集到了跳蛛样本,这些样本现在被陈列在英国自然历史博物馆(BritishNaturalHistoryMuseum)之中。

    In addition , several previously unnamed grasshopper species were collected during the famously ill-fated 1924 British Everest expedition and are now on display in the British Natural History Museum .

  28. 伦敦自然历史博物馆研究人员的发现是基于1.47亿岁的始祖鸟标本的脑壳和内耳的首次X光检查和重建之上的。

    The researchers , at the Natural History Museum in London , based their findings on the first X-ray examination and reconstruction of the braincase and inner ear of a 147-million-year-old Archaeopteryx specimen .

  29. “这个是一非常工整的论文,”SB说到,他是纽约市美国自然史博物馆一位知识渊博的古生物学家。

    " This is a very neat paper ," says Stephen Brusatte , a vertebrate paleontologist at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City .

  30. 珍妮·莫斯这个麦田雕像与纽约的美国自然历史博物馆的一个爱因斯坦的展览中的画像一样,不同的是这个E=mc2中的E,有一百二十英尺高。

    The crop portrait coincides with an exhibit on Einstein at New York 's American Museum of Natural History . But the E in this E = mc2 , is a hundred and twenty feet tall .