
lā mǎ kè
  • Lamarch;Lamarck, Jean Baptiste
拉马克 [lā mǎ kè]
  • [Lamarck, Jean Baptiste] (1744-1829) 法国生物学家。他最先提出生物进化学说,同当时占统治地位的物种不变论者进行过激烈的斗争

拉马克[lā mǎ kè]
  1. 拉马克啉对内皮素-1诱导的大鼠血管平滑肌细胞增殖及蛋白激酶C表达的作用

    Effect of levcromakalim on ET-1 induced proliferation and expression of protein kinase C in vascular smooth muscle cells

  2. 随着孟德尔遗传学的出现以及后来的DNA的发现,拉马克的观点受到完全的质疑。

    With the advent of Mendelian genetics and the later discovery of DNA , Lamarck 's ideas fell out of favor entirely .

  3. 从拉马克进化论、达尔文主义、ID论,到生命信息进化论,是一个不断进化着的关于宇宙中进化现象的理论序列。

    It is a continually evolving theoretical sequence about evolution phenomenon in universe from Lamarck 's evolutionism , Darwinism , ID theory to life information evolutionism .

  4. “传递获得的特性,更符合拉马克的进化论。”Paro说。

    " Passing on the gained characteristics fits more to Lamarck 's theory of evolution ", says Paro .

  5. 主要工作概括如下:(1)以多种群遗传算法(MGA)为基础,本文提出了基于记忆库和拉马克进化机制求解JSSP。

    The main work can be summarized as follows : ( 1 ) Based on the multi-population genetic algorithm ( MGA ), a multi-population genetic algorithm based on memory-base and Lamarckian evolution for job shop scheduling problem is proposed .

  6. 论法律的作用分析了基于拉马克主义的进化学习策略(简称LELS)和基于达尔文主义的进化学习策略(简称DELS)的异同;

    On the Effect of Law The Lamarckian evolution learning strategy ( LELS ) and Darwinian evolution learning strategy ( DELS ) are discussed in terms of their similarities and differences in learn - ing implementation .

  7. 拉马克将军是个有声看也有作为的人。

    The Government , on its side , was taking observations .

  8. 所以这是一种拉马克式,而非达尔文式演化。

    So , this made evolution suddenly Lamarckian , instead of Darwinian .

  9. 拉马克将军是个有声望也有作为的人。

    Lamarque was a man of renown and of action .

  10. 属于或关于对拉马克学说的现代解释的。

    Of or relating to a modern version of Lamarckism .

  11. 你去不去送拉马克将军①入葬?

    Are you coming to General Lamarque 's funeral ?

  12. 拿破仑在临终时说的是“军队”,拉马克临终时说的是“祖国”。

    Napoleon had died uttering the word army , Lamarque uttering the word country .

  13. 在一八三二年六月,那粒火星便是拉马克将军之死。

    In June , 1832 , the spark was the death of General Lamarque .

  14. 仅仅将债务全部赖掉并重启德拉马克,将会引起经济崩溃。

    Simply writing off its debts and reclaiming the drachma would trigger economic collapse .

  15. 卡玛克什•西瓦拉马克莱斯娜从没想过进入广告行业,更别说经营一家创业公司了。

    Kamakshi sivaramakrishnan never planned to go into advertising , much less run a startup .

  16. 是否要重新评价拉马克如何认识背后的机制?

    How shall the mechanism be understood ?

  17. 通过引入拉马克学习算子来改进现有克隆选择算法的局部搜索能力。

    The ability of local search is improved by introducing the Lamarckian learning operator into the clonal selection algorithm .

  18. 苦闷之余,达尔文甚至采纳了拉马克获得性遗传的观点来补充他的自然选择学说。

    In his puzzle he even adopted the concept of acquired heredity of Larmack to supplement his theory of natural selection .

  19. 随着人脑的进化,他们创造出了文化,文化又允许一个获得性遗传的真正的拉马克系统诞生。

    As human brains evolved , they created culture , which permitted the birth of a true Lamarckian system of inherited acquisitions .

  20. 强调在遗传基因变化中环境因素的重要性和保留后天特性遗传的现代拉马克学说。

    A modern Lamarckian theory emphasizing the importance of environmental factors in genetic changes and retaining the notion of the inheritance of acquired characters .

  21. 理发师当然免不了向那老兵谈到这次起义,继又谈到拉马克将军,从拉马克将军又转到了皇帝。

    The hair-dresser had , naturally , spoken to the veteran of the riot , then of General Lamarque , and from Lamarque they had passed to the Emperor .

  22. 六月五日那天,时而下雨,时而放晴,拉马克将军的殡葬行列,配备了正式的陆军仪仗队,穿过巴黎,那行列是为了预防不测而稍微加强了的。

    On the5th of June , accordingly , a day of mingled rain and sun , General Lamarque 's funeral procession traversed Paris with official military pomp , somewhat augmented through precaution .

  23. 表观遗传学的研究,像拉马克的长颈鹿一样揭示某些东西,的确表明后天获得特征能够被遗传,并且让拉马克不会再蒙冤。

    Research on epigenetics , while yet to uncover anything as dramatic as Lamarck 's giraffes , does suggest that acquired traits can be heritable , and that Lamarck was not so wrong after all .

  24. 这似乎有点像拉马克教科书中的一个例子:能演化出最有弹性脖子的长颈鹿,用它那长得足够基因借用的身体设立了适应性的标志。

    It may seem like a textbook example of Lamarckism , but giraffes who can evolve the most stretch in their necks can stake out an adaptation with their bodies long enough for their genes to catch up .

  25. 将经拉马克学习机制改进后的混合遗传算法应用于连采机装运减速齿轮箱的实验模态参数识别中,取得了良好的效果,实践证明,该方法是准确、有效的。

    The hybrid genetic algorithm improved by Lamarckian learning mechanism is applied to the experimental modal parameter identification of the continuous miner reducer , and the good results are achieved , which verify the method is accurate and effective .

  26. 从程序视角来看待生命进化现象,拉马克的用进废退进化机制和达尔文的自然选择进化机制都有其程序实现的基础,只不过它们的基因突变发生的时间和起因不同罢了。

    To study the phenomenon of the evolution of life from a program perspective , both Lamarckian " use and disuse " evolutionary mechanisms and Darwin the " natural selection " evolutionary mechanism have their program realization foundation , only their genetic mutation occurred time and cause are different .