
  • 网络The Lagrangian
  1. 它的拉格朗日量包含夸克层次和介子层次两个部分。

    Its lagrangian include two parts , at meson level and quark level respectively .

  2. 当拉格朗日量的形式使系统发生对称性自发破缺时它就成为一个线性σ模型。

    When the Lagrangian shows the spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry , it becomes the linear a model .

  3. 这类模型以强子为基本自由度,其拉格朗日量具有QCD理论的全部对称性。

    In these models , hadrons are the fundamental degrees of freedom , their Lagrangians have the same symmetry as QCD .

  4. 本文首先概述了相对论平均场理论,并且给出了一般的相对论平均场(RMF)的拉格朗日量,其中着重对球形核平均场理论进行了介绍。

    Firstly , we systemically introduce the relativistic mean field theory ( RMF ), especially on spherical nuclei .

  5. 从包含核子、介子以及光子的拉格朗日量出发,运用Euler-Lagrange方程给出了描述核子运动的Dirac方程、介子的Klein-Gordon方程、光子的电磁场方程,以及这些方程对球型核的描述形式。

    By using Euler-Lagrange equation , Dirac equation for nucleon , Klein-Gordon equation for mesons and electric-magnetic equation for photons are obtained from the general RMF lagrangian which describes nucleon , mesons and photons .

  6. 提出一种确定材料物态方程参数的新方法,即从一次平面碰撞实验中单个拉格朗日量计记录的应力历史曲线出发,建立非线性优化模型,进而确定材料的物态方程参数。

    A new method applying nonlinear optimization for parametrization of material equation of state ( EOS ) is put forward , by use of stress vs time profile recorded by a Lagrangian gauge .

  7. 采用拉格朗日函数与哈密顿量来讨论非惯性系统在有心力场存在时的运动方程。

    In this paper , Lagrange function and a Hami quantity are used to develop the equation of motion for a non-inertial system in the presence of central force field .

  8. 另一种是精确分块法,算法直接从修正方程出发,推导出耦合约束的拉格朗日乘子变化量的公式,并有效地避免了分解产生的矩阵求逆部分的计算。

    The other is accurate decompose method , it putting forward the formula of coupling constraint 's Lagrange multiply change by modify equation directly , and avoiding computing of reverse matrix directly .