
  • 网络electromagnetic interaction;electromagnetic force
  1. 是电磁相互作用的理论基础。

    Is the theoretical basis for electromagnetic interaction .

  2. 电子通过与原子核的电磁相互作用,被吸引到了这里。

    They are attracted and held in place by an electromagnetic interaction with the nucleus .

  3. 上面引用的f的上限已经排除了由电磁相互作用引起的这种混合。

    The upper limit on F quoted above already excludes such an admixture due to electromagnetic interactions .

  4. 最近几年李政道及其同事们已对电磁相互作用中的C守恒提出了怀疑。

    As for electromagnetic interactions , T.D.Lee and co-workers have in the last few years thrown doubt on C conservation .

  5. 从Paris势和电磁相互作用出发,应用格林函数方法推导了同位旋三重态sd壳等效粒子粒子相互作用。

    The sd-shell effective particle interactions are derived from the Paris potential and electric magnetic interactions using Green 's function method .

  6. 不同于电磁相互作用,由于SU(3)非阿贝尔性质,量子色动力学有渐进自由性质,即在大动量转移下是渐进自由的,而在低能标下却是强耦合的。

    Different from electromagnetic interaction , due to its non-Abelian color symmetry , the QCD has the property of asymptotic freedom at large momentum transfer , while remains strongly coupled at low energies .

  7. 电偶极近似条件下电磁相互作用的Feynman路径积分描述但是,这种换能器的辐射声场不能直接利用Helmholtz积分法进行解析求解。

    The Feynman path Integral Formulation of the Interaction of Electromagnetic Radiation in the Electric Dipole Approximation However , the sound field of such transducer can not be solved analytically by the Helmholtz integral formulation .

  8. 电磁相互作用体系关联函数的一种新解法

    A new method for calculating the correlation function of electromagnetic system

  9. 它大体上比电磁相互作用强100倍。

    It is roughly 100 times stronger than the electromagnetic interaction .

  10. 电磁相互作用体系的关联动力性质(Ⅱ)

    Correlate kinetic properties of a system with electromagnetic interactions (ⅱ)

  11. 中子与原子核或与电子并没有可察觉的电磁相互作用。

    A neutron has no appreciable electromagnetic interaction with nuclei or with electrons .

  12. 相对论性粒子的电磁相互作用&相对论变换应用之例

    Electromagnetic interaction of relativism particle & The instance of application of the relativism change

  13. 静电场中的电势能、相互作用能及静电能的联系与区别电磁相互作用不能撤掉。

    The Relationship and Difference between Electric Potential Energy , Interaction Energy and Electrostatic Energy ;

  14. 电磁相互作用是决定所有物理过程的四种基本相互作用之一。

    The electromagnetic interaction is one of the four basic interactions that are responsible for all physical processes .

  15. 弹性体高聚物/多官能团单体体系的辐射交联密度完全电磁相互作用等离子体的电子密度涨落和激光散射结构因子

    Radiation crosslinking density of elastomers sensitized by polyfunctional monomers On Electron Density Fluctuations and Radiation Scattering in a Plasma

  16. 首先完善的量子场理论,量子电力学提供了电磁相互作用充分的量子描述。

    The first complete quantum field theory , quantum electrodynamics , provides a fully quantum description of the electromagnetic interaction .

  17. 在探讨引力本质问题过程中,提出了引力的本质就是电磁相互作用,这也是物理学科四种力统一的关键。

    This paper aims at probing into the essence of the gravitation and presents a viewpoint that the essence of the gravitation is the electromagnetic interaction .

  18. 电磁相互作用能够产生丰富的现象,有很广泛的用处,而等离子体是理想的研究电磁相互作用的体系。

    Electromagnetic interaction can produce a wealth of phenomena , there are a wide range of useful , but plasma is an ideal system of electromagnetic interaction .

  19. 电磁相互作用是极其复杂的现象,故而在复杂系统中精确计算系统内部各部分间的干扰是非常困难的。

    The interaction of electromagnetic signals is a greatly complex phenomenon , which makes it very difficult to exactly compute the interference among the sections of complicated system .

  20. 本文讨论了电偶极近似条件下的电磁相互作用.偶极&偶极相互作用对原子行为和光场压缩的影响

    In this paper we discuss harmonic oscillator in an electromagnetic field in the electric dipole approximation . Effects of the Dipole-Dipole Interaction on the Atomic Dynamic Behavior and the Squeezing of Light

  21. 一般电路设计对磁性材料和绕组电流相互之间的电磁相互作用研究较少,而这对逆变器快速瞬态性能有重要影响。

    To the general circuit design it is no need to research the interaction of the transformer magnetic material and coil current , but it is very important to the study of transient character of inverter .

  22. 在物理过程中,入射粒子与闪烁体之间主要是低能电磁相互作用过程,还涉及到光子吸收过程、边界过程和光子的传输过程。其次,对该探测器的性能做了比较深入细致的模拟研究。

    Of all the physical process , low energy electromagnetic processes is the main interaction between incident particle and scintillator , while photon absorption process , boundary process and photon transmission are also involved . Secondly , the detector performance is studied intensively .

  23. 该团队表示,影响地球转动的因素包括月球的制动力,自冰河世纪以来极地冰川消融造成的地球形状的改变,地幔和地核的电磁相互作用以及海平面的变化等。

    Factors which influence the earth 's rotation include the moon 's braking effect , earth 's altering shape due to shrinking polar ice caps since the last Ice Age , electro-magnetic interactions between the mantle and core , and changes in the mean sea level , said the team .

  24. 在微波等离子体发生器(MPT)的基础上,借鉴传输线法与空间波法的测量电介质的实验方案,开展了等离子体喷流与电磁波相互作用的实验研究。

    Based on MPT , the experimental research on the interaction between plasma and radio wave is made with the plan of permittivity testing of transmission line method and space-wave method .

  25. 摆动天平系统的执行器采用非接触式电磁力相互作用的方式设计。

    We design the actuator using non-contact mode of interaction of electromagnetic force . 5 .

  26. 但目前大多数工作主要集中在碰撞等离子体与电磁波相互作用的性质上,对碰撞等离子体产生的特殊性及等离子体在碰撞条件下表现出来的不同特征尚缺少系统研究。

    Most of the researches concern mainly about the interaction between plasma and electro-magnetic wave , while few has been attributed to the particular properties of collisional plasma production .

  27. 电子碰撞频率是非磁化等离子体的一个重要参数,它对等离子体与电磁波相互作用的性质具有较大影响。

    The electron collision frequency is one of the important parameters of the non-magnetized plasma . It plays an important role in the interaction of the plasma with electromagnetic waves .

  28. 一般情况下,两电流元间相互作用力是不满足牛顿第三定律的,从而两运动的带电粒子在电磁力相互作用下,它们的机械动量是不守恒的。

    Generally speaking , the interacting forces between two current elements do not satisfy Newton third law , that is , the total mechanical momentum of the moving charges are not conserved under the interaction of the electromagnetic forces .

  29. 对电场、磁场以及电子注相关物理量初始值进行了确定,编程对螺旋线行波管单个周期内电子注和电磁波相互作用过程进行了数值模拟。

    And , to give the boundary conditions . ( 3 ) To determine the initial value of the electric field , magnetic field and electron beam . To simulate the interaction process of electron beam and electromagnetic waves in a single cycle in the helix traveling wave tube .

  30. FSS的频率选择性源于其周期性结构与电磁波的相互作用。当入射波的频率接近贴片或孔径的谐振频率点时,FSS表现出全反射或全透射特性。

    The frequency selectivity relies on the interaction between periodic structure and electromagnetic wave , which behaves as the total reflection ( for patches ) or transmission ( using apertures ) in the neighborhood of the element resonant frequency .