- strong interaction

The upper limit for Party violation in this strong interaction was quoted by tanner .
Dynamical Self-Similarity of Strong Interaction and Comparison between Dirac Hadron and Bose Hadron
The strong interaction energy shift of K hydrogen atom is studied in this paper .
P additive could adjust carrier activity and weaken the strong interaction between active metal and carrier , increasing dispersion of metal active components .
The highly dispersed CuO species is the active species in CO oxidation .
Eightfold way and the classification of the strongly interacting particles
The strong interaction between metal Rh and silica support has been investigated .
QCD is the fundamental theory of strong interaction .
The result that the chemisorption of CO2 on Pd / TiO2 was much less than that on TiO2 supported the viewpoint of Support-Metal Strong Interaction .
Quantum Chromodynamics ( QCD ) is the fundamental theory in dealing with strong interaction dynamics of mesons and baryons .
When PO is adsorbed on the support and unreduced catalyst , a ring-open reaction occurs through the interaction of PO with Si-OH on the support surface .
In a special condition , we obtain the effective Lagrangian for V-A type strong interaction .
It means that the grafting polymer (( i.e ) . polyacrylamide ) introduced onto the SiC nanoparticles enhanced the interfacial adhesion , leading to increase crack initiation resistance and improve tribological properties of the composites .
Proton-proton elastic scattering at high energies is an important issue in understanding of QCD - the fundamental theory of strong interaction and in searching for new physics .
The increased activity for CO_2 methanation on Ni-Mn / SiO_2 ( Re ) compared with that on monometallic Ni / SiO_2 can be interpreted as the high dispersion of nickel and the strong interaction between Ni and MnO .
The critical end point ( CEP ) of quantum chromodynamics ( QCD ) is one of the most important aspects of the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter .
STS results showed that the surface electronic properties of Pt-TiO_2 / ITO changed greatly and two novel types of tunneling current-bias voltage ( I-V ) curves were obtained after calcination at 673 K in air .
SU ( 2 ) invariant coupling model which based on the invariance of isotopic spin symmetry in strong interaction has been a great success in vicarious kinds of model theories that describing the strong reaction between nucleon and meson .
Some examples of their application to the strong interaction symmetry of elementary particles are given : the relations between various scattering cross sections and the mass relations for low-dimensional irreducible representations are derived , and the assignment and decay modes of resonant states and the R-inverse invariance are discussed .
Quantum chromodynamics ( QCD ) is a non-Abel gauge theory that describe the strong interaction between quarks and gluons , it is also a basic part of the stan-dard model of particle physics .
The most new scientific opportunities of nuclear physics are : the exploration of the quark degrees of freedom and of the underlying theory of the strong interaction , QCD , in the nuclearmedium ;
Arrays of coupled cavities have extended the application of the Dicke model and made it possible to study the strongly interacting many-body systems in condensed matter physics .
This study would offer certain academic references to the further research on Lorentz-invariant coupling model and the nuclear physics about cross section problem of particle in nucleon antinucleon and neutral meson strong interaction in terms of theoretical calculations .
The code CORSIKA with QGSJET as the hadronic interaction model is applied in the simulation .
The formation is the result of the strong interaction of π π conjugated system in the base state in the films , which associated with the direct MEH PPV to C 60 charge transfer .
The experimental result showed that the strong interreaction of the carboxylate group with nanocrystalline TiO2 films realized electron injection from the excited state of the complex into the conduction band of nanocrystalline TiO2 films electrode and so made solar - to - electric energy conversion efficiency enhance .
Only quark model is more successful for strong interaction , especially the experiment fact of the quantum chromo dynamics which is the basic theories of quark interaction , the strong interaction become one basic problem in physics again .
It is a general consensus that QCD is the underlying theory of the strong interaction . According to properties of asymptotic freedom , there is accurate solution using perturbation method for the light quark systems in high energy region .
So far , Quantum chromo-dynamics ( QCD ) is the most successful theory which describes strong interactions between quarks . In this theory , there are two very important characteristics : asymptotic freedom and color confinement ( or quark confinement ) .
The purpose of studying relativistic heavy-ion collision is to learn the properties of strong interaction for the nuclear matter at extreme condition ( high temperature and high density ) and to look for the possible existence of the Quark-Gluon-Plasma .