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  1. 他说,如果采用了第二官方语言,这些人就更有理由或动机不学拉脱维亚语了。

    If the second state language is introduced , they would be left without any reason or motivation to learn Latvian .

  2. 而同拉脱维亚语及俄语一样,德语是多数里加人所讲的三种主要语言之一。

    And German was spoken by most people in Riga as one of its three primary languages , along with Latvian and russian .

  3. 语言:原官方语言为俄语,1988年改为拉脱维亚语。

    Language : Latvian replaced Russian as the official language in1988 .

  4. 他说,连会拉脱维亚语容易获取公民身份这点都无法敦促他们学习,那就代表他们根本不忠于他们居住的国家。

    Even the prospect of obtaining citizenship has not urged them , he says , and this means they are not loyal to the country they live in .

  5. 记者比如从希腊语翻译成爱沙尼亚语,或者从拉脱维亚语翻译成葡萄牙语,这样复杂的翻译在类似规定欧盟渔船发动机功率的会议上就可能造成混乱。

    CORRESPONDENT Interpreting from say , Greek into Estonian , or Latvian into Portuguese , threatens chaos at meetings like this one on the engine power of E.U. fishing vessels .

  6. 我们的目标市场包括任何需要学习或想要学习英语,西班牙语,中文,日语,德语,拉脱维亚语,移民及托福课程等,甚至更多语言的人们。

    Our target market includes anyone who has the need or desire to learn English , Spanish , Chinese or Japanese , German , Latvian , Accept , Ameripak , with more languages to come .

  7. 萨拉克斯说,如果拉脱维亚还有一些人不会第一官方语言拉脱维亚语,那表示他们没有试着去学。

    Salaks says if there are still people in Latvia who do not know the official language , it means they have not tried to learn it .

  8. 许多拉脱维亚人包括布罗夫斯基先生政党的一些人也担心,拉脱维亚语作为国语地位将被被推翻,俄罗斯人影响力将会增加。

    Many Latvians , including some in Mr Dombrovkis 's party , fear it would subvert the role of Latvian as the national language and increase Russian influence .