
  • 网络Ptolemaic system
  1. 作为托勒密体系中的三大数学装置之一,equantpoint是匀速运动的参考点但不是等距运动的中心,因此应该译成偏心匀速点。Equant应该译成偏心匀速圆。

    Equant is one of the three mathematical devices of Ptolemaic System . Equant point is not the centre of equal distance , but the centre of equal motion .

  2. 托勒密体系还要求对债券市场采取一种有失偏颇的观点。

    The Ptolemaic system also requires a skewed view of bond markets .

  3. 托勒密体系需要被新的体系所取代。

    The Ptolemaic system needs to be replaced .

  4. 托勒密体系之数学基础研究

    On the Mathematical Elements of the Almagest

  5. 放弃托勒密体系以利于根据不同假定而形成完全新的假设。

    The Ptolemaic hypothesis could be discarded in favor of a completely new hypothesis bases on different assumptions .

  6. 然而,在托勒密体系中,善良的柏林、不莱梅和波恩人也许会坚守他们的立场,拒绝容忍对德国物价稳定造成的影响,在他们看来,这种损失难以接受。

    In a Ptolemaic system , however , the good men and women of Berlin , Bremen and Bonn might simply dig their heels in , refusing to tolerate what they could regard as an unacceptable loss of price stability in Germany .

  7. 指托勒密的地心说体系或者与此体系相关的。

    Or or relating to the geocentric Ptolemaic system .

  8. 在托勒密的行星运动体系里,地球是固定的,是宇宙的中心,太阳、月亮和其他行星都绕着地球转。

    In the Ptolemaic system of planetary motion the earth is fixed as the center of the universe with the sun and moon and planets revolving around it .

  9. 位于欧元区托勒密中心的德国,处境要安逸得多:经济增速或许正在放缓,但得益于在托勒密体系中占据的优势,利率所维持的低水平,依然能让德国行驶在正常的财政轨道上。

    Germany , at the Ptolemaic centre of the eurozone , is in a far more comfortable position : growth may be fading but , thanks to its Ptolemaic advantage , interest rates are low enough to enable Berlin to keep on the fiscal straight and narrow .