
zì xuán
  • spin;spin of strange particle
自旋 [zì xuán]
  • [spin;spin of strange particle] 基本粒子(如电子)围绕本身的轴进行的迅速转动或这种粒子的体系在其轨道运动中的迅速转动,这种转动与可测量的角动量和磁距相对应

自旋[zì xuán]
  1. N-正丁基苯胺的~(13)C自旋晶格弛豫研究

    The investigation of ~ ( 13 ) c spin - lattice relaxation of n-butyl aniline

  2. 两层A~B铁磁耦合薄膜中的自旋波的色散关系

    The dispersion relations of the spin waves in a A ~ B ferromagnetic bilayer system

  3. H和自旋波线宽?波形合成技术

    H and spin wave linewidth ? Waveform Synthesis Technology

  4. 平阳霉素与Fe~(2+)反应产生·OH的自旋共振研究

    ESR Study on the Production of Hydroxyl Radical by Pingyangmycin and Ferrous Iron

  5. H和自旋波线宽?

    H and spin wave linewidth ?

  6. 并比较分析了自旋极化(SpinPolarization)对这些性质的影响。

    And the influences of spin-polarization to these properties are also analysed .

  7. 石榴子石中Fe(2+)自旋允许谱的理论研究

    Theoretical Study on the Spin-allowed Spectrum of Fe ~ ( 2 + ) in Garnet

  8. ~(129)Ce高自旋态的形状变化

    Shape Change of ~ ( 129 ) Ce at High Spin States

  9. ~(126)Cs的高自旋态能级结构

    High - Spin Level Scheme of ~ ( 126 ) Cs

  10. Ni~(2+)6X~-络合物g因子的双自旋轨道耦合系数模型

    Spin-orbit coupling parameter model of g factor for ni ~ ( 2 + ) - 6x ~ - clusters

  11. 双奇核~(140)Pr的高自旋态能级纲图

    High-Spin Level Scheme of Odd-Odd ~ ( 140 ) Pr Nucleus

  12. La,Ce的加入对电子的自旋轨道散射有相近的影响。

    La , Ce additives have similar influence on spin - orbit scattering .

  13. 用加脉冲梯度场的NMR自旋回波法测量高分子聚合过程中的自扩散系数

    Self-Diffusion Coefficients of Polymer in Polymerization Measured with Pulsed Field-Gradient NMR Spin Echo Methods

  14. 稳定核~(84)Sr的高自旋态研究

    Study of the High Spin States of Stable ~ ( 84 ) Sr

  15. 电子自旋共振年代计时(III)&关于鹿牙和牛牙化石的研究

    ESR dating ( iii ) & a study of fossils of deer tooth and ox tooth

  16. 用电子自旋共振(ESR)方法测定茶叶中自由基的浓度

    Determination of concentrations of free-radicals in the tea by the ESR method

  17. 北京延庆盆地湖相钙质层的电子自旋共振(ESR)测年研究

    ESR dating of caliche in lake deposit from the Yanqing basin , beijing

  18. 电子自旋共振(ESR)测年方法和北京猿人的年龄测定

    ESR dating method and the age determination of Peking-Man

  19. 抗坏血酸与过氧化氢反应的自旋捕捉┐ESR研究

    The ESR Spin Trapping Studies of Reaction Between Ascorbic Acid with Hydrogen Peroxide

  20. 动量空间中能质子-~(12)C弹性散射截面和自旋量的研究

    A study of the cross sections and the spin observables for proton - ~ ( 12 ) C elastic scattering in momentum space in the intermediate energy region

  21. 用ESR自旋捕集技术研究正常人和病人血清中的SOD活力

    The study of SOD activity in healthy person and patients by ESR using the spin trap method

  22. 自旋规范理论中SU(3)群生成元的构成

    Construction of the generators of Su ( 3 ) group in the spin gauge field theory

  23. 贵翠的电子自旋共振(ESR)研究

    ESR study of " Guizhou jadeite "

  24. 知母宁(Chinonin)对辐照DNA电子自旋转移的初步研究

    The study of electron spin transfer from γ - irradiated DNA to Chinonin

  25. Kerr时空中任意自旋的统一场方程的退耦和分离变量

    Decoupled unified field equations of arbitrary spin in Kerr spacetime

  26. 极向Kerr效应对电子自旋交换劈裂的依赖性

    Dependence of polar Kerr effect on electron spin exchange splitting

  27. 一个可能的新共振态&J/ψ→X+f0(975)过程中玻色共振态X的自旋-宇称分析

    A Possible New Resonance State ── Spin-Parity Analysis of the X Resonance in J / / → X + f_0 ( 975 ) Process

  28. 目的探讨常规自旋回波(SE)结合电影MRI对先天性心脏大血管畸形的诊断价值。

    Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of conventional spin echo ( SE ) in combination with cine MRI in congenital heart disease .

  29. spinunlockirqrestore函数释放自旋锁,并且(通过flags参数)恢复中断。

    The spin_unlock_irqrestore function releases the spinlock and restores the interrupts ( via the flags argument ) .

  30. 用自旋回波SPIRAL测得柠檬的T2数值与用常规方法得到的数值完全相符。

    The T2 value measured using the spin-echo SPIRAL approach was exactly the same of that measured by usual method .