
shù zhí jì suàn
  • numerical calculation;numerical computation
  1. 曲壁气膜冷却数值计算的研究

    A numerical computation of heat transfer on curved wall with film cooling

  2. 基于MATLAB的高频谐变电磁场的数值计算

    Numerical computation of high frequency electromagnetic fields under MATLAB

  3. 微束斑X射线源发射系统的数值计算

    Emitting system in x - ray source with micro - beam

  4. MATLAB软件在环境科学数值计算中的应用

    Application of MATLAB software in the numerical calculation of Environmental Science

  5. VISUALBASIC语言具有优秀的界面开发功能和便捷的数据库操作功能,Matlab则具有强大的数值计算功能。

    Visual Basic language has excellent interface development function and convenient database operation function and Matlab has powerful numerical calculation function .

  6. 利用EXCEL解决数值计算问题的探讨

    The Discussion on Using Excel to Deal with Numerical Calculations

  7. 圆筒外表面刻环型窄槽底端部应力强度因子K1的数值计算

    Numerical calculation of stress intensity factor k_1 of bottom end of ring-shape thin groove on outside wall of cylinder

  8. 关于常微分方程Hopf分支点的一种数值计算方法

    A Numerical Method for Hopf Bifurcation Point in Ordinary Differential Equations

  9. 矩量法(MOM)是一种有效的分析复杂目标电磁特性的数值计算方法。

    Method of moments ( MOM ) is an efficient numerical method for the analyses of electromagnetic characteristics of complex objects .

  10. 用平均N-S方程轴流压气机级通流数值计算

    Throughflow calculation in an axial-flow compressor stage using averaged Navier-Stokes equations

  11. TR型磁浮列车气动力特性数值计算研究

    Research on Numerical Calculation for Aerodynamic Characteristics of the TR Maglev Train

  12. 并在此基础上对识别后的拟合曲线进行3D数据的计算讨论,解决了取样及数值计算的算法问题。

    According to these , the 3D data calculation is discussed for recognized fitted curve , and the problem of sampling and numerical calculation method is solved .

  13. 直流TIG焊接电弧阳极电流密度的数值计算

    Numerical Computation on Anode Current Density Distribution of Direct Current Tungsten Inert Gas Welding Arc

  14. VB与VisualFORTRAN混合语言编程及其在物探化探数值计算中的应用

    The mixed language programming using VB and Visual Fortran and its application to the numerical computing in geophysical and geochemical exploration

  15. 建立了双杆摆的欧拉-拉格朗日运动方程,利用Matlab软件对欧拉-拉格朗日运动方程进行数值计算,给出摆球的轨迹及其相图。

    Build a Euler-Lagrange motivation function of double pendulum and numerically calculate the function for Matlab software , gives the trajectory and phase diagram of the motivation .

  16. 基于Rankine源法的兴波阻力数值计算研究

    Numerical calculation research on wave-making resistance based on Rankine source method

  17. 关于wiggler长波自发辐射的理论分析与数值计算

    Theoretical analysis and numerical calculation of long wavelength radiation from wiggler

  18. 非定常不可压N-S方程的数值计算

    Unsteady solution of incompressible N-S equations

  19. 当前,CAE已由数值计算发展到仿真,并向CAD/CAM全面融合的虚拟现实拓展。

    Now CAE has developed from numerical computation to simulation , towards a realization of virtual reality with CAE and CAD being closely combined .

  20. 文中结合数值计算和有限元方法(FEM)计算,对系统的波前校正进行了仿真,证明这种方法具有更好的波前重构精度。

    Through numerical method and finite element method ( FEM ), wave-front reconstruction is emulated , and it is demonstrated that the method has a better precision for wave-front reconstruction .

  21. 利用Galerkin方法将方程简化为非线性常微分方程,并进行了数值计算;考察了几个参数的影响。

    The motion equation is derived as a nonlinear integro-partial-differential equation and simplified to a nonlinear integro-differential equation using the Galerkin method .

  22. 接着,本文给出了X射线激光干涉法在激光等离子体电子密度诊断中的理论研究,给出了对原有干涉法理论修正,并用数值计算中加以了验证。

    At the same time , the paper give out the investigation of X-ray interferometry in diagnostics of the electron density of laser produced plasma , and derived a modified term for WKBJ solutions .

  23. 利用该双层结构的转移矩阵,我们数值计算了由N个这种双层结构周期性排列而构成的一维有限长度光子晶体的透射率和态密度。

    Based on the transfer matrix for the bilayer structure , we compute the density of states along the axis of the finite one-dimensional photonic crystal , which is constructed out of N such bilayer structures periodically .

  24. 采用巴丁(Bardeen)传输哈密顿方法,数值计算了p沟道锗/硅异质纳米结构存储器的时间特性。

    Basing on Bardeen 's transfer Hamiltonian formalism , the charge storage characteristics of p-channel Ge / Si hetero-nanocrystal based MOSFET memory is simulated .

  25. 进而通过布朗桥的知识,给出了改进的MonteCarlo模拟方法,并通过数值计算说明了这一算法的有效性。

    With the knowledge of Brownian bridge , we give an improved Monte Carlo simulation method . This algorithm is proved to be efficient compared with the traditional Monte Carlo method .

  26. 利用MATLAB语言强大的数值计算功能,对文中参数的拟合、液相稳定性测试、液液相平衡分离、模拟计算的程序进行了编写。

    By tint of a kind of computer language MATLAB , the binary parameters is correlated , stability of original liquid is checked , liquid-phase splitting calculation and simulation of heterogeneous azeotropic distillation are performed .

  27. 首先从理论公式及数值计算两方面分别对单个球形粒子的T矩阵与经典的Mie理论进行了比较,讨论了其各自的适用范围。

    For a single sphere , T matrix method is compared with Mie theory in both equation expression and numerical results .

  28. 通过数值计算,考查了水泥评价测井(CET)在各种水泥胶结情况下的反射波形及其频谱特征。

    The character of several typical cement bounding condition is numerically studied , by which the reflecting waveform and spectral character have investigated .

  29. 分别用Ekman有限深海风漂流计算公式,普林斯顿海洋模式(POM)数值计算了南黄海风漂流。

    Wind-induced currents in southern Yellow Sea in summer were computed by Ekman formula and Princeton Ocean Model ( POM ) .

  30. 通过数值计算方法,我们得到了基态能量和Coulomb束缚参数,抛物线参数以及电场强度参数的关系。

    Some numerical results about the relations between the ground state energy and the Coulomb binding parameter , the parabolicity parameter , and electric field strength are obtained .