
  • 网络Technology;technology system;SADF
  1. 而最新的Web服务恰好是解决这类分布式环境应运而生的概念和技术体系。

    The newest Web Services is just concept and technology system for this kind of environment .

  2. 自生CO2驱油技术体系及驱油效果研究

    Study on authigenic CO_2 flooding technology and its effect

  3. 量子科技发展具有重大科学意义和战略价值,是一项对传统技术体系产生冲击、进行重构的重大颠覆性技术创新,将引领新一轮科技革命和产业变革方向。

    The development of quantum science and technology is of great scientific significance and strategic value . It is a major disruptive technological .

  4. 基于XML的数字图书馆技术体系结构研究

    The Technical Infrastructure of Digit Library Based on XML

  5. 通过反复实践和摸索,建立了棉花基因组DNA提取、PCR反应和DNA多态性检测等技术体系;

    The different molecular techniques like isolation of cotton genomic DNA , PCR reaction , detection of DNA polymorphism etc.

  6. 在现有的技术体系下,结合Java编程技术,建立了彩票运维管理系统模型。

    Furthermore , under the current technical system , it established a lottery management system which combining the technology of Java program .

  7. 霍霍巴组培快繁技术体系研究I.基本培养基与培养条件的优化

    Studies on the Technique System of Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Jojoba I. Selection of Basic Medium and Culture Condition

  8. 花生DNA分子标记的研究Ⅰ花生AFLP分析技术体系的建立与作图杂交亲本的筛选

    DNA Molecular Markers in Peanut ⅰ Developing a Technical Protocol for Peanut AFLP Assays and Screening for Highly Polymorphic Parents for Mapping

  9. 同时,也对PKI技术体系的内容和所能提供的服务作了研究,结合智能IC卡技术的研究提出了安全子系统的解决方案。

    Discussed the content and the server of the PKI system , combining smart IC card technology research presented security subsystem solutions .

  10. 就不用(少用)赤霉素的种子生产技术体系以及e杂交稻育种技术体系的建立进行了讨论。

    The technology systems without or a few of using GA 3 in hybrid rice seed production and the establishment of e hybrid rice breeding system were also discussed in this paper .

  11. 传统的软件技术体系本质是一种静态、封闭的结构框架,软件实体缺乏动态适应能力、缺乏自主性、难以根据应用需求进行动态协同,因此难以适应Internet开放、动态和多变环境的要求。

    The traditional software architecture essentially is static and isolated and the software entities lack dynamic adaptation ability , autonomy and dynamic coordination . So it is difficult to adapt the open , dynamic and changing Internet environment .

  12. 主要结果如下:在前人研究的基础上对茶树银染法AFLP技术体系进行了优化。

    The main results were as follow : An AFLP fingerprinting technique for tea using silver staining method was optimized based on literatures .

  13. 分别用与Gm6基因紧密连锁的STS分子标记和SSR标记,建立了分子标记辅助选择(MAS)方法选育抗稻瘿蚊新品种的技术体系;

    Establishment of the breeding technique for new resistant cultivars using MAS based on the closely-linked STS and SSR markers to the gene Gm 6 ;

  14. 为解决焦点矛盾,2009年,中国电信将逐步建立新一代的增强型CRM系统,从技术体系和业务功能上进行改造和提升,从而更加有效的支撑融合业务发展。

    To resolve the conflict , China Telecom will build up next generation enhanced CRM system in 2009 , which will upgrade and enhance from technical architecture and business functionality aspects .

  15. 讨论GIS的基本技术体系,针对GIS应用需要提出以分布式协同计算为基本特征的新一代GIS技术。

    In this paper , the GIS basic technology system is described . According to the GIS application progress , the new generation GIS technology , which focuses on distributed and peer to peer computing , is presented .

  16. 柑橘基因组原位杂交(GISH)技术体系的建立

    Establishment of GISH Technique in Citrus

  17. 目的:建立白血病细胞HL60蛋白质组学研究的技术体系。

    Objective : To establish the techniques in the proteome research of leukemia cells .

  18. 应用该技术体系检测不同处理对成熟果实组织中的LOX活性影响,得到了满意的结果。

    The desirable results could be obtained to use the improved method to detect LOX activity in postharvest ripening fruit tissue treated by ethylene and ethylene absorbent .

  19. 传统的分布式GIS技术体系存在一些不足,特别是在海量时空信息的共享与互操作、系统的稳定性、负载均衡能力以及联机分析效率等方面,难以适应GIS大型化、社会化发展的需求。

    There are weaknesses in traditional GIS technology framework , especially in the sharing and interoperation of massive spatio-temperal data and resources , stability of the system , load balance and efficiency of online analysis , which cannot meet the development of GIS anymore .

  20. 在研究了基于J2EE组件的制造企业网络化分销管理系统体系结构和运行模式的基础上,论文提出了该系统的一种技术体系,包含了一系列支撑技术和实现技术。

    In succession , based on research of its architecture and running mode , this paper study a kind of technology structure of networked distribution management system based on J2EE components for manufacture enterprise , which involves a series of supporting technologies and application technologies .

  21. 概述了eui基因的发现、遗传、作用机理、定位和育种应用,及e杂交稻育种技术体系,并展望了eui基因的应用研究。

    The studies on the discovery , genetics , action mechanism , mapping and breeding application of eui gene , as well as the establishment of breeding technology system of eui-hybrids were reviewed . Prospects of the utilization of eui-stock in hybrid rice breeding were also discussed .

  22. 关于构建无障碍住宅技术体系的初步研究

    The Barrier-Free Designing Research of Marking System for Senior Citizen Housing

  23. 现代绿色家具的技术体系研究

    The Study on the Technology System of the Modern Green Furniture

  24. 黄土丘陵区山坡生产型植物路综合防护技术体系规划设计

    A Design of Hillside Production Type Plant Road in Loess Hilly Region

  25. 对泰拳的技术体系和技术特点进行探讨。

    This paper discussed the technical system and characteristics of Thai kickboxing .

  26. 新世纪山西省农村科技技术体系研究

    Technical Support of Agriculture and Rural Economics in 21st Century

  27. 包装工程、包装技术体系及包装工程教育

    Packaging Engineering : its Formation , Technological System and Education

  28. 面向医院管理的现代工业工程技术体系应用

    The Application Research of Modern Industrial Engineering Technology System in Hospital Management

  29. 四川小麦转基因技术体系构建及应用研究

    Construction and Application of Genetic Transformation System for Sichuan Wheat Elite Cultivars

  30. 新疆棉区主要病虫害综合防治技术体系

    Technique System of IPM ( Integration Pest Management ) in Xinjiang Cotton Area