
  • 网络technical work;skilled work
  1. 其余的人几乎没有机会从低技能转向技术性工作。

    the rest have little chance to move from low to high skilled work .

  2. 论文第二部分,《围城》叙事的时间机制,在技术性工作的基础上探讨其间的深层意蕴。

    The second part is time mechanism it approaches the deeper connotation , basing on the technical work .

  3. 很多技术性工作使用专业词汇。

    Many technical jobs use a specialized vocabulary .

  4. Brainwaste(人才浪费)指在本国身为受过训练的专业人员在移民国被迫从事非技术性工作的情形。

    The term " brain waste " describes the situation of immigrants who were skilled professionals in their home countries but have been forced to take unskilled jobs in their new country .

  5. 荷兰航空(klm)的飞行员今年夏季可承担更多非技术性工作,这些工作通常由临时聘用的地勤人员负责。

    Pilots at KLM could take on more menial tasks over the summer , normally left to temps working as ground staff .

  6. 地籍管理是土地管理的基础技术性工作。

    Cadastre management is the basic work in land management work system .

  7. 并不懂到底有多少非技术性工作

    that they didn 't understand how much nontechnical work

  8. 而对于系统建设的非技术性工作认识不够,相应的研究较少。

    It is also found that not enough has been done on the non-technical research .

  9. 但该组织也完全可以展开汇率合作成功所必须的技术性工作。

    But it will also be well placed to do the technical work necessary for exchange rate co-operation to succeed .

  10. 高职院校学生至少半年以上到企业顶替员工从事岗位技术性工作,即顶岗实习。

    Students in vocational colleges must go to the corporate to replace employees at least six months , which is called substitution internship .

  11. 因系统升级,主要是新驱动程序变化后,同时又要衔接源程序所做的技术性工作。

    Abstract : Due to system upgrades , primarily the new driver changes , while also bridging the technical work done by the source .

  12. 找到技术性工作的人可在工作一年后申请移民加拿大。

    Those who find work in a skilled job can apply for immigration from within Canada once they have one year of work experience .

  13. 因此,在确保公路工程内在质量的前提下,提高路面的平整度是一项非常重要的技术性工作。

    Therefore it is an important work to improve the smoothness of the pavement in condition that the inside quality of highway engineering is ensured .

  14. 工程地质勘察是一项以多学科理论为指导、采用多种劳动形式进行的技术性工作。

    It is a technique work that takes many course theoretics as to guide , adopt various labor form to carry on that engineering geology investigate .

  15. 这些领域并不需要耗费极大地体力,所以也适用于那些不能参加其它技术性工作的人员。

    This field does not require great physical strength , so it is open to people who may not be able to handle other technical jobs .

  16. 用户只需收集、整理与入库分类资料,其他如网页制作、数据库集成和网站发布等技术性工作都由该工具自动完成。

    After users finish collecting and sorting out taxonomic materials , such hard work as making web pages , building databases and publishing websites will be done automatically .

  17. 他们不畏惧接受艰难的技术性工作,但是他们知道其他因素的重要性,技术含量较少的因素是项目成功的关键。

    They 're not afraid to take on hard technical tasks , but they know how important other , less technical factors are to the success of the project .

  18. 近年来,我国已有许多医院在手术室间接护理和非护理技术性工作岗位上增设使用了后勤人员。

    In recent years , our country had many hospitals indirectly to nurse in the operating room with must nurses on the technical work post to additionally build has used the rear service personnel .

  19. 随着信息化和工业化的发展,政府部门出现了许多公务员难以胜任的技术性工作,政府雇员制就应运而生。

    Along with the progress of industrialization and informatization , numerous skilled works which is unfitted for civil servants emerged from different government departments . Under such circumstances , Government Employee System is created .

  20. 医疗中的接诊、检查治疗、交待病情都是技术性工作,但只有提高技术应用的艺术,才能使医疗过程更趋完美。

    The latter is composed of patient reception , medical examination and treatment and initial diagnosis , all of which are technical in nature but decidedly more important to the improvement of overall medical process .

  21. 他说:“在未来三年内,政府将在供方或需方两种融资模式中做出选择,”他补充说,“有大量的技术性工作要做。”

    " Over the next three years the government will choose either a supply-side or demand-side financing model ," he says , adding ," A huge amount of technical work needs to be done . "

  22. 目前,专利问题不再仅仅是留给律师和工程师们的技术性工作,更应成为高层经理们制定战略时考虑的关键内容,但专利战略管理的理论研究还不够深入。

    At present , the patent issue is no longer only the technical work leaving lawyers and engineers , but should become the key content that managers on the senior level consider while making strategy .

  23. 为了使医院药师从繁杂的一般技术性工作中解放出来,投身于面向病人的药学保健工作,美国医院药房对药师与非药师人员的职责进行了明确的划分。

    To release hospital pharmacists from the performance of technical tasks and impel them to pursuit patient-care services , the duty between pharmacist and nonprofessional hospital pharmacy personnel was clearly differentiated in hospital pharmacies of US .

  24. 兽医职业是以科学理论和临床技能为基础,从事动物疾病预防、诊断、治疗、控制和消灭的专业技术性工作,与动物卫生和兽医公共卫生直接相关。

    Veterinary profession undertakes specialized technical work on animal disease prevention , diagnosis , treatment , control and elimination based on scientific theory and clinical technology , directly related with the animal health and veterinary public health .

  25. 他们遍布于中央和地方的各级组织之中,主要从事着文书工作和其他事务性、技术性工作,是具体公务的直接承办人,已成为官府公务处理及运行机制的重要组成部分。

    They all over the central and local organizations at all levels , primarily engaged in the paperwork and other transactional and technical work , is the direct undertaker of specific business , has become a government official and an important component of the operating mechanism .

  26. 他们只有百分之二的人有条件做这种技术性的工作。

    Only two percent of them are qualified for skilled work .

  27. 焊接是一个非常技术性的工作。

    Welding is a highly skilled job .

  28. 对从事某种技术性较强工作的人来说,经验的积累显得尤为重要。

    In a more technical work of the people , the accumulation of experience is very important .

  29. 他们对所负责产品的技术性内部工作情况和功能了如指掌。

    They knew the technical inner workings and functionality of the products they are in charge of inside out .

  30. 近年来,随着北京房地产的迅猛发展,写字楼交易案例急剧增加,房地产定价已成为企业经营中不可缺少的一项专业性、技术性的工作。

    With the rapid development of the real estate market in Beijing , the cases concerning Beijing office properties are now on the sharp rise .