
  • 网络Technology development;Development;Technological Development;technology
  1. 然而,来自无线业余卫星组织和其他技术发展领域的证据显示,围绕新技术的产生,负责人的非专业团体确实出现了。

    Yet the'evidence from AMSAT and other areas of technology development suggests that responsible amateur communities can and do emerge around novel technologies .

  2. 论90年代PC微机技术发展的状况及趋势

    The Situation and Trend of PC Microcomputer Technology Development In The Nineties

  3. 我认为以色列在技术发展领域往往处于最前沿。

    I think Israel tends to be at the leading edge of technological development .

  4. 现在科学技术发展很快,很难想象将来会发生什么。

    Science and technology is developing quickly these days and it 's hard to imagine what will happen in the future .

  5. 三维打印技术发展迅速。许多专家建议中学应该应用三维打印技术。

    The 3-D printing technology is developing fast . Many experts suggest that it should be introduced to more middle school students .

  6. 技术发展的速度超过了我们的制度所能应付其成果的程度

    Technology daily outstrips the ability of our institutions to cope with its fruits .

  7. 再燃烧还原NOx机理及其技术发展

    Mechanism and Technology Development for Reburning Reduction NO_x

  8. WLAN的标准与技术发展

    WLAN Standards and Its Technical Developments

  9. WiMAX技术发展与应用分析

    WiMAX Technical Development and Application

  10. 他说:过去40年中的技术发展(尤其是IT领域的发展),应当已经在很大程度上提高了效率。他指出,在沃尔玛(Walmart)等企业,效率压低了工资水平。

    The technological development of the past 40 years ( with IT in particular ) should have disproportionately increased efficiency , he o b serves , noting that in companies such as Walmart , efficiency has reduced wages .

  11. 目前,数字多媒体技术发展迅速。

    At present , the digital multimedia technology is developing rapidly .

  12. 大功率微波管和毫米波管技术发展动向

    High Power Microwave Tube and Millimeter Wave Tube Techniques Development Trends

  13. 我国氧气转炉炉衬材料技术发展的几个方面

    Some aspects in the technical developments of LD refractories in China

  14. 引进国外先进技术发展我国新型铸钢车轮

    Introduce Foreign Advanced Technology and Develop Chinese New Type Cast Steel Wheels

  15. 变电站的寿命周期成本与新技术发展分析

    The Life Cycle Cost Evaluation and Technical Development for Substation

  16. 油井计量方法及关键技术发展方向

    Oil Well Measurement Method and Key Technology Development Trend

  17. 而战略投资机制适应了市场和高技术发展的需求。

    And strategic investment mechanism adapted the market and high technology development needs .

  18. 美国不仅仅拥有突破性技术发展,还有各种医疗保健骗局。

    America is the land of breakthrough science & and health care scams .

  19. 视频监控技术发展迅速,市场需求增长快速。

    Video monitoring technology is developing quickly , the market demand is growing fast .

  20. 光纤光栅技术发展快。

    The optical fiber grating technology develops fast .

  21. 应用载体技术发展酒精生产

    Utilization of Carrier Techniques to Develop Alcohol Production

  22. 解决关键技术发展无碴轨道

    Resolve the Key Technology and Develop Ballastless Track

  23. 而创业者们告诉我,以如今的技术发展水平,他们拥有的时间只有三个月。

    With today 's technology , entrepreneurs tell me they have about three months .

  24. 当代信息技术发展对教师的影响

    The Effect of Modern Information Technology to Teachers

  25. 细胞芯片分析概念与技术发展

    Analysis Concept and Technique Development of Cell Chip

  26. 发达国家在现代物流技术发展中积累了许多经验。

    Developed countries have accumulated many experiences in the development of modern logistics technology .

  27. 关于技术发展本质的思考

    Thinking about the Essence of the Technological Development

  28. 德国声纳技术发展100年

    German sonar technology is developed 100 years

  29. 论当代经济与计算机技术发展

    About Modern Economy and Computer Technology Development

  30. 载人航天器热管理技术发展综述

    Manned Spacecraft Thermal Management Technologies Development Overview