
  1. 但是,对于技能型人力资本却缺乏关注和研究。

    But , given less attention on the skilled human capital .

  2. 基于网络层次分析的技能型人力资本价值评估

    Evaluation of Skilled Human Capital Based on Analytic Network Process

  3. 技能型人力资本创新的企业激励制度

    Study of Enterprise Incentive Institution of Skilled Human Capital

  4. 因此,探讨技能型人力资本需求与职业教育发展之间的关系显得十分必要。

    Therefore , to research the relationship between the demand of skilled human capital and the development of vocation education becomes very necessary .

  5. 随着高新技术的飞速发展、战略性新兴产业的不断崛起以及产业结构的优化升级,湖南需要大量的技能型人力资本。

    With the rapid development of high and new technology , the rising of strategic new industry and the upgrading and structural optimization of industry , the economic development of Hunan province requires a lot of skilled human capital .

  6. 本文从儿个方面提出了促进职业教育发展的政策和建议,以期能够满足湖南经济增长对技能型人力资本的需求,促进湖南经济又好又快地发展。

    At last , this paper proposed some policies and suggestions to promote the development of vocational education , in order to meet the needs of economic development in Hunan province . Eventually , promoting sound and rapid development of the Hunan province economy .

  7. 而技能型人力资本着重作好工资奖金激励、参与管理激励等,营销型人力资本则应重点设计与新产品销售挂钩的薪酬制度和科技奖励制度。

    For the skilled type human capital they emphasize the wage and bonus encouragement , or attach them to management and so on ; for the marketing type human capital , it important to design the salary institution and science and techology incentive institution that link to new product sales .

  8. 在此基础之上,建立了由高技能型人才的个体人力资本形成机理、组织资本对高技能型人力资本的积累以及人力资本形成和积累的七条路径依赖组成的高技能型人力资本形成机理模型。

    Based on these researches , formation mechanism model of high skilled human capital is established which includes formation mechanism of individual human capital , organizational capital for high skilled human capital accumulation , and seven paths dependence of human capital accumulation .