
  • 网络Emes;market economies;emerging market economy
  1. IMF表示:如此大幅度的变化可能对全球造成负面冲击,特别是对新兴市场经济体。

    Shifts of this magnitude can generate negative shocks globally , especially in emerging market economies , it said .

  2. 与所有的新兴市场经济体一样,印度由于美联储(Fed)将逐步退出刺激政策和美国利率趋于上升的前景而遭受冲击。

    Like emerging market economies everywhere , India is suffering from the prospect of a gradual withdrawal of stimulus by the US Federal Reserve and a rise in American interest rates .

  3. 资本经济(capitaleconomics)高级经济学家马克威廉姆斯(markwilliams)表示,即使新兴市场经济体未来几年增长强劲,也不足以挽救世界其它地区。

    Strong growth in emerging market economies over the next few years will not be enough to rescue the rest of the world , says Mark Williams , senior economist at capital economics .

  4. 上述数字突显出,银行业危机和富国投资者的避险意识正如何对新兴市场经济体产生抑制作用这是一个重要问题,将在今日开幕的达沃斯世界经济论坛(worldeconomicforum)加以讨论。

    The figures emphasise the extent to which the banking crisis and risk-aversion among rich-country investors are constraining emerging market economies , one of the important concerns to be debated at the world economic forum in Davos which starts today .

  5. imf乐观地认为,发达经济体将继续从全球金融危机的打击中恢复过来,而许多新兴市场经济体当前的增长速度已经高于危机前的趋势线。

    The IMF was optimistic advanced economies would continue to recover from the global financial crisis , and that many emerging market economies were now above their pre-crisis trends .

  6. 中国的兴趣在于,通过将新兴市场经济体的货币纳入SDR(与这些国家出口的大幅增加相一致),提升SDR的吸引力。

    Beijing 's interest lies in broadening the appeal of the SDR by enlarging it to include emerging market economies in line with their much-increased exports .

  7. 资本市场将会在这样一种背景下发展:新兴市场经济体的增长速度将达到富国的两倍,并可能在本世纪中叶占据全球gdp的近三分之二。

    The capital markets will evolve in the context in which emerging market economies will be growing twice as fast as the rich nations and will , by mid-century , probably account for almost two-thirds of global GDP .

  8. 国际清算银行(bis)今日警告称,新兴市场经济体可能面临两难局面:要么允许其汇率上升,要么承担通胀明显加剧的风险。

    Emerging market countries could face the dilemma of either letting their exchange rates rise or running the risk of significantly higher inflation , the bank for International Settlements warns today .

  9. 他表示,彻底改革IMF成员国投票权结构,赋予日益崛起的新兴市场经济体更大权重,这可能是一项好政策,但尽管如此,应对全球经济失衡问题才是当务之急。

    He said that , while overhauling the shareholding structure of the IMF to give more weight to rising emerging market economies might be good policy , it was less of a priority than dealing with imbalances .

  10. 独立评估办公室表示,效力缺口之所以暴露出来,原因在于IMF的建议未能对其成员国所作出的重大汇率决策产生影响,在大型新兴市场经济体尤其如此。

    The IEO said the effectiveness gap had been revealed because the fund 's advice had failed to make an impact on significant exchange rate decisions taken by member countries , especially in the large emerging market economies .

  11. 拉美在3月底至7月初似乎出现了萎缩,同时据摩根大通(JPMorgan)估计,除中国以外,亚洲新兴市场经济体仅增长1.4%。

    Latin America appears to have contracted between the end of March and the beginning of July , and JPMorgan estimates that Asian emerging market economies - excluding China - grew by just 1.4 per cent .

  12. 当新兴市场经济体开始生产越来越先进的产品时,发达国家会受到什么影响,近十年前在学术界曾有过争论,参与者包括诺贝尔奖得主保罗萨缪尔森(PaulSamuelson)等经济学家。

    What happens to developed countries when emerging market economies begin to produce more and more advanced products was debated in academic circles nearly a decade ago by economists such as Nobel laureate Paul Samuelson .

  13. 未来还有更大的增长空间:发达经济体花费国内生产总值(GDP)的8%购买保险,人均约6000美元;而包括中国在内的新兴市场经济体的保险花销仅为GDP的3%,人均200美元。

    There is plenty more room to grow : advanced economies spend about 8 per cent of gross domestic product on insurance , or about $ 6,000 a head . Emerging markets , including China , allot about 3 per cent , or $ 200 .

  14. 一个突出的新发现浮出水面:以购买力平价(PPP)计算,七个最大的新兴市场经济体的国内生产总值(GDP)总和大于由老牌工业化国家组成的七国集团(G7)。

    A striking new finding emerges : the seven largest emerging markets are now bigger , in gross domestic product terms , than the long established G7 group of industrialised nations , when measured at purchasing power parity ( PPP ) .

  15. 即便是新兴市场经济体也将经历低于趋势的增长率。

    Even emerging market economies will experience below-trend growth rates .

  16. 新兴市场经济体的整个金融市场都感到了影响。

    Emerging markets felt the effects across their financial markets .

  17. 在新兴市场经济体中,预算软约束现象尤为普遍。

    In emerging market economies , soft budget constraints are particularly prevalent .

  18. 许多新兴市场经济体的基本面强于10年前。

    Many emerging market economies demonstrate stronger fundamentals than 10 years ago .

  19. 压力的另一个来源是新兴市场经济体。

    Another source of stress is emerging market economies .

  20. 对于黄金和新兴市场经济体的投资者来说,2013年实在是一个糟糕的年份。

    What a terrible year 2013 was for investors in gold and emerging markets .

  21. 另外,两个最大新兴市场经济体的趋势都不令人鼓舞。

    Moreover , trends in the two biggest emerging market economies are not encouraging .

  22. 浅析新兴市场经济体金融危机的成因和防范&从东亚和拉美金融危机引发的思考

    On the Financial Crises of Emerging Economy

  23. 第二章首先对新兴市场经济体做出界定,分析其基本特点。

    The chapter 2 firstly identifies the EMEs , as well as their basic economic element .

  24. 首先,全球经济的结构性力量在于新兴市场经济体。

    First , the structural strength in the global economy resides in the emerging market economies .

  25. 眼下,新兴市场经济体需要大幅放松政策,来避免经济脱轨。

    A drastic easing is now required to prevent the EM economies diving straight off the rails .

  26. 而在主要新兴市场经济体,增长势头也不像先前那样强劲。

    And in major emerging market economies , growth that had been strong earlier has also decreased .

  27. 随着发展中国家的崛起,国际资本开始大规模涌入新兴市场经济体。

    With the rise of developing countries , international capital began to inflow into emerging market economies .

  28. 在努力发展本国制造业的生产大宗商品的新兴市场经济体中,这一做法很常见。

    This is a familiar pattern among commodity-producing emerging markets trying to develop their own manufacturing industry .

  29. 第四部分分析比较发达国家和新兴市场经济体海外直接投资的管理政策,并对中国现行的海外直接投资管理政策进行评析;

    Chapter four analyses China 's FDI policies on the basis of comparing different countries ' FDI policies .

  30. 近年来,向新兴市场经济体的资本流动的构成发生了显著的变化。

    Recent years have seen a dramatic shift in the composition of capital flows to the emerging-market economies .