
  • 网络technology-intensive industry;intensive industry
  1. 油气勘探是高风险、高投入的技术密集型产业。

    Oil and gas exploration is a technology-intensive industry of high risk and high investment .

  2. 在三大产业内部,技术密集型产业、高附加值产业和新兴产业的比重不断提高,产业结构的协调性和合理性不断增强,产业结构演变的质量也越来越高。

    Through the analyses of industrial interior structure , the proportion of the technology-intensive industry , the high added value industry and emergent industry enhance endlessly . The coordination and rationality of industrial structure strengthen continually . The quality of industrial structure evolution is also getting higher and higher .

  3. 以技术密集型产业为主的FDI投资区;

    Technology Destiny Oriented FDI District ;

  4. 从总体上说,加入WTO将促进我国技术密集型产业的发展和工业结构的升级,但在不同的阶段有不同的影响趋势和特点。

    WTO accession will promote development of the densely technological industry and upgrading of industrial structure in general , but will produce different effects in different periods .

  5. 广西与广东资金技术密集型产业比较分析

    Analysis on the Comparison between Skill-Intensive Industries of Guangxi and of Guangdong

  6. 船舶制造业属于劳动密集型、资金密集型、技术密集型产业。

    Shipbuilding industry is a labor-intensive , capital-intensive and also technology-intensive industry .

  7. 然而航空航天等军工属于资金和技术密集型产业。

    However , aerospace and other military belongs to capital and technology-intensive industries .

  8. 广西资金技术密集型产业发展的实证分析与对策

    Positive Analysis of the Development of Guangxi Capital and Technology Intensive Industry and Counter-Measures

  9. 我国技术密集型产业发展的趋势、作用和战略

    On the Trend , Effect and Strategy of China 's Densely Technological Industry Development

  10. 各国相继制定了相应的政策措施,加快知识、技术密集型产业的发展。

    States have formulated the corresponding policy measures to develop the knowledge , technology-intensive industries .

  11. 论技术密集型产业的发展优势

    On Developmental Advantage of Technology-intensive Industries

  12. 甚至可以说,2005年之后技术密集型产业是唯一吸纳劳动力的产业。

    We cloud even say that technology-intensive industries are the only departments to absorb labor after 2005 .

  13. 走资金技术密集型产业与劳动密集型产业并举的新型工业化道路

    Taking the industrialization road of developing concurrently the capital and technology intensive industry and labor intensive industry

  14. 广东省的技术密集型产业在全国一直有着较强的竞争力,但是其竞争力的大小却不是一直上升的。

    The competitiveness of the technology-intensive industry in Guangdong is strong but not increasing all the time .

  15. 但是,劳动力便宜的比较优势是相对的,在资本和技术密集型产业,这种优势并不明显。

    However , advantage of low labor cost is comparative and is less obvious in the capital and Hi-tech industries .

  16. 作为典型的技术密集型产业,企业技术升级能力的重要性在装备制造业发展中日益凸显。

    As the typical industry of technological concentrating ; technological innovation capability becomes more and more important in the equipment manufacturing .

  17. 既要加快发展资金技术密集型产业,又要继续发展劳动密集型产业。

    We should not only speed up the development of technology-intensive industry , but also continue the development of labour-intensive industry .

  18. 具体策略是在劳动密集型产业发展的基础上,积极发展技术密集型产业,尤其要大力发展中技术产业。

    The concrete tactic is that we should develop technology intensive industries on the foundation of the development of labor intensive industries .

  19. 资金技术密集型产业和劳动密集型产业、虚拟经济和实体经济的关系。

    We must correctly handle the relationships of development between capital-and-technology-intensive industries and labor-intensive industries and between virtual economy and real economy .

  20. 研究结果表明,东亚地区垂直专业化程度较高,并且垂直专业化大多发生在资本技术密集型产业。

    The result shows East Asia countries have high level of vertical specialization , which often occurs in the capital-and tech-intensive industries .

  21. 集聚程度由高到低的行业分布依次为:技术密集型产业资本密集型产业劳动密集型产业。

    The industries are sorted to the following categories : technology intensive industry-capital intensive industry-labor intensive industry by the descending agglomeration degree .

  22. 继续加快以技术密集型产业比重上升为特征的工业结构升级,是产业结构战略的基本取向;

    The basic content of industrial structural development strategy involves more and faster industrial structural upgrade featuring greater proportion of technology intensive industry .

  23. 随着我国进入经济结构转型的关键时期,生产型增值税对技术密集型产业的抑制和对劳动密集型产业的客观促进,已经严重阻碍了我国的经济结构调整。

    China enters an important period of economic restructuring , but the productive value-added tax system suppresses technology-intensive industries and promotes labour-intensive industries .

  24. 发达国家经济加快向高科技和资本、技术密集型产业升级,产业簇群越来越集中在高科技领域。

    The economy of developed country is accelerated to upgrade to Hi-Tech , capital-intensive industry , and industry clusters concentrates on the Hi-Tech field .

  25. 党的十六大提出我国走新型工业化道路,要正确处理发展资金技术密集型产业与发展劳动密集型产业的关系。

    Taking the new road of industrialization in our country should handle the relationship between the capital and technology intensive industry and labor intensive industry .

  26. 标准竞争的一个显著的特点是赢者通吃,在知识密集型产业、技术密集型产业尤为明显。

    The standard competition is characterized by a significant " winner takes all " . This character is more apparent in the knowledge-intensive industries and technology-intensive industries .

  27. 生物化工和精细化工等以间歇生产方式为主的技术密集型产业,在国民经济中占有重要地位。

    The biochemical , fine chemical industries and many other batch-based production processes are very technology-intensive , and thus play an important role in the national economy .

  28. 汽车产业是资金密集和技术密集型产业,对于一个资产十几亿元的民营企业来说,要想进入并有所发展显然是困难重重。

    Automobile industry is intensive of fund and technology . As for the private capital enterprise of billions , it is obviously difficult to enter and develop .

  29. 本文比较系统地讨论了技术密集型产业发展优势的来源和动态变化,以及产业政策在技术密集型产业发展优势形成中的作用。

    This paper studies the sources and dynamic changes of developmental advantage of technology-intensive industries and the roles of industrial policies in the formation of the developmental advantage .

  30. 技术密集型产业发展优势主要有三个来源,即由国家特征决定的比较优势、由产业内企业内生的竞争优势和介于国家和企业之间的部门支持体系。

    The critical origins behind the developmental advantage include comparative advantage decided by nation 's features , competitive advantage internal to firms and sector supporting systems between nation and firms .