
  1. 技术进步经济效益的评价方法及其分析

    Estimating method for economic effectiveness of technical progress and its analysis

  2. 一种测算企业技术进步经济效益的模型探讨

    A model of measuring enterprise technical progress ' economic effectiveness

  3. 邮电企业技术进步经济效益的计量

    The economical benefit measuring for the technical progress of post and telecommunication enterprises

  4. 依据马克思再生产理论,提出了一种新的直接测算企业技术进步经济效益的模型。

    Based on Marxism reproduction theory , a new model of measuring enterprise economic effec-tiveness of technical progress bas been studied .

  5. 技术进步经济效益评价&中国长城铝业公司水泥厂产出增长中技术进步作用的评价

    Appraisal of economic results of technological progress & Appraisal of role of technological progress in output growth of Cement Factory of

  6. 资本增量经营的根本目标是资本增值;具体目标是提高规模经济效益、技术进步经济效益和潜在经济效益。

    The basic goal of capital incremental operation is the value increase for capitals , and its concrete goal is to raise efficiency of scale of economy , and to raise potential economic efficiency .

  7. 航空工业技术进步的经济效益分析

    The economic effectiveness analysis of technological progress in aviation industry

  8. 烧结过程技术进步及经济效益分析

    Advance of technology in sinter producing and the analysis of economy results

  9. 推进纺织工业技术进步提高经济效益的研讨

    Investigation on Raising Economic Result by Adopt Advanced Techniques of Textile Industry

  10. 试论工业企业技术进步和经济效益

    A Probe of Industrial Enterprise Technical Progress and Economic Effectiveness

  11. 广船依靠技术进步提高经济效益的基本经验

    Basic experience with increasing economic benefit of depending on technical progress in Guangzhou Shipyard

  12. 企业的技术进步与经济效益定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis of Technological Progress and Economic Performance

  13. 实现了企业技术进步和经济效益逐年增长

    Have realized the enterprise 's goal of technical progress and profit increase year By year

  14. 本论文通过详细的实证数据分析、证明了发挥股票市场功能、促进经济增长主要是通过资本要素、企业制度、结构转换、技术进步、规模经济效益、财富效应等途径。

    The methods that stock market stimulates the economic growth are demonstrated as follow , capital factors , enterprise institution , structure conversion , technique promotion , scale effect , and fortune effect .

  15. 为了推动有杆抽油的技术进步,提高采油经济效益,国外研制成功了一系列新型有杆抽油泵,即,双管泵和多相泵等抽稠泵;

    For promoting technical advance of rod pumping and improving the production economic benefit , a series new rod pumping pump was successful improved in foreign country , two new pumping viscous oil pumps , i. e.

  16. 加强技术创新研究,对加快技术进步、提高社会经济效益具有重要现实意义。

    Strengthening technology innovation research will have practical meaning to quicken technology progress and improve social economy benefit .

  17. 各微车公司早已启用CAE技术进行分析及优化设计,在近年来取得明显的技术进步和经济效益的同时也暴露了设计经验不足,缺乏车身强度分析方法和评价指标的问题。

    Plant have used the CAE technology to analysis and optimized the body design , we got a lot improvement and economy benefit , but at the same time exposed many problems , we lack of experience to analysis the body strength and assessment index .