
shù lǐ tǒnɡ jì xué
  • mathematical statistics
  1. 主要是应用概率与数理统计学知识建立风险评估模型,运用Matlab软件提供的工具进行动态仿真。

    The thesis mainly uses the method of probability and mathematical statistics establishes a risk evaluation model , and uses matlab software tools for dynamic simulation .

  2. 本文在撰写过程中,借助GIS软件、社会科学软件、计量学、数理统计学手段及生态城市理论、系统工程理论、环境科学等理论进行研究,从而得出呼和浩特生态城市建设现状及发展趋势。

    Furthermore , the author used the methods of GIS software , social scientific software , metrology , mathematical statistics and theory of ecotype city , systems engineering and environment scientific to conclude Hohhot 's developing situation and biological degree .

  3. 应用数理统计学的有关内容对CCD输出信号中的随机噪声进行了相关分析。

    Random noise in CCD 's output response is analyzed using mathematical statistical method .

  4. 本文运用数理统计学原理分析了南通市一级导线网(B区)单位权中误差偏大的原因;

    This paper analysis the reason why the middle error of unit wei - ght in first class traverse of Nan Tong City ( B area ) is bigger with the principle of mathematic statistics ;

  5. 最后,本文应用数理统计学中的主成分分析法,运用SPSS软件,对影响中国养老保险基金缺口的各种因素进行统计分析。

    At last , this thesis applies principal component analysis method of statistics and the SPSS software to analyze the factors which influence the IPD and the pension fund gap .

  6. 计算机辅助诊断(CAD)是计算机科学、数理统计学与医学相结合的产物,其优势是能综合多项指标建立数学诊断模型,在疾病诊断方面有良好应用前景。

    Computer-aided diagnosis ( CAD ) is a combination of computer science , mathematics and medicine , with the advantages of integrating multiple factors to create mathematical models for diagnosis , which is a promising approach for clinical diagnosis .

  7. 本文采用社会经济统计学和数理统计学相结合的方法,对美国科学情报研究所出版的《科学引文索引》(简称《SCI》)收录的期刊进行综合评价。

    Adopting Social Economic Statistics and Mathematical Statistics , this paper gives a comprehensive evaluation of journals collected in Science Citation Index ( SCI ), published by Institute of Scientific Information , USA.

  8. 在研究属性不确定性的基础上,分析了GIS中的主要处理方法及其研究进展,具体地就基于GIS的模型、概率论及数理统计学、模糊集合、云理论、粗集等方法及进展进行讨论。

    Fuzzy sets , rough sets and cloud theory based soft computing . These theories and methods for describing attribute uncertainties in GIS data are reviewed and analyzed . Furthermore , the future developments of the research in these areas are also briefly summarized .

  9. 列举了大量由气相色谱仪分析的5R、6R、7R人工煤气数据,并运用数理统计学原理,对这些实测数据进行了分析。

    The paper lists lots of testing data , which were obtained by the Gas Chromatograph , and uses statistic theory to analyze those data .

  10. 根据外汇汇率数据的特点,尤其是数据之间的依赖关系这一重要特性,并结合汇率预测要求快且准的原则,以数理统计学为基础,采用时间序列分析中的ARMA方法。

    According to the characteristic of the foreign exchange rate data , especially the reliance relation between the data , combining the exchange rate prediction requirement and based on the mathematical statistics the ARMA method in the time series analysis is adopted .

  11. 以NOAA/AVHRRCCT为遥感信息源,结合野外调查与观测,运用数理统计学方法建立了东北平原西部低地草甸的遥感估产模型。

    On the basis of field observation and processing the information from NOAA / AVHRR CCT , the model of remote sensing estimating yield for lowland meadow in the western part of Northeast Plain is established by means of statistical methods in this research .

  12. 通过对中药复方TF-103提取物抗球虫活性的测定和建立相关的指纹图谱,利用数理统计学手段研究中药复方化学指纹图谱中所含信息与药效之间的关系。

    To establish the HPLC-fingerprint and test the anticoccidial activity for TF-103 execration of Chinese traditional compound medicine , relationship between the information in chemical-fingerprint and the anticoccidial activity was explored by the statistics .

  13. 回归分析是数理统计学的重要内容之一。

    Regression analysis is one of the important contents in mathematical statistics .

  14. 数理统计学方法对于水产资源学的发展发挥了极其重要的推动作用。

    Fishery statistical methods are important to fishery resources research .

  15. 中国于清朝末年开始接受西方统计思想,民国时期引进了以英美国家倡导的数理统计学为主统计学理论。

    China begun to accept the western statistical thoughts from the Qing dynasty .

  16. 数理统计学源流及应用

    Origin and Application of Mathematics Science Statistics

  17. 运用数理统计学的相关理论对指标体系的有效性和可靠性进行了验证。

    Third , verify the validity and reliability of the index system through mathematical statistics theory .

  18. 应用数理统计学方法,首次确定了上述两个产卵场的水体理化项目本底值;

    And their background values were put forward by applying statistic methods at the first time .

  19. 它是数理统计学的主要

    It is the main mathematical statistics

  20. 研究以文献学方法为主,结合数理统计学和口述史学方法。

    Philology is the main method in the research , together with mathematical statistics and dictation history .

  21. 数理统计学是一门既有坚实的理论基础,又有广泛应用价值的数学学科。

    Mathematical statistics is a science which has both a solid theoretical foundation and a wide applications .

  22. 社会主义改革时期,数理统计学被重新并入统计学的范畴。

    With the reform and open up , the category of statistics begun to include mathematical statistics .

  23. 从采矿学与地质学研究中发展起来的地统计学是应用数理统计学的一个分支。

    Geostatistics , a branch of applied statistics , is developed from the mining industry and geology .

  24. 多元统计分析是数理统计学30多年来迅速发展起来的一个分支。

    Multivariate statistical analysis is a branch of mathematical statistics , which has been rapidly developed for30 years .

  25. 期望估计理论论证了数理统计学中的点估计仅仅是期望估计域的一项边缘估计。

    Expectation estimate theory demonstrates that point estimate is a boundary estimate of the domain of expection estimate .

  26. 针对电荷泵效率优化的重要性,本文提出了一种基于数理统计学的高效、快速、准确的电荷泵效率优化方法。

    Owing to this , this paper presents an efficient , fast and accurate charge pump efficiency optimization methodology based on statistics .

  27. 质量控制工作涉及到大量的质量数据,运用数理统计学的知识把这些数据进行整理、归纳就可以得到我们所关心的质量信息。

    The useful quality information can be gained by using of statistics , because the quality control deals with large quantity of data .

  28. 本文依据数理统计学中缺项顺序统计量理论,对特大值难定量的频率计算问题提出估计参数的新方法。

    This thesis , based on the theory of truncated order statistics , proposes a method to estimate the parameters for the problem .

  29. 本文从数理统计学原理出发,分析了测井最优化解释方法的数学模型(即非相关函数)的建立问题。

    Based on principle of mathematical statistics , mathematics model ( i.e. uncoherentfunction ) for well-logging optimized interpretation is analysed in this paper .

  30. 方法采用数理统计学的分析方法,求出了10年平均增长率,并对1996&2000年经费上涨趋势进行了预测分析与讨论。

    And the average growth rate was worked out the growth tendency of expenditure from 1996-2000 was also . forecasted analysed and discussed here .