
  • 网络scientific model;science model
  1. 隐喻与科学模型

    The Metaphor and the Scientific Model

  2. 从而,科学模型不仅能够被认为是认知的重要工具,甚至还能够被用作科学家如何研究的信息来源。

    So scientific model is regard as not only the tool of recognition but also the important resource of the scientific research .

  3. J·齐曼的后学院科学模型是描述现实科学社会形象的新范式。

    John Ziman 's model of post-academic science is a new paradigm to describe the social image of real science .

  4. 石油安全的若干管理科学模型及其应用研究

    Some Management Models on Oil Security and Its Application

  5. 同样,科学模型这种理想化的结构,代表的科学也是从特定或有限的角度进行的理解。

    Similarly , the science which scientific model represented is understood from a specific or limited perspective .

  6. 科学模型分析显示,这种幅度的升温将带来不可逆转的灾难性气候变化。

    A rise of that magnitude would entail catastrophic and irreversible climate changes , according to scientific modelling .

  7. 尝试用建立科学模型来探索一套大学生素质教育中行之有效的方法。

    Try to use establishment scientific model come to explore the effective method in a set of education for all-around development of college student .

  8. 我们将看到,后学院科学模型是在新情况下对默顿学院科学模型的合理修正。

    It will be see that the model of post-academic science is a reasonable amendment to the Mertonian model of academic science in the new condition .

  9. 依赖模型的现实主义不仅适用于科学模型,还适用于我们所有人为了解释并理解日常世界而创造的有意识和下意识的心理模型。

    Model-dependent realism applies not only to scientific models but also to the conscious and subconscious mental models we all create in order to interpret and understand the everyday world .

  10. 最后,论文以一个国际工程案例直观的阐述这些解决方案、科学模型在国际工程投标报价中的具体应用。

    Finally , taking a real international project as example , the paper intuitively illustrates these solutions and the specific application of the scientific model in bidding quotation for international projects .

  11. 重新启动可能需要在计划关机之后,计划外机器故障之后,或者在使用不同时间步骤粒度重放科学模型事件时。

    Restarting may be needed after a planned shutdown , after an unplanned machine failure , or in order to replay a model event of scientific interest with a different time step granularity .

  12. 为此,他从自然主义立场出发,以多元论、跨学科的视角试图建立一个新的科学模型,向公众揭示一个真实的科学形象。

    At the end , his departure from the natural stance , trying to establish a new scientific model in pluralism , interdisciplinary perspective , revealed to the public a real scientific image .

  13. 比如,科学家会不时因相信从培根到库恩、玻普这些哲学家所提出的过分简化的科学模型而受到桎梏。

    For instance , now and then scientists are hampered by believing one of the over-simplified models of science that have been proposed by philosophers from Francis Bacon to Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper .

  14. 另外,通过对隐喻与模型之间的关系作探讨,笔者发现:隐喻在建构科学模型中起着十分重要的作用,尤其是当模型用于表示尚未认识的对象时。

    In addition , in the discussion of the relationship between metaphors and models , the author finds that metaphors play a pivotal role in constructing scientific models , specifically those representing the unknown things .

  15. 本文的主要贡献在于,借鉴系统哲学家拉兹洛构建的认知系统信息流程科学模型,并将其用于分析我国群体性突发事件管理中的信息沟通管理。

    The main contribution of this paper is the reference to the information flow system model created by Laszlo , and using it in the analysis of the communication mechanism of mass emergencies in our country .

  16. 教师通过各种教学模型诱导学生相关心智模型发生改变,使其建立与科学模型相一致的心智模型,从而促进他们对化学知识及物质世界的理解。

    Teachers induced the change of students ' mental models by a variety of teaching models to make it consistent with the scientific models , thereby contributing to their understanding of the chemical knowledge and the material world .

  17. 单摆是最古老的科学模型之一,伽利略最早利用心率对单摆周期进行过研究。

    The pendulum is one of the most antiquated scientific models . By using his own heart rate as a clock , Galileo found that for a given pendulum the time or period of a swing was independent .

  18. 因此,可以利用符合我国社会主义市场经济规律且已为我国其他部门投资实践活动所成功应用的科学模型,即投入产出模型(投入产出分析),来进行农业系统的经济分析。

    So the law which accord with our socialist market economy and the scientific model which is applied by other invest practice may be applied , that is to analyze the economy of agricultural system by invest and output model .

  19. 研究目的:构建适用于土地需求量预测的科学模型,对区域土地需求量进行预测,从而为区域土地利用规划的编制提供决策支持。

    The research purpose of the paper is that construct a scientific forecasting model that suitable for the forecasting of land-demand quantity , and make an actual analysis of Qinzhou city , supplying several policy-decision support for regional land-use overall planning .

  20. 长期以来,心理学一直以线性的科学模型作为理论基础,追求一种简单明了的因果关系,并以此来说明人类行为的确定性规律并预测行为的变化和发展。

    For a long time , psychology has taken the model of linear science as its theoretical foundation , aiming to establish a simple causation relationship with which to explicate the determinate discipline of human behaviors and to forecast its changing and development .

  21. 由于城市居民每天有70%~90%的时间在室内度过,因此,必须对室内外空气质量间的关系进行全面研究,以便为室内空气品质的预测和控制提供实用的科学模型。

    Because most of the people spend 70 % ~ 90 % of their time indoors in cities , the relationship between indoor and outdoor air quality should be investigated comprehensively , and practical models should be obtained for IAQ predicting and controlling .

  22. 而由于1978年印度出口禁令造成了恒河猴获得的限制,于是研究者已经转向接近于恒河猴的物种作为活的科学模型,其中包括食蟹猴。

    Due to the export ban of India in 1978 , the availability of rhesus macaques is restricted . More and more researchers have been using other species which is genetically close to rhesus macaques as a live animal model , such as cynomolgus macaques ( macaca fascicularis ) .

  23. Popper科学进化模型类似的广义通信模型,推导出了广义Kullback公式和广义互信息公式。新公式体现了:信息来自预测。

    Popper 's model of evolution of science , deduces a generalized Kullback equation and a generalized cross-information equation .

  24. HRCS有着科学的模型作为支撑,是对操作风险预控这一目标的有益探索性研究,并能辅助管理人员工作,提高操作可靠性。

    HRCS has a scientific model as the internal support which is all for the goal of " operational risk pre-control " and we hope it could help managers improve operational reliability .

  25. 经济增长、劳动就业与人力资本理论的再研究&科学增长模型中的劳动力与经济增长关系

    The Research about Economical Growth , Employment and Manpower Capital Theory

  26. 建立科学分析模型、挖掘深层次的情报;

    Establishing scientific analysis mode , digging the deep level information ;

  27. 神经科学的模型分析是替代动物和人体实验的有效途径。

    Substituting model analysis for animal and human body is an effective way .

  28. 当代的大科学观模型与大科学管理体制的构想

    Contemporary model of the big-science view & vision on the big-science manage system

  29. 建筑工程量的科学计算模型

    Mathematical Model of Architectural Engineering Quantity Scientific Computing

  30. 新农村的科学分析模型、建设途径与制度机制

    The Model of Scientific Analysis , Construction Path and System Mechanism in New Countryside