
kē yán rén yuán
  • scientific research personnel;research scientist
  1. 通过分析SCI的评价功能、选刊原则和期刊收录情况,为海洋与水产学科的科研人员提供向SCI源期刊投稿的指引。

    Through analysis of the evaluation function , principle of selecting periodicals and situation of periodical acceptance , the paper has provided a guide to the SCI for scientific research personnel in the Oceanography and Aquatic sciences .

  2. 本平台还可以与其它嵌入式系统配合实现多CPU协同处理工作,其丰富的外设方便了人机交互,极大的增加了使用者开发的乐趣,可以很好地满足高等院校、科研人员的需求。

    The platform also with other embedded system for more co-operation with the CPU to work , its rich peripheral facilitate the man-machine interaction , a great increase in the development of fun and good to meet the university and scientific research personnel needs .

  3. 持续存在的失业威胁困扰着数千名大学科研人员。

    A constant threat of unemployment hangs over thousands of university researchers

  4. 很难为国民医疗保健系统的实验室招募到资历合适的高级科研人员。

    There are problems in recruiting suitably qualified scientific officers for NHS laboratories

  5. 他们缺少能够进一步研发这一技术装置的科研人员。

    They lacked the scientific personnel to develop the technical apparatus much further .

  6. 伦敦帝国理工学院的科研人员认为他们可能已经找到了解决办法。

    The boffins of Imperial College in London think they may have found a solution .

  7. 它要求科研人员敢于冒险、勇于经历失败。

    It requires one to take risks and experience failures .

  8. 但是双标记水很昂贵,所以该研究通过29个国家科研人员的通力协作才收集到6400人的信息。

    But doubly labelled water is incredibly expensive , so it took researchers working together across 29 countries to gather data on 6400 people .

  9. 科研人员将对其在野外的健康状况、遗传信息、生存能力等进行持续实时监测和研究。

    Researchers will continue monitoring and studying the tiger 's health status and genetic information , as well as its chances of survival in the wild , the administration said .

  10. 我国航天科研人员已经在火星上的“乌托邦平原”南部选定了一块相对平坦的区域作为着陆点。

    Chinese space engineers and scientists have chosen a relatively flat region in the southern part of the Utopia Planitia , a large plain , as the potential landing zone .

  11. 这个现象引导科研人员进行了进一步的实验,以明确其在DNA修复中的作用原理。

    This led them to the functional experiments that established its role in DNA repair .

  12. 随着嵌入式Internet技术和电力线通信技术的发展,越来越多的科研人员将家电网络化研究重点转移到应用日益广泛的嵌入式系统和电力线上网上来。

    With development of embedded Internet and Power Line Communication technology , the focus of LA networking is more and more transferred to it .

  13. 根据日前消息,中科院科研人员成功研制出了我国首台空间3D打印机。

    Researchers with the Chinese Academy of Sciences ( CAS ) have successfully developed the country 's first space 3D printer .

  14. 近年来,针对碳钢脉冲TIG焊过程的控制问题,科研人员进行了广泛的研究,一些成果已成功应用于生产领域。

    Recently , extensive and thorough research is carried out on control of carbon steel pulsed GTAW .

  15. 本书籍指南为CFD领域学生、科研人员和在职(?)工程师提供了一个全面的书籍参考。

    The Books Guide is a comprehensive book reference for students , researchers and practicing engineers in the field of CFD .

  16. 荧光定量PCR技术已成为临床分子检测的重要手段之一,其以敏感性、特异性而被越来越多的科研人员所看好,荧光定量PCR仪的性能与检测结果的准确性密切相关。

    As an important method for clinical molecule inspection , fluorescence ration PCR has become preferable for more and more scientific researchers for its good sensitivity and distinctness .

  17. SARSCOV的基因组序列已经由包括中国科学家在内的全世界的科研人员测定完成。

    The complete genome of SARS CoV has been sequenced by international collaboration including China .

  18. 例如,中国到2007年把它的研发开支提高到了GDP的1.5%,而且占了发展中国家科研人员数量的一半以上(53%)。

    China , for example , increased its R & D spending to1.5 per cent of GDP by2007 , and accounts for over half ( 53 per cent ) of researchers in developing countries .

  19. 钞票的背面是科研人员在显微镜前研究DNA排列和心电图。背面的图案中还有一瓶胰岛素,旁别有医疗创新的字样。

    On the other side of the bill , there 's an image of a researcher at a microscope , a strand of DNA and an electrocardiogram . There 's also a bottle of insulin next to the words medical innovation .

  20. 美国哈佛大学医学院的JamesCunningham说:“这是一个由很可靠的科研人员进行的非常成功的研究”。

    " It is a well done study by highly reliable investigators ," says James Cunningham , of Harvard Medical School in the United States .

  21. 国内外科研人员针对各种纱线的残余扭矩做过大量的研究工作,但未发现有关Tencel纱线残余扭矩及扭转定形方面的报道。

    Many researchers in and abroad have studied the yarns ' residual torque , but seldom reports have been found on Tencel yarns .

  22. MaryAbukutsa-Onyango说,科学家本身在发展更多的顶级女科研人员方面具有关键的作用。

    The scientists themselves have a key role to play in developing more top female researchers , says Mary Abukutsa-Onyango .

  23. 超宽带(UWB)作为一种功耗低,传输速率高的新型通信方式,受到了科研人员的广泛关注。

    As a new communication way , Ultra-Wide Band ( UWB ) technology is attracting more and more attention in the research region , which has low power consumption and high data rates .

  24. 算法实现中采用了Matlab/C混合编程技术。Matlab以其优秀的数值计算和图形处理能力成为科研人员的重要工具,然而它在图像分割等大计算量任务上的应用受其计算速度制约。

    Algorithms using Matlab / C mixed programming technique , Matlab has become an important tool for researchers because of its easiness and graphics processing capability . However , calculation speed limits their application to large calculation such as image segmentation .

  25. 自从DEMETER项目在6年前开始,中国地震局的科研人员一直在帮助分析这些数据。

    Since the DEMETER mission began six years ago , CEA researchers have been helping to analyse the data .

  26. 为便于科研人员研究相应的磁共振图像局部增强等后处理算法及进行图像分析,提出一种基于Visualc++和Matlab的磁共振影像增强后处理研发平台。

    In this paper , an image post-processing system for magnetic resonance image ( MRI ) local enhancement based on hybrid programming between Visual C + + ( VC + + ) and Matlab is proposed for the convenience of post-processing algorithm and image analysis .

  27. 实验结果表明:RBF神经网络应用于科研人员项目申报的评价是可行的,并且在误差精度等方面更具优势,更适合在评价中的应用。

    The results indicate that the application of the RBF Neural Network in the evaluation of research projects declaration is practicable and has the advantage in the error accuracy , so it is more suitable for the evaluation system .

  28. 自从有关磷酸掺杂PBI质子交换膜的报道以来,聚苯并咪唑高分子材料越来越受到科研人员的关注。

    Since the PBI of proton exchange membrane on acid doped has been reported , polybenzimidazole polymer materials are more and more concerned by people .

  29. 今后,NSFC还将采取放宽女性申请青年科学基金年龄限制等切实措施,进一步加大对女性科研人员的支持力度,使女性科研人员在自然科学基础研究中发挥更大的作用。

    The National Natural Science Foundation of China ( NSFC ) is looking to develop such a policy , having said in2010 that women science researchers applying for funding should be prioritised .

  30. Matlab正好提供了一组应用程序接口,可以方便地对HDF文件进行读写等操作,并且其面向数组的计算方式给后续的数据处理与开发带来极大的方便,特别适合科研人员开发研究算法使用。

    Matlab provides a serious of APIs , which can be used in manipulation of HDF files , and it is convenient to deal with the data , especially for the scientific research staff , because of its calculating method by matrix .