
  • 网络branches of science
  1. 因此人们转向研究物理学以外的科学分支尤其是生物学。

    Hence the move to look at branches of science beyond physics and at biology in particular .

  2. 由廷德尔富有创见的著作发展出了一个崭新的科学分支。

    Tyndall 's inspired work spawned a whole new branch of science

  3. 土壤修复&新兴的土壤科学分支学科

    Soil remediation & a new branch discipline of Soil Science

  4. 地质和地球物理这两个地球科学分支的差别并不泾渭分明。

    The distinction between geophysical and geological branches of earth science is not clear-cut .

  5. 研究社会和社会中人与人之间相互关系的科学分支。

    The branch of science that studies society and the relationships of individual within a society .

  6. 他的另一个想法就是任何科学分支应在数学模型上取图样。

    His another thought was that any branch of science should be patterned on the model of mathematics .

  7. 80年代中期以来地震分形研究在中国兴起,并发展为一个十分活跃的科学分支。

    Study on seismic fractal has been developed in China since middle of eighties , and it becomes an active scientific branch .

  8. 而会计学作为社会科学分支,也是科学的一个分支,必然受到科学哲学的指导。

    The branch of science as a social accounting is a branch of science , must be the guiding philosophy of science .

  9. 还有,我们队伍囊括了,两个科学分支,因此可以更好地融入实际环境。

    Plus , we have two branches of scientists on our team , which we head across got to the practical context .

  10. 老年牙医学牙科学分支,专门研究老年人牙病和问题的诊断、预防和治疗。

    The branch of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis , prevention , and treatment of diseases and problems specific to the aged .

  11. 与每个科学分支一样,高分子科学与工程已经走完了它的初始阶段,并成为科学和技术的重要部分。

    As every branch of science , polymer science and engineering has gone through its infant stage and become an important part of science and technology .

  12. 一般拓扑学从19世纪由庞加莱开创为一个独立的科学分支至现在已经历了一百多年的发展历史。

    General topology has gone through over one hundred years'development since it was initiated to become a independent science branch by Poincare from the end of the 19th century to now .

  13. 老年牙医学牙科学分支,专门研究老年人牙病和问题的诊断、预防和治疗牙科医生用椅,装有牙科设备或其他牙科器具

    The branch of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis , prevention , and treatment of diseases and problems specific to the aged . dentists ' chair , incorporating dental equipment or other dental appliances

  14. 用于修饰或说明一科学分支中的概念,其中涉及到自由电子流的运动、发射和性能等,特别是在真空、气体或光电管和特定的导体或半导体中电子的运动。

    Pertaining to that branch of science dealing with the motion , emission , and behavior of currents of free electrons , especially in vacuum , gas , or phototubes and special conductors or semiconductors .

  15. 对学科概念的认识可分为教学科目说、创新活动说、知识门类说、科学分支说和双重形态说。

    Based on the study of people 's understanding , discipline is divided into theory of teaching subjects , theory of innovative activities , theory of knowledge categories , theory of scientific branches and theory of dual forms .

  16. 自从19世纪60年代第一台半导体激光器诞生开始,半导体相关技术发展非常迅速,逐步形成了半导体光电子学,集成光学,导波光学等一系列科学分支。

    Ever since the birth of the first semiconductor laser in 1980s , its related technology development is very fast . And gradually formed a series of scientific branches , such as semiconductor optoelectronics , integrated optics , guided wave optics and so on .

  17. 车辆与路面相互作用的动力学问题是一个新的科学分支,它主要研究车辆、道路以及它们之间的相互作用的动力学问题,是现阶段车辆工程和路面工程领域研究的薄弱环节。

    Vehicle-roads interaction dynamics is a new scientific branch . It mainly deals with three main parts : vehicle , road and dynamic problem of their interactions . Of the three parts , the study on the last one is still weak in vehicle engineering and road surface engineering fields .

  18. 学科是科学的分支,学科建设是科学发展进步内基础。

    Subjects are branches and basis of the development of science .

  19. 简述环境科学的分支学科&环境地球化学

    Introduction of subdiscipline of environmental sciences - environmental geochemistry

  20. 化学作为自然科学的分支,其产生和发展是以实验为基础的。

    As a branch of natural science , chemistry is based on the experiment .

  21. 混沌理论是非线性科学的分支,被应用于不同的工程领域。

    Chaos theory is a nonlinear branch of science , which is applied to different engineering field .

  22. 本文就湖泊及流域科学及其分支学科的发展进行了回顾,并对学科的发展趋势进行了分析与讨论。

    This paper reviewed the development history and discussed the future tendency of limnology and watershed sciences .

  23. 很显然,许多应用科学的分支是纯理论和实验工作的延伸。

    It is evident that many branches of applied science are practical extensions of purely theoretical or experimental work .

  24. 运用这一理论,能解释地球科学许多分支学科所研究的不同尺度的构造现象。

    The tectonic phenomena of different scale studied in many subdisciplines of geoscience may be interpreted by applying this theory .

  25. 社会学可以这样定义,它是一个科学的分支,研究社会组织的发展过程及其规律。

    Sociology can be defined as one branch of science , which study the development and principles of social organization .

  26. 它与表面不平度相结合的研究已成为一个重要的交叉科学研究分支。

    The research , which confined with surface roughness and fractal theory , has already become an important research branch in crossing science .

  27. 从这个角度切入,我认为它,并不像只是政治科学的分支,而更像是整个学科的基石。

    In this respect it seems to me much less like just a branch of political science than the foundation of the entire discipline .

  28. 项目管理逐步发展成为管理科学的分支学科,现已日趋成熟、完善,并表现出强大的生命力。

    The project management develops into branch discipline of management science gradually , already mature , perfect day by day now , demonstrate the strong vitality .

  29. 虽然在物理学和数学科学各分支研究中,对称性研究发展的相当不错,但是对称性研究仍然是一个很有活力的研究领域。

    Although the symmetry theory is developed quite well in the each branches of Physics and Mathematics , it is still a very vivid and active research field .

  30. 消费研究不仅受到经济学、管理学等传统研究领域的高度重视,而且也引起了其他人文、社会科学各分支的兴趣,社会学也不例外。

    Consumption is not only the subject matter of economics and management , but also causes the interests of other humanities and sociology sciences , and sociology is no exception .